A New Job Oppurtunity? 1/11/2013 Musings

Of course you know, this post is for the sake of discussion, no one should ever break the law.. But it may be wise to anticipate what people will do, I am sure that the conversation I attempt to start here is happening on countless blog pages elsewhere.

Are you looking for a part time job? Maybe you want to start a Jobs Program? You’ve studied some of the Government’s efforts to make them and found them near insane. You’re looking for something more lucid, more rewarding , more purposeful, something that might benefit humanity according to your measure?

At present there’s a group in Seattle trading $100 Amazon gift certificates for guns, no no, this is not some responsible, organized effort where they do a back ground check of members (sellers and buyers) like the gun shows with a members only buy and sell policy.   Apparently this group doesn’t care if they are buying from criminals, maybe even those who murder people to rob them? No Questions asked?  

We do understand THEY make the game. Just like a good ‘Fence’? Is Amazon part of this? Is that why they use the Amazon gift card?

No doubt these gun buys will continue.  Is there a legal way of providing the homeless some badly needed cash? Sell components that could be used to make zip guns? And what is a zip gun? Criminals will be asking that very question.

Zip Guns are likely as old as a brass cartridge, maybe older. Made of a metal tube, normally smooth inside.  Setting up business is easy, order 20 foot lengths of pipe with proper ID, and appropriately thick wall tubing. Use your $59.95 Harbor freight cut off saw to cut to length.  Use a piece of wood for a handle, a hand full of rubber bands to power the crude hammer with a fixed firing pin made from scraps of metal, the same saw will shape it as you need. The firing pin? drill a hole with a cordless drill,  A piece of drill rod shaped and cut off with that $59 composite saw. I figure $4 a piece to make the gun, that’s $96 profit!

So, you want to make a better product than this? Maybe you’ve seen those  dirt cheap CNC routers? Can you imagine how nice a job you can do in metal alloys and wood? wood stocks, even completed alloy frames, buy aluminium cans from the homeless, melt them down, pour metal frames, use a home made thermal printer to make gun grips. Design a cheap gun to be turned in for high profit?  Remember, you aren’t making these to use.. you’re making them to be destroyed. You could be providing a valuable service, employing the homeless, and making people feel very good about themselves and their efforts. 

You won’t do this, because it’s likely illegal or immoral.. but others don’t really care about the Laws of our land.. those in our own Government, people on the street may be among them.



Posted in Critical Thinking, In The News, UtterPower Articles | Tagged , | 7 Comments

El Paso Electric, Servers Down?

Not a single KWH thru the Meter in eight days?

Not a single KWH thru the Meter in eight days?

The best place ever to watch the different solar tech and what power the make.. and now off the air?? Seems the other plants are showing zero too..






Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, Fighting Propaganda, In The News | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Question of the Day: Is it OK to use a multigrade oil in a Lister 6/1?


Mali Project, Matt on left Visits Sebastian's Project, Seb on right

Mali Project, Matt on left Visits Sebastian’s Project, Seb on right













Subject: listeroid oil weight

Question from Robert B.

Is there any reason I can not use 5w30 oil in the winter for easier starting? I have been sick lately and just can’t hand crank it like I used to.

This mail is sent via contact form on UtterPower.com https://www.utterpower.com

Do read the comments before you form your opinion and choose the best answer.  Remember… I’m always the student, and always subject to needing another lesson, so do consider the other opinions here.   

George’s Answer:

No doubt you’ll get different answers depending on who you ask, but here’s a dose of reality for some…My little camping Coleman generator is hard to start with anything but 0-30 multigrades in it when it’s really cold!  So if you can’t start it what good is it?

The Listers can be a bear to start when it’s cold, as well…  a glow plug helps, but with the drag of a gen head, and other loads, it can be hard cranking when it ‘s cold.  I think 5Wxx or even 0Wxx multi grades can be an  option to get you thru cold weather but there are things I’d note before doing so, most multi grades I see are detergents, and this means you will suspend stuff in the oil to carry it to the filter.. many of us don’t have conventional filters, and ferrous material can be trapped in the detergent and run thru those all-important softer metals in bushings. With this understanding, I run neo magnets in my sump, and if I have lots of them, I put lots of them in there.  If the magnet traps it, it doesn’t run through the bushings.

Another thing to think about, the EPA doesn’t care how much equipment you ruin, and this older equipment can benefit from the oils that were blended for use in older stuff. I’d consider looking for additives that have a tad bit of zinc or other proven anti wear agents  to help protect the most important thing in your engine.. the crank pin, no doubt, other parts will benefit as well.

