A Great Scam from Down Under


It’s one thing to sell snake oil, but when your own Government promotes it?

Well, that happens here often..  but this story comes from Australia, and it’s a good one  Thanks for sharing Keef!


Do remember, if an additive extends your mileage, it’s gotta have some BTUs in it..

Remember Slick 50? I know people who still swear by it. Active ingredient.. PTFE, and the maker of same was sued for claiming it did nothing good as an engine addative 🙂



Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, Inspirational People, Strange Stuff | Leave a comment

Dr. Ileana Johnson

Dr. Ileana Johnson

Are you tired of the quote I share from Henery David Thoreau yet?    “He who is only a Traveler learns things at second hand and by the halves, and is poor authority.”

As we sit by and watch about half of all Americans go gullible for Green Energy Swindles, we might ask if this is anything new? I say no, it’s just the same old game played in a different pond.

If you haven’t read any of  Dr. Johnson’s writings, I suggest you do, She knows what our future holds unless we change our course.  She, her Family, her Friends, and her Countrymen have seen it all play out in the past.  You see, She’s no traveler, she’s not just passing thru, she’s spent a lot of time at the pond’s edge, and in the woods; same as Thoreau did.  She’s a careful observer, she knows what the sky looks like when thunder clouds form, and what it brings.  

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, ( Romanian Conservative) ( Romanian Conservative) is a freelance writer (Canada Free Press, Romanian Conservative, usactionnews.com), author, radio commentator (Silvio Canto Jr. Blogtalk Radio, Butler on Business WAFS 1190, and Republic Broadcasting Network), and speaker. Her book, “Echoes of Communism, is available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Short essays describe health care, education, poverty, religion, social engineering, and confiscation of property. A second book, “Liberty on Life Support,” is also available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Her commentaries reflect American Exceptionalism, the economy, immigration, and education.Visit her website, ileanajohnson.com.

Here’s a few links to get you started.  Thanks Doctor Johnson for all you do to share your

critical message..




And PODcasts!






A recent message from Ileana, and news of a book you can get at Amazon.


If you go to ileanajohnson.com, click on Canada Free Press archives link, there is over a year’s worth of articles, many on energy and UN Agenda 21. My blog had a gap because I was only posting at Canada Free Press, writing books, and being on radio at least two hours a week. I just recently started to post on my blog again. Check out my new book, Liberty on Life Support, at Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle. Third book coming out soon on UN Agenda 21.


Ileana might  the best reason to  buy a kindle..


Posted in Critical Thinking, Earth & Energy, Fighting Propaganda, Insane Grants, Inspirational People, Recommended Gadgets & Tools, Things I like | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Amonix Files for Bankruptcy

Update 7/24/12 0612 PST, there has been no confirmation of this filing, I can’t imagine if it had been done it would take this long to post. My apologies for jumping the gun on this one.. reliable reports in the past, doesn’t mean they’ll get current and future stuff right I guess. 

Update 02/2013


Reliable sources  said that troubled Amonix did file for bankruptcy, I think this happened on Thursday, July 19th or prior, but I have not seen it in the news yet.

Our Place of Worship


 Here’s a snippet I found posted on a solar site I read. The Author signs as Sam, and it’s obvious to me he has a very good understanding of AE history and the players, here’s the snippet:

“The commercial viability of technologies coming out of VC startups cannot be evaluated independent of the (often corrosive) impact of the VCs themselves. The specific goal of VCs is to go IPO and exit, not to build a stable company. These two goals do not necessarily overlap. In the case of Amonix, there is plenty of evidence from previous blogs of the usual high-flying executive nonsense (lack of expertise, lack of focus on quality, over-spend, over-promise/under-deliver, etc.) that wrecks startup after startup. A quick look at the Amonix Wikipedia entry shows that the executives in charge of Amonix were from Sunworks Solar, a failed KP-backed developer. Not a good omen.” 

The question of the day? Does anyone in the DOE have this level of understanding? Are they overwhelmed by the command to shovel out Federal Reserve Notes at the rate expected by this Administration, and finding they have no time to evaluate whether the company has a viable product? 

Do keep watching those Amonix 7700s in the field, the story will only get worse, and as the equipment continues to degrade at an alarming rate, we might ask.. just how did everyone involved remain so silent as junk was shoveled out the door of Flextronics?   

