March 8th 2013 Muse

She wan't part of my life such a short time ago.. and she is reason enough to grow old I think.

She wasn’t part of my life such a short time ago.. and she is reason enough to grow old I think.


I went to see The Hobbit yesterday. Forced to leave my comfort zone, ( a hobbit’s hole)? I enter the city..’South Center Mall’, the place now a Double Decker, and all so different! The Hobbit? Glad I went.When the titles rolled.. it was the cast of thousands, how amazing such a work ever comes together! It makes me wonder how far fewer people in Washington DC can’t manage far less complex work…?

JRR Tolkien, a man who saw so much in real life… Do we now re-live his prime years?

And then a simple meal in the food court, who’d have thought I’d find decent Chinese food at Panda Express? The Bejing Beef was excellent, and then my wife reminded me.. “you must open that fortune cookie even if you don’t eat it”. Inside I read. “Expect good advice from a child”.

After I got home.. skype sounded, and it was Grandson Zach 3 years old. Sometimes it takes a bit to decode those cryptic bits of advice.

And today.. I open my eyes another year older, and having lived through a mountain of solicitations! If you don’t know already.. “the entire planet is informed when you will turn 65 years old, and if your 8th cousin sells Insurance, you’ll hear from him too. And of course, your old medical plan might send you a birthday card….. “Good bye, so long, we were so glad to get to know you.”

But this morning, I savor that second cup of coffee… and ask.. how is it… as of this very day…. I’ve been married for 38 years to the same woman? Of all the things I’ve done wrong, I did marry right. And just now, the sun breaks through the clouds, it wasn’t my day till it was given.. it’s another gift, and I know it!


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8 Responses to March 8th 2013 Muse

  1. Bill knighton says:

    Tolkien’s political wisdom is not widely known and should be appreciated.

    “My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs) — or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy. I would arrest anybody who uses the word State (in any sense other than the inanimate realm of England and its inhabitants, a thing that has neither power, rights nor mind); and after a chance of recantation, execute them if they remain obstinate!… Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people… The most improper job of any man, even saints, is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.” — J.R.R. Tolkien

  2. Jerry Bartlett says:

    >>And today.. I open my eyes another year older…… who’d have thought I’d find decent Chinese food at Panda Express…

    —- A Northern New York Chinese Buffet message:
    “Happy Birthday Dear Hmmm, Hmmm…… Happy Birthday to you!”

  3. Brian Young says:

    A very Happy Birthday to you George, and many more!

    • George B. says:

      Thanks Brian,

      It’s all so amazing.. the more we learn.. the less sure we are about what we do. My hardest Birthday was 30, I had grown old before I knew, and I noticed crow’s feet in the corners of a woman’s eye as young as 33. I was already on the down hill side, and I noticed my cat like reflexes were not as keen as years before.. I had thought they were mine to keep. There’s a sub group in the DIYer group who have no idea how they lived through those years, but… we did!

  4. Brian W says:

    Happy birthday George, old and wise wizard on the side of good. I think you should grow a long white beard like Gandalf.

    • George B. says:

      Thanks for the birthday wishes.. But unlike Gandalf.. I’m wondering how it took so long to know so little 🙂

      All the best back to you Bhagwan

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