To re-cap….several things I think necessary in an old splash system Lister clone.. fit magnets in the sump, some people even fit a screen with coarse cloth fiber material under it, all at the bottom of the deep sumps (if you have one) any particles in the oil will eventually drop out between runs, and get trapped. Do note that not all clones have deep sumps..  

Always check the top bushing on your crank pin at regular intervals, look for contamination and pitting, change the shell if you see trouble.. remember the bottom shell can look perfect when the top shell is well destroyed or contaminated. Ferrous metal embedded in the soft bushing materials WILL eventually cut into your crank pin. Change the bush if you see a potential problem. With most things, inspections and engine performance are good guides as to your need to change methods or oil. 

Now you have my opinion..  I like the multi grades as they can make a  cold weather start possible.  A multi grade non detergent would be nice.. do they make such an animal?

As with all things, planning ahead is best, make your decision as to what you’ll use  for that coldest of weather, and have it on hand. 



Posted in DIYer Generator, Engines, Slow Speed Engines, Small Diesels | Tagged , | 14 Comments

DIYers ,E15 may ruin your day.

Yes, Yes, we can now count on our elected representatives in Government to do the popular thing not the prudent thing. 

E15 Trust us, it's good for you :-)

E15 Trust us, it’s good for you 🙂



E15 will likely show up at some pump station you visit all too soon.  We need note that the powers that be made sure the diesel nozzle can’t be used to fill your gasoline car, but they plan to do nothing to prevent you from using  the 15 percent blend that >WILL< void your warranty according to  Manufacturer of Autos. How could this happen in a country determined to look after your every need and make decisions on your behalf?  

E10 (the 10% Blend of Ethanol in gasoline) has pushed a number of engines into early failures by forcing the engines to run leaner, this damage IS followed by much higher emissions in some cases, and valve and/or seat damage causes unburned fuel and lubricants to leave the engine in the form of much higher emissions.

E10 also reduces your mileage about 5%, as the Ethanol contains about half the BTUs by Volume than gasoline.  The engines you should be most concerned about are flat head designs manufactured before ethanol blended fuels were in use, and the many engines that expressly forbid you to use the Ethanol blends. Among these are Industrial engines like the Kohlers that may run forever if you keep E10 and higher out of them.

E10 causes a lot of problems in areas where there’s a higher moisture content in the air and the fuel tank is vented where it can breath with the daily temperature cycle, do not think that this stuff is stable fuel! E15 will be a far worse problem, and expect even poorer mileage over E10. There are other problems too numerous to list in certain autos, some manufacturers got plastic formulations more correct and there’s less problems IF you dirve your car frequently and keep fresh fuel in the car, and have a gas cap that seals correctly. A missing or ill fitting gas cap could cost you expensive repair with this fuel.  

We have arrived at a point where we can rely on our Elected officials to do the popular thing, not the prudent thing. There’s billions to be made in subsidies, and political support to be gained by extending the game to those who will reward them with political support, and this has nothing to do with what side of the aisle they sit, pay no attention to what they say.. but to their deeds.  

One thing you should never expect to see is any studies conducted by the EPA to measure the emissions created by engines damaged by fuels they were not designed to run. It’s simply a fact that cars have left the production line tuned in a way to meet EPA emissions, but running so lean and hot that engine parts could not tolerate the temperatures and failed short term causing more emissions than if they were tuned according to the Manufacturer’s spec.

I wonder about our legal system? It seems to me that E15 might bring about opportunities for law suites. Fuel vendors have protected us when it comes to pumping diesel into our gasoline powered cars with the use of different sized nozzles, what precedence might this set? And should all drivers including the ones who don’t speak english know better than to pump this stuff into their 2012 or older car that is NOT designed for it?  

Should they have an extra button on the pump that forces your wife or 16 year old child to push it in acknowledgement that this fuel may void >your< warranty if it’s pumped into  the tank? How many languages should the pump give the warning in? 

One thing you can rest assured of.. this fuel will produce less mileage per volume than Gasoline, you will travel less distance per gallon on the stuff, and you will pay more for food, as you will be tendering the cost of the subsidies and the much higher food prices.

Beyond the understanding of most Gang Greenies is just how much electrical energy is used to melt a car body and make ready the metal to be sent over seas to make a replacement for it. The energy used to make a new car is  likely more than that small solar installation you last  saw on the roof of a house  will make in 30 years. 

None of this is good for you, but it certainly is good for politicians who make the irrational game in subsidies and gain political support for their re-election in doing so.