Is there a reason to record the key players names on the Amonix tombstone, or should we allow them to slip away in silence, and join other boondoggles? Perhaps, we can round them up, and export them to countries we are less fond of.. allow them to squander the resources of our enemies? A new secret weapon?       














There are rumors that the company has been cutting expenses everywhere, and this includes downsizing corporate offices. One person reported that Amonix is now run out of a quaint little garden shed behind a guest house in Burbank, CA, I was unable to confirm that, but share the picture sent to me.

Amonix is a larger story than Solyndra in several ways, as documented here on the pages of Utterpower and elsewhere, the DOE (NREL) appears to have partnered with Amonix on key components, it’s been somewhat of a joint venture according to some of the claims I see on the Amonix site, and the NREL site. We find pages on the DOE (NREL) website where it is mentioned that one of the people working for the NREL did leave to join Amonix.

The story yet to be told, it what this partnership produced? What’s in that field at Alamosa, Hatch, and don’t forget what Spain bought, just how is that plant working, are the power plants viable? Will they provide their owners any return on investment? will humanity gain a thing from it?


Imagine.. every one of us knows at least one person who believes being skeptical is a bad thing, and that we need to trust Government to do the right thing.. I have no problem with them as long as they don’t vote.   

And, perhaps a new word for the Utterpower Lexicon? Is DOE becoming a word equivalent to Duh? 




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The Value of the Amonix failure

Epic Failure

Here’s your opportunity! 

 It’s all what I think.. and thinking seems to be all too rare now days..

 It’s still very early in the discovery process, and there is no doubt that there are certain people who will want this story to end as quickly as possible. I do think the more recent story out of Nevada has some gems in it, the article is careful to cover the political implications, and there’s a few quotes from Harry Reid who attempts to make the point that the funding of Amonix, and the two Companies that bought their unproven  7700- eight generation trackers  ‘NextEra, and Congentrix’ was a bi-partisan decision.  I think it’s Harry’s hope that people don’t dig too deep into Amonix, but with hundreds of acres of expensive and worthless equipment in the field, how will that be ignored? 

Webpages are out there still, the NREL promoting Amonix, and if your research comes to the same conclusions as mine, you’ll know that Amonix NEVER had a viable product EVER! As I’ve said elsewhere, the evidence is in the field, and what you will see next, is the hundreds of acres of this equipment will never be cost effectively rehabilitated.

The Department of Energy didn’t just hand Amonix millions, they also funded other companies to buy the totally unproven and untested Amonix 7700 CPV trackers. Fact is, there never was a proven Eight generation 7700 tracker.

Here’s some valuable learning…

LUX research

On the positive side, Eckstein sees concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) specialist Amonix as a leading contender to pursue an IPO within the next year, along with the CdTe module producer Abound Solar.
Top contender
“Amonix is a top contender,” says Eckstein. “Successful project developments in the coming year could open the door for an IPO, [while] Abound is swiftly following in the footsteps of First Solar.”

What I think we need ask.. is how did Eckstein get it so wrong?  And who are the fools that will listen to LUX Research Next? There’s more gems in the article below. But, what we might take away from all this is the largest question… Where are the people who ask good questions? who verifies these claims?

That old saying.. you need put 80% of your efforts into marketing and the promotion of your product and 20% into the product itself..  I’d say that’s going to prove fairly accurate in the case of Amonix.  


What we find on the internet is pages and pages of praise, awards, photo opportunities, praise from the President of the United States and other Politicians.

Do as much research as you like, you’ll be hard pressed to find even one person who asks a good question or expresses interest in verifying any of the information presented on the Amonix WEBsite that seems void of any real technical information.

And a certain Engineer with a Doctorates that gives a presentation on Amonix’s efforts to provide a 25 year life in the field.. Go to hatch, and you’ll find proof that this stuff wasn’t designed well enough to make it a year in the field without damage. Look at the theory of wind protection, give it to a high school science class and see if they don’t shoot the whole concept full of holes!

Fact is.. we are lead to believe that NextEra and Congentrix bought millions upon Millions of dollars of this stuff….. or really?  Are we to believe that these two companies are just as inept as the Department of Energy? Not a single person within their companies smart enough to research and find out that there really was no proper field test of the Amonix 7700 eight generation of tracker? Maybe their risk was made so low that they didn’t have reason to care?