Cars are an expense for most of us, they are a necessary tool, people who are concerned about the environment  attempt to keep them and maintain them in order to get a better return on investment expressed as cost per mile.  E15 assures we will burn more gallons of the stuff to cover those same miles.  You need not allow those who will tell you different, as it’s all about the fuel and the fact that Ethanol is a poorer fuel as per energy density. You need burn about twice as many gallons of ethanol fuel to cover the same distance as un-molested gasoline would take you.

Another thing you can  be assured of ‘Gang Greenies’ will never be curious about how much energy is used to make Ethanol, just how many gallons of diesel fuel did it take to run the plow and other ground prep to grow the Corn? The tons of fertilizer that is said to poison  the ground water.  The energy used to pump water,  the harvesting equipment, the processing, the billions of BTUs used to maintain ideal fermentation temperatures, and of course the energy intensive distillation process. Then of course we have all the trucks on the road to haul the stuff, and all the blending errors done all over the country you never hear about!  Yes, there have been cases where it was supposed to be blended as E10, but it was found to be much higher and this begs us to ask, when they are blending E15, just how high might they choose to blend it? The more they blend in, the more they can take out of your back pocket in subsidies, and of course if you make use of their blending errors, there’s a high chance you will destroy that old treasure you have, it might be a welder made better than anything you can buy today, or and old industrial pump you rely on to kep your home dry in the worst of the rainy season. If you damage this equipment, what will it cost you? If you are forced to burn E10, do look into adjusting the fuel air mixture to assure Exhaust gas temps are not too high for the design., and drain the float bowl and fuel system when your done running the stuff.    

One thing you suspect.. … no one would be making this stuff  without subsidies, because it is all an irrational game to play, at least it is based on corn, and using land normally used to produce food.

There’s another thing Gang Greenies ignore, there were over a million children that starved last year. Corn subsidies raise the price of food, and help place food out of reach as per its price for many in the third world.  Gang Greenies will rightfully morn along with all of us for the children who lost their lives at the hands of mad men last year.  But if you talk to them in private about the million or so who starved,  they might tell you that we have far too many people on the planet, and their deaths are good for the planet.

And for those who are fuel savvy, don’t we all wonder why it is we still sell fuel by volume VS weight? And why is it the Grocery store has the cost per Oz or such, and the energy store doesn’t give a cost per BTU value? Shouldn’t we be made aware how much we’re paying for the energy we buy?  

Many people trust snopes.. so here’s a link to what they say..


Find your own source, but do the smart thing and ignore your Government on this one.  And what the Gang Greenies say,  it’s the same old game.. follow the money leaving your back pocket…  know the truth.    


Nope, I don’t claim to have the answers, but I do think this is mostly a game played by those who attempt to stay in power by granting favors in the form of subsidies.  But more important, what do your think? Consider commenting here.


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Utterpower’s most important post? I think so…

I defriended a younger person today, he’s Vietnamese,  young and has no need to study the rights given to him by his new country. He’s sure he understands it all. Had Cain not had the rock, his brother would be alive today! Asians cherish education, they are at the top of the class as per averages, so why is it the majority of them here vote for the free and easy road?  Sure, there’s comments here, so you can tell me where I’ve gone wrong.

There’s a film worth watching..

S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine

you can so readily find it, even on net-flix.

Cambodia, a country full of intelligent, educated, kind, compassionate people. Many are still in shock, how did it happen all so quickly? And how are those left behind dealing with so much blood on their hands? Who is it that thinks they are stronger? Smarter, Wiser? Many on our shores, if not most will be lucky to measure up to these people.  

It was not that long ago, my wife witnessed an accident on our infamous Kent Kangley. A Cambodian Man, meek and humble was side swiped by a woman, and it was clearly her fault. The Cambodian man trembling with fear.. the woman yelling at him, and accusing him of hitting her! She was spitting venom, and angered my wife. She stepped in and told her to back off! the Man looked at my wife with fear in his eyes. and in broken english he asked “I hit her?” My wife replied “NO NO! she is a crazy woman, she hit you!” 

My wife knew this man could not defend himself, and she worked to gain his trust, and explain that she had seen it all, and was his witness. She wrote a note with our phone number,  his car good to drive. but likely a total due to the amount of damage.

Several hours later, a woman called, it was the man’s wife. Her english so much better, and the story that this man was in a prison camp in Cambodia and unwilling to even raise his voice outside his own house, a man changed forever.

So many experts I have known told me so many things would never happen, and so many have during the past 15 years. In  years past Kings had ways of cleansing us of the cocksure, they simply beheaded the fools who were so sure and found to be so wrong.

Our Framers knew of the problem, and gave us the right to bear Arms..  