It’s all a little strange that both of these companies have been absolutely silent regarding the many problems they’ve found in the field. It was reported to me by a reliable person that NextEra literally locked out Amonix and their contractors from the Hatch Power Plant once they understood that Amonix wasn’t able to fix the problems. I think the root of the problem was Amonix didn’t have the money to do so, but what you will likely learn in the next year is no one has enough money to fix what’s wrong with these two power plants.

As I may have said elsewhere, there is the possibility of setting the trackers in a fixed position, and using them as mounts for a more reliable and trouble free Solar PV technology. This may be a opportunity for another company, and it should be fairly well understood by now that you don’t need much of a plan to get money from the Department of Energy. Maybe you just call them up, drop by with a good sketch on the back of a napkin, and ask for a $15 million grant to produce a more detailed study?

Do a few google searches, an example is key words ‘Amonix IPO’.  read a few and ask yourself. Were these folks this wrong, or were they well paid for writing the article?

I will always cherish that email I got from Jon Ralston.. “you sir… are a real piece of work!”,  you make a lot of assumptions!

I’d like to counter that.. the entire media as I see it are a real ‘piece of lazy’, if the story isn’t handed to them, they won’t do it. The Las Vegas Sun? Go to their Website  and type in Amonix.. ask yourself.. how can the World’s largest CPV power plants that will cover hundreds of acres be shipped out of Las Vegas and not be worthy of a follow-up story? If you can’t count on them to do that, what good are they? Perhaps, it’s the sale ads that folks in Nevada find value in? Maybe the Sun needed permission to follow this story and didn’t get it? 

As I say, there’s so much to learn from Amonix, and that’s why I’ve put the effort into it. As Kermit the Frog once said “It’s good to be green.”

There is another company I’ve been following, their product is totally worthless, a grade school kid could do the basic calcs and tell you that the device is barely capable of running a light bulb! This company is run by another Harvard grad with a business degree.

He’s put all his effort into marketing, he has enough investors to build piles of junk that look fairly impressive.  With absolutely no need to prove the value of his product as of this date, he’s been able to hire more people, and he now claims the Department of Energy is interested in his company!

We could easily correct a lot of this waste and abuse if only we had a few reporters out there that didn’t have butts shaped just like the seat of their office chair. If only they had the critical thinking skills to ask… “so it seems you are claiming about 1000 times more energy out of your machine than you put in?”  God knows the DOE doesn’t make time for that level of analysis BEFORE they hand out Promise Notes and assign them to you to repay..

Do watch Martha again… now we ask.. did she have a reason to be so nervous giving Her TED talk?  No, this is not a stupid woman.. but likely caught up in all of this in the pursuit of a paycheck..



OK, 80% of a post is in the editing.. I have yet to do that, but wanted this up ASAP..

Have a great day, and do thank that idiot you know that votes for anything green. I do love solar PV by the way… and I am angry that the Department of Energy has done so much to totally destroy it’s reputation.  As I said elsewhere, I’m glad Spain doesn’t have a big Army, when they figure out they bought a pig in a poke on the DOE’s recommendation, they’re going to be really pissed off.. you do know they too bought a big field full of junk..

Can I say this too much?  El Paso Electric has the blue print for what should be a requirement. Richard Turner who heads up their Alternative Energy Investments has lead the way in setting up access to the power meters that lay between the Solar PV power plants, and El Paso Electric Customers. Any interested party can compare how these plants perform, and you will note just how sickly the Hatch power plant has performed. Thank you Richard Turner and the department of talented people you lead.  I do hope other power companies will see the wisdom of following the Example EPE sets.. WE need note that we are NOT the only people ‘forced’ to make green investments, the power companies are too.

When we are ‘forced’ to invest, shouldn’t there be some penality for those who forced us to make an unsound investment? One that was never really researched? Best we can do is forget all about their party, just vote them out, it’s the only tool we really have..      


Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, Earth & Energy, Fighting Propaganda, In The News, Insane Grants, Strange Stuff, Things I Hate! | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

The Amonix Scam

Epic Failure

Epic Failure








Hey, we got a new story in the news today, but before I share the link… Let’s put it all up front, here’s what I predict:

  • Amonix never did have a viable 7700 8th generation product, the power plant in Spain will prove to be Junk that will never pay for itself… ever!  
  • The  Hatch power plant is junk, and it will never be rehabilitated
  • The Alamosa power plant is junk, and it will never be rehabilitated.
  • Congentrix released a report to the media that all the tests were complete, and the Alamosa power plant was on line and meeting congentrix’s expectations, just what does that mean? My guess… someone in government encouraged them to lie.
  • And NextEra, just imagine, they’ve been watching a failing power plant for months, but it’s far worse than what many think.  The plant was bad to begin with, but grows worse every day. It’s not that there’s a few things wrong, it’s that many things are wrong, and even the wind protection scheme is a lie.  A bright eight grade kid interested in science could easily pick apart the whole concept of stowing the trackers, and returning  them to service. The plan does not embrace any kind of science, and it’s a fact that the Amonix 7700 and Hatch New Mexico should have never met. the damage is there in the field, all the evidence you need!
  • All that stuff on the NREL website? As I say, they stopped just short of hiring dancing girls to promote Amonix.. why is that, and shouldn’t they have at least verified the basics? And that performance from Martha, will you ever forget how nervous she was?

 After Months of covering this story in detail here at Utterpower, you should know that I had tipped off the Las Vegas Sun long ago, talked to reporter ‘Connor’, and even made the effort to share all this with Jon Ralston. 

 Here’s a little more of the story.. but it is soooo much worse than this.. do note how the article attempts to defuse the politics.. and how Harry Reid wants you to think that it was the death of the CEO that derailed Amonix.. ANYONE who is a tech knows the death of a CEO doesn’t turn the product into a pile of junk. The story was Amonix had a viable product long before this CEO got there.. Do note, there’s one commenter that visited the Amonix Head Quarters and got a sense that things were never quite right.. I think he’s on to something, and fact is.. there were a lot of employees drawing a paycheck form Amonix that felt the same way.. “just how in the hell is this all gonna work?” but hey.. it was a paycheck, and they held on to it till they were laid off..  The article is a bit of a shame. They attempt to sweep a bunch wrong under the rug. Maybe it’s what they do in Las Vegas?     


Here’s  second story..


Do keep your eye on the Ball.. the equipment is in the field! There’s no sleight of hand that will hide the truth, no pile of money large enough to turn a pile of junk into a viable product.

And.. those former Amonix employees, the ones who said all this stuff works so great.. like Guy Blanchard for instance.. where is he now, and what’s he up to?  Do watch him bob his head and say what a proven product Amonix is.. show me one Amonix site that will pay for itself. Can anyone afford the labor and parts  to keep the 7700s on line? I think not..    


It’s all part of the record.. the Amonix website is a GEM to study.. shallow, and void of much at all that would hold the attention of a Technician..  

And to think.. there were Clowns reporting that Amonix was ready to be the Next IPO! Best you go out and look who those clowns were and make sure you never listen to them again.. they’re likely whores for hire.. and speaking of whores, well.. no matter how bad this stuff is.. they seem to find work elsewhere.. just how many are working on new scams?

Oh… can’t you see the stories that will come out of this! Harry says.. ‘too bad the CEO died, that’s what did it…

The Tech, he might say… “It’s really no ones fault really.. .. you see.. it was an automatic floor polisher at the plant that bumped into robot number three’s cpu control panel and changed the program.. In turn Number three programmed errors into the construction of every 7700 that left the plant, you know… shit happens sometimes and besides, it was only millions of the public’s money that we gambled with. Some of those comments are gems, but people will think what they want to beleive I guess.. In the end.. this is more proof that Government has zero business picking the winners, they simply suck at it! It’s time the politicians allow us to manage their investments..  


George B.

Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Critical Thinking, Earth & Energy, In The News, Insane Grants, Things I Hate!, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

She asks, “how is it that America has learned nothing from our mistakes?”

 A Friend I’ve never Met

As I wrote in my last post, Thoreau gives us much to think about, and I’ll quote again what he said in a chapter titled ‘Higher Laws’ in Walden.. .  “He who is only a traveller learns things by second hand and by the halves, and is poor authority.”