Cambodia. A country so full of Thoughtful people, and still it all happened, but we are different, today, we can choose to defend ourselves. but will that be true tomorrow?

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, it’s worth every minute of your time to read her articles.  







Posted in Critical Thinking | Tagged | 24 Comments

Today’s Musings, 12/28/12 an important note?

As we attempt to plan our futures, we need stick our finger in the air!

“In order to be in control of your life, you have to have a purpose—a productive purpose… A central purpose serves to integrate all the other concerns of a man’s life. It establishes the hierarchy, the relative importance, of his values, it saves him from pointless inner conflicts, it permits him to enjoy life on a wide scale and to carry that enjoyment into any area open to his mind…”

This said by Ayn Rand? Of course, we know it as wisdom from the ages, as good minds seem to do little more than relay the durable messages from our past. But, we all have friends that tell us it’s all different now, a new age!

As we ponder the message, we think of all those people in Washington DC, what useful purpose do they serve?

And now today’s muse….

When you are in the middle of planning, it’s best to have a map, and at least know where you are.

A revolution we’ve gone through? No NO! We may not have found the middle yet! So how does a person or company plan? 

Perhaps we review some of the mistakes, individuals who invested every dime in sure things, and lost it all.  Or maybe a Telco that bought a 25 million dollar switch to find out they didn’t need it?  Or, how about the company that bought a large room of new servers later finding out that they were not certified secure by the Government and could never be used for the intended application.  But is it a larger note that those who made the purchase didn’t put a word in the contract that the product would meet all criteria for the intended  Telco use? I have the questions, you need provide the answer..   

I wrote of the Telco’s attempting to plan, and many of them owned their own houses (central offices) , they were built in the past, when rules were different, when their customers had no where else to go, when they were assured to receive a portion of cream from the lucrative long distance pot.

Their houses are full of holes, their income predicted to drop each month, their meetings each month about doing more with less?  Can you imagine how these people might day dream about a government job? How they imagine using the printing press to fund any need, to climb any mountain, to shout tally ho, and march onward… Don Quixote Del A Mancha!  Patty Murray, has she ever known a power bill too large?  And if she did, was it something for the Government (tax Payers) to pay?

How were those buildings designed? As with most… a pile of assumptions were made.  Just how insanely different are things today, and when is it time to pull up stakes and leave the game? You now ponder what Telco was, and who really owned it? At the heart of many pension funds were utility stocks. did they hold them too long, are they on their way to being insolvent now?  

Some will say..many of the best players left the game long ago, it’s new people attempting to make a go of it now, and do they have a clue that the ground still quakes beneath their feet?

The question becomes, will you consider where you live, the cost of energy to survive, your tax load today, and what it could be tomorrow? So many variables.. one is age.. If you are 65, you need play this game for fewer years than a 35 year old man…

But you too can side step all these questions, you can join in selling the Hojo! As I ponder what Rand wrote.. “we must have a purpose, a productive purpose.” And how does that message ring when we think of 500 plus people on the hill?

I wonder… how is it that a one percenter (DIYer) spends even a moment attempting to persuade another to see the world through his eyes? Forget it, and move on with your own work..



Posted in Building Design, Buyer Beware, DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy, Uncategorized | Tagged | Leave a comment

Jeri Ellesworth explores Ferrite, it was at the heart of thinking machines.

To muse, to study the past.. Jeri Muses, and her muses cause mine, why not visit a Muse-um?

Yes, you know my style, there’s time to share the story, but not to do the other 90%, to proof it well, and to put it all in order.. Has man EVER seen such a change? Read on.. I want your answer.. some of the first large ess machines were in operation in the Bell System in the 1960s, but there are some references going back to the late 1940s, maybe little more than lab experiments?    

No doubt, you’ll enjoy Jeri’s overview, and how cool this stuff was and how it was put to use.  Western Electric and Bell Labs explored the properties of ferrite, and used a lot of it in some of their thinking machines. and even those buildings full of relay logic blur the line of what ‘thinking is’. Those who study thinking machines of the past will make note of the Telecommunications ‘Switches’.  Some are confused by the term Electronic Switch, and perhaps if you attempt to study them, it’s helpful to know that the first step was to take the existing fabric of a switch (mechanical relays) and run it all with a stored program. Some reference this as an Electronic Stored Program Switch, or an Analog ESS switch.  

As the cost of solid state devices plunged, Equipment Manufacturers developed the DIGITAL switch where the fabric (switching matrix) was TDM (Time Division Multiplexed).   

If you’re ever in Seattle, there’s a great place to drop in and see the ultimate pin ball machines man has ever created, and more. It might not be a surprise that many who worked Telecommunications were also Hams, and some had FCC licenses in order to maintain Radio equipment that was part of the local telephone network. So here on display one finds radio equipment too!   

Telco Museum 


By day I worked in this old and antiquated equipment as a job, and at night I studied Micro Computers as a hobby in the beginning of a world-changing event, and still most men have no clue how big the change is, or whether it’s good or bad, or how close to the middle of it we are!

Check out that Aluminum memory card used in the early ESS machines, scroll down   

It was a very interesting time to be alive when integrated circuits came pouring out the doors of companies, and catalogs,,, some as thick as the phone book, and they were free, and full detailed information about these chips and the excellent application notes included. A complete tutorial!  

Cross Bar switchers used a ton  or more of latching reed relays to make up a memory store. Numbers were stored in a two out of five format, (0,1,2,4,7) and stored in those reed packs called a register. Expensive and bulky.   

For me things started looking quite insane, and it happened so quickly. What looked like insanity all around could fill pages in an attempt to capture a small part of what I thought I saw.. ..  but I’ll give a few examples. There was a hard drive designed for 1AESS that was somewhat of a logistics nightmare to replace, It was about the size of an old steel office desk, but not so deep and far heavier, the disk, the size of a pizza? Fixed heads, and only 102,000 words of storage on each side of the platter, and one side was mirror image of the other but at 180 degrees, so the machine didn’t have to wait as long to start reading if it needed to.

This machine even had its own air compressor. And the control section needed to ‘fly’ the heads once the machine was alive and other things inside were measured and reported hopefully as ‘all seems well’.

At this time, the normal way to replace this piece of equipment was to replace it with a rebuilt and tested unit at a cost of $6000 plus labor and more to remove and replace it.. stuff that had to be done off hours to reduce impact of a work error, and the failure of the online unit. But these units were expensive to ship as they could only experience so many Gs, and there were G indicators on the outside of the crate! If they were tripped, you didn’t accept the disk replacement.

As I watched one of these machines being pulled, and the techs struggling to man handle it down a stairway, I reached into my pocket to fetch the latest dynamic memory chip, 2102s were common when I first built a memory board, but was that four or five chips outdated already?  the 4116. It wasn’t that long ago when engineers were arguing that dynamic memory was not the right stuff for important jobs, and now, I see this memory at the heart of other thinking machines doing most critical work. Just a small hand full of these chips does all that large disk does, and many times faster!

This piece of equipment tested the rules. I will long remember a female tech who made known “that she was hired for her brain, not her brawn.” And she would have no part of moving that old thing, or even heavy boxes for that matter. And of course, these were all CWA techs, and woman took the jobs knowing the work and the tasks as they were defined. But this old piece, far heavier than 40 pounds. Of course, for the moment, I reflect on Jeri, I can only imagine how she would have done it well single handed… some way she would have done it.. levitation? maybe 🙂  

My whole day time world was so obsolete by every measure!  And yes, you know what I was thinking, why wasn’t it me that took those chips and made a replacement for that pile of antiquated junk Burroughs made so long ago? And why wasn’t it Western Electric who made the simple replacement?  I thought of it, but RED Tape was part of it, and so much more.

There was that day when I read about the little tiny box that emulated that old disk.. The cost was exactly the price of repairing a disk, and they all headed to the scrap pile on the first sign of a fault. The replacements never failed.. ever. But it’s possible the company that waded through all the red tape to provide these emulators may not have made a dime, as the community that owned these machines was quite small, and all that red tape costs money to plow through. It’s not as if they were making hula hoops.  

No matter how desperately Telco wanted it, there were teams of lawyers who parsed the law as to how it would be made and who would make it.

There was also an early day when I was loading what we called camera hoods.  Inside each hood, a well made 35MM camera with controls back to a master timer. The hood fit over a group of registers that measured events in the switching office. In those days, we would receive a package in the mail, a routine with rolls of film, and we’d change out the film in the cameras and send them of too be processed, then our people could take the register data and enter it into manual spread sheets, and provide the reports to the Rate Comission.

Of course.. you thought of it! And there it was, a nifty little computer that took all that data and recorded it to memory! Poof! All that work changing that film gone overnight! A 300 baud modem reported all the data. But what about all the people reading the data, and doing the computations on paper? Gone too.

But that was just the beginning of the insanity as I saw it. The whole network was built on madness according to this slice of time I was trapped in..  and what would happen tomorrow?   These reports were used to justify how many circuits we had between central offices, and a Tech’s life was filled helping to meet the demands of the local Rate Comission.

The circuits between central offices called trunks, and this data groomed up from mechanical registers, into reports,  they in turn generated orders called Trunk Facility Orders. And in the Mail we received these orders to disconnect trunks as well as to add them. As you can imagine, call volumes between communities are not constants, so in our work, we might find orders to add two, followed by remove three, followed by add three, followed by remove two circuits. This was the analog world, full of make busy work?

But the madness was systemic! Those packs you removed? Where were they to be stored? In the circuit pack pool of course! But the State of Washington has an inventory tax, and if you had the packs in a office bay, you got paid for them being there, if they were in the circuit pack pool, you needed to count them, and turn over to the State a significant amount of money based on the value of the circuit pack. In this new world, there were single circuit packs that cost upwards of $30.000.00. That figure is old money, not the inflated crap you have in your bank account now. The importance of where that pack was became a big issue, and it even impacted how many might be on hand to repair and maintain equipment.   

What to do? Well of course, you put your circuit pack in a state that doesn’t have an inventory tax, and you ship and receive out of there.. And prior to the end of the year, you load what you can on a truck, and park it across the state line IF your company serves more than one state. Is this what we did? No no.. It’s only my musings but it could have all been going on while most were minding base ball stats, and looking for a a $3 cup of coffee.  

And soon, that glass fiber and  virtual circuits would force the whole communications system to turn upside down!  similar to a piece of ferrite driven to change it’s state?

In the old world, just what part of the workforce was it that counted the beans? And what part of the day was spent doing necessary things?  And who would be needed when a large building was condensed to the size of a guard house?     

We had performance reports to manually compute each month, and we accomplished this work by taking data off mechanical registers that recorded call volumes and types of failures, we had a bogie to make, and it was all figured on paper. When pocket calculators came out, I remember just how much faster it was to complete these reports. But yes, I had an early basic interpreter running at home, and I did make a spread sheet for the #5XBAR office monthly index, I did it because it was a fun way to learn.  

And that day.. as we Techs sat in a break room and talked about the future.. The day when the only telco employee would be a watch dog that kept people from going into the building and blocking the dancing light beams. 

Watching an industry move from buying equipment that was bolted to the floor and expected to be there for 30 years, to buying stuff that I personally saw pulled and tossed out the door in 18 months!

Telco workers of the past KNEW when new equipment went in, a guy could work till his retirement on that same equipment. How it all changed. Yes, had you turned this world upside down, it wouldn’t have generated any more chaos. What to do,and how to do it? And the MFJ. beware, if that free call to time of day still worked, the FEDs could have your head. There was a long list of things not to do.

Among the most insane times were companies attempting to reorganize in a way that made the most sense, but the ground underneath out feet had not stopped moving, what was made today was obsolete when it was shipped.

Managers given impossible jobs to organize people to take care of customer’s needs, and their needs changed by the hour 🙂 Some of us discuss the plans that seemed so logical to a few, … plans developed by the best and brightest minds.

A team of customer reps, centralized in a center in the midwest. It seemed like a good idea for the moment, but customers screamed. We spend a lot of money with you, and we expect to see our representative face to face. How’d they get it so wrong the customer asked?

The old old way was to have every detail worked out for a piece of equipment or process, there was the money and time to do it. But how does one do that for equipment that you change out more often that the flourescent lighting overhead?

As I rewind it all and attempt to replay it, our leaders knew how it would all play out.. they called it the ‘gathering storm’.

The Telecom storm was the leading edge, the canary in the room?

Today we see a similar things going on in other sectors.  People animated, their arms waving, their lips flapping, and some of them actually think they can stop the ground from moving beneath their feet.

As I look back on the Telecommunications revolution, I note we are still in the middle of it! But it causes me to know that we are in the middle of another revolution as well..  and I note that those who attempt to lead us care most about keeping their jobs.. or perhaps, the change is so big it’s all they can focus on? I think of my own Senator Murray. elected by those who seek the easy road, those who care most about a secure future, and where do you think she will lead us?

So we might ask.. what will I do with my day? What is the purpose of your life? The phone company of the past was full of efficiency and logic compared to the GREEN world of today.. and you can bet your last dollar, that those who make the rules today have no idea how much of the public treasury they squander!  There’s one fact you need know.. YOU have a far better picture of what goes on than our leaders, as they only turn to voters to know where they set the course for all mankind 🙂

You know best, not because you are a God, but because you know that they aren’t!

A closing example? that person who reports to the Governor, the one who collects that inventory tax, can you not imagine how they should be able to close their eyes, and see a fleet of planes , trucks, vans, taxis, and even motorcycle express delivery all employed in the name of avoiding Inventory tax? And right down the hall, another person doing the ‘chicken little’, “we need quit burning all these hydrocarbons, and we need an army to police the change!”

I say hanging might be too good for them, but fat Lisa… she gets fatter every day.



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On This Christmas Day

 Harry Anderson's Mossy Driveway

I reflect on a Christmas when I was five.  As I have written, it was a different time, and no doubt most of us Kids would have been swept up in a bin and given to Child Protective Services to care for if we were caught roaming ‘free range’ today as we did then. 

We had freedom to go into a patch of trees, to visit Miller’s Pond, catch frogs, we even ventured over the edge of a ravine into Mill canyon, and there we found 8 inch trout, (or smaller) that we attempted to catch.  Most kids could ride a bike at four, and under the Christmas tree was a new Bike that year for me.  I was plenty excited, but sick with the mumps, many of my friends were.

I remember sitting on the couch in Pajamas, fat cheeks, and holding a glass of SEVEN-UP, I remember so clearly the ICE, and the bubbles and how soothing it was on a soar throat.  A kid remembers getting a new SCHWINN bike, especially if he’s feeling too sick to ride it. But on that night, I lay in bed and imagined all the places I’d visit on that bike. And in those days we could!

So many things have changed, and by my measure most kids today have more toys on their fourth birthday than we’ll have all our lives. It’s all so true unless we DIYers count our tools and hobby projects, the things we bought to learn about, the stuff we had to have.

But I refect on the day, and think there’s really only two groups of people on earth.. Those who have all the answers, and those who know there is a greater power than ourselves. And this second group… they know there’s only so much men can know.

It’s a day to thank God, and our wives for all the things we have… our wives… so many of their friends would have left a DIYer for a man content to sit in a chair at the fireside and discuss their day, or go shopping with them and hold all their packages, and of course most important, to bring only unsoiled clothes to the laundry bin.

We are rich beyond the imagination of most men on earth!

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Wednesday Morning Musings 12/19/12


Today we examine the God like wisdom of the Godless, and the best of parenting advice from those who have never been parents.  Of course we sprinkle in other random observations all in the name of our persuit of ‘critical thinking’.

A crisis brings out the best and the worst in people, and it often reveals how quickly they can rule and how little thought it takes for so many. How they focus on the easy fix, often a fix where they need do nothing personally other than find fault with freedom loving people.

As I watch it all, I see a few threads started by a few people I truly admire in the Paragliding Community. Why comment on that community?  I’ve watched their leaders in action. How they deal with other people, how deeply they care about their friends and  families, how much they love their children.  How they react to challenges and stress.

  Many of these people are comitted to mastering things far from the couch and potato chip bowl.  Some will run up a mountian side and soar with friends both feathered and unfeathered before others their age discover they are no longer fit to follow them through the first stair case of a three mile long climb!  And to think some old Paragliders do it with forty pounds or more of gear on their backs.  Their old school mates wease and attempt to catch their breath with the trailhead still in site, and only a water bottle in their hand.     

At 64 years old, I only wonder how they became so good at what they do? How did they become so people wise so early in life?  I guess you’d need watch what I’ve seen.   To wait a week or a month to form a well thought out opinion?  The words echo through my head today as I recall one who didn’t make it back home. How did the PG community handle that rare event? Quite well by my measure…  

The Paragliding Community hangs by threads. Much of what they do is on property controlled by public opinion. I don’t rule out the possibility that a few protests could take away their access to key properties which might gravely injure their sport. The community is made up of all sorts of souls, and what they have in common is the dream and reality of flight. The desire to fly and know the air as well as birds of prey.  To experience life at it’s best they say, and I believe.

But here again, we are faced with the reality that intelligent men are not always thoughtful men. Critical thinking is truly an art form, and so little time is devoted to teaching it. It’s an important role of parents, to think things through, and teach their children the same.

Some I  know have the opinion that Paragliders are stupid people, stupid and selfish.  If they had an IQ higher than Tepid water, they’d stay on the sidewalk. They have no right to be in the air! Now that we are all in the same pool for healthcare, what do these fools do to run up my premium they ask? What taxes do I pay only to support fools like them, and what about the other dangerous sports people have no business doing?  Why is it they can land in the same place where a Christmas Tree is banned?

While hanging by a thread…., a few are quick to condemn other Men’s sport as too risky? Too dangerous?  We’ll  fix it all so quickly they say.. just ban it all, and people can’t do it..

I guess the one post that sent me into a tail spin was made by a Scotsmen.  I feel I can take liberties with the Scots and what they do and say since my family came from the Isles, but their  blood mixed in with a lot of blood spilled here…. prior to, during the American Revolution, and after. 

My family has been here a long time, and we’ve long since noted that the Scots couldn’t seem to grow a decent potato back home, how is it they have the wisdom of God today?

ON Facebook steps forward this Flying Scotsmen, he’s a new arrival.. here for the good wages, a life apparently better than what he had back in Scotland? His advice given so freely on a facebook page is to ban it all together same as they did in Scotland. It’s all so easy really.. you just make it illegal!

Of course, my American blood runs deep. I still have my 22 rifle given to me on my 12th birthday. I’ve had it for 52 years, I had a pellet gun before it, and a BB gun at eight years old. Most of us did, and nothing happened! Yes, there was that summer when Butch’s Dad backed over his baby sister and killed her dead, tragic in deed but the Scots kept on drinking!   

But as I think this Scotman’s plan through, I remember how Scotland returned a murdering man to his homeland. Yes he killed how many souls? scattered their twisted,  burned, and bloodied bodies across the Scotish landscape. They (the Scots) tried him, convicted  him,  gave him the best of care, meals served every day, and room service too. Likely far better health care than the average Scot or American can afford.., and then, they sent him home to a hero’s welcome. The banners flew, and those who might follow in his foot steps might say… “see it wasn’t so bad while he was off in Scotland with room service, how many of his countrymen begged at back doors for their next meal?”  Oh, and now steps forward other Scots to say.. “that Sir was none of our doing! We didn’t approve of what our Government did!”  And we sit here and ask.. well, what did your learn, and what other power will you give them over you? 

Ohh, those Scots, how brilliant they are, and how many of them want to turn our land into the one >WE< left?

But in other threads, I see those who had no time for parenting, they filled their lives in pursuit of personal goals, enlightenment, to know the wisdom of the Gods and what tomorrow holds. Another post  I study  from an East Coast Jewish American,… a personal account, and one I loathed in particular.. “An encounter with a knife weilding robber, and how he knows he would have been dead had his assailant found a gun on his person! He goes on to say, you are only delusional if you don’t agree…. his single account. His personal experience is all we need consider to set the course of man!  

But here’s the fact, these people are cocksure, they are often Godless people who think they are  Gods themselves.  The conversation about the Swiss, and their gun laden society, why is it their children have machine guns in their homes, and nothing happens? I say it is because they are superior people with superior genes!…. or wait a minute… maybe they just have expectations of their youth? Maybe they care enough to raise them, and know what they do?

And women, they are programed by nature to protect their young. When they are young themselves; they will do so at any cost. No doubt they will deliver their children into a life of bondage in exchange for the false promise of security. It is written over and over through the ages. But many women educate themselves by reading what history teaches and they take into account what slavers do.  Other young women fill their day sprinkling on fairy dust, and drinking $4 Coffee with peppermint mocha and bits of candy added. No doubt these same women could never make it far from the trail head, so what’s the harm in banning what they will never challenge themselves to do?    

On another facebook page, one of my favorite engineers writes of his youth, and the good expectations of parents and adults in his community. All one need do is show a lack of respect for a teacher or any adult and there was a heavy price to pay when he was young. They had rifles in gun racks in the school parking lot, and nothing happened.  

He went on to witness what he knows about boys through 35 years of being a Scout Master, and the boys who called him later in life to say.. “you were really the only person in my life who demaned I be a better man, the only one who demanded respect and a true effort  from me”. 

As my fellow American Ileana Johnson Paugh writes of the brutal treament of people in her homeland, and those taken off their land by their Goverment, shot through the head and tossed in a ditch.  Their land given to more pliable, and deserving people. She knows what we have, and what so many are willing to give away all in the name of false security.

Among those who lead the charge to ban guns and more are Ameican Jews. Their parents kissed our ground when they arrived. Their children point out that anyone who looks back on history and thinks it can all happen again is only a fool! You need give the government the power and authority it needs to make all things right, and to govern over you.

I think it is important for Jewish Fathers and Grandfathers to write that letter to their Sons and Grandsons now, so they can read it later.  It might read..

For your own safety, I deliver you into the hands of those who will care for your every need.  I choose to turn you over to those in Government who know even better than I. I voted today to make this new land more like the land of which our family fled,  so many ashes left behind.   

In closing I say… Tomorrow, let’s pick on Germans, Italians.  

And for me? What do I know? I know that the opposite of skeptical is gullible, and how many hate the skeptic, he is the only thing that lies between them and Utopia itself! It’s all so simple they say, we only need get rid of those who stand between us and the free and easy path..

And.. for you my fellow free range chickens.. let’s all atempt NOT to be part of the broth!



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