There’s a blog site of interest to me, a woman who lived in Romania where EVERYTHING that has happened here happened there. The promise of equality, and end of allowing the stinking rich a free ride.

I do not worry about my Children, they were raised to know better… it’s the thought that my Grandchildren will never enjoy the freedoms I did. 

The blog site is http://romanianconservative.blogspot.com/

She’s seen all this before, and she mentions that much of President Obama’s speeches have been lifted directly from the rhetoric used in Romania. The taking over of private property, moving the land owners off their property and giving it to more loyal followers.

It all started there same as here, and as you read this,  Billions from the public treasury (your money) is being transferred to those more loyal.

I have posted many times about Amonix, a company that never did have a viable product. Millions upon Millions of dollars borrowed in the public’s name, and bearing interest payments! Given to those who participated in a charade!  There is no doubt that NextEra knows that Hatch New Mexico is no more than a pile of junk, and the silence from Cogentrix is deafening! These are not friends of wall Street.. but friends of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and  Barack Obama. It’s yet an untold story, and the stink has not drifted too far from the field yet.

Our President has learned NOTHING first hand, Thoreau would have figured him out in a minute or less. Perhaps they made people smarter in those times? 

The promise of free stuff, the easy road, taking from the rich, and giving to the poor. Our children watch Detroit crumble, the Progressive’s stronghold, all they’ve done here has failed, it always will..

This blogger I mention, she lived it first hand, just like today… as I say we raised our children to know better, it is a shame that our grandchildren will pay the larger price..

And… why is it you live in a three bedroom house when there are others who have no house at all? And why is it you don’t feel the shame of owning two cars when others have none at all?  How is it you’ve become so Jaded?

It will happen here because the gulible and cocksure know it can’t happen here. It reminds me of  Ground Hog Day, it seems man has too little ability to learn from the past.




Posted in Gravity, Inspirational People, The New Green Movement, Things I Hate!, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , | 6 Comments

The Worst Cabin Design I’ve seen

July 15th 2012, another trip to the Cowiche Mountains

Worst Upper Deck

Worst Upper Deck Design

I’m back from a wonderful four day stay in the Mountains some 30 miles due west of Yakima. Four wonderful and peaceful days used to reflect on lessons learned, and mistakes made.  At 64 years old, I fully understand I am a student and always will be. Learning from other people’s mistakes is a way to save money.

Going through our cabin log, I found and entry made in the summer of 1988. I read it as I sat on our deck watching chipmunks, and the latest crop of youngsters exploring their domain and living within 140 feet of a Kestrel’s Nest with five hungry chicks to feed!

One of Five Kestrel Chicks, two days prior to first flight.

On that day in 1988, we were enjoying the deck, and watching the Chipmunks. My guest looked over at me, and exclaimed… “Chipmunks are ground animals, and they don’t climb trees”.  As we sat there that day, I was watching two different Chipmunks carry off sunflower seeds from the deck to a tree, they climbed more than 30 feet high and hide them among the clusters of pine needles to snack on a later date.

At the time, I reflected on comments I’ve made in the past that were none too wise. I measured the value of correcting my guest, and considered it would only be at my loss to do so.  I was now on the same deck 24 years later, and I’m still only a student in the study of Chipmunks. I looked out about 75 feet, and saw that there were three young chipmunks looking out the round hole of a bird house set about 12 feet off the ground on the north side of a pine, they had moved in, and likely thought it the best home.




A permanent book on the shelf at the cabin is ‘Walden, or Life In The Woods’, and on this day, I just happened to be reading a chapter called ‘higher Laws.’  Thoreau wrote: “He who is only a Traveler learns things by second hand, and by the halves, and is poor authority”.

Ahhh.. I reflected.. my guest is no fool, he charges a tidy sum for his work, and has never been un-employed a day in his life, but a traveler he is. 

As a side note… I am sure that Thoreau also recognized how much more memorable first hand mistakes are, no doubt the second hand ones are far cheaper, but no wheres near as durable. 

Our deck faces east as per design, at one o’clock, the sun is fully off the deck, and this is a time I normally think about something cool to drink from the ice chest.  As I returned to my comfortable chair, open log, and book, some very noisy Kestrel Chicks had left their nest for  first time.  I had been watching the Parent for several days, and to watch a bird that can both soar on a thermal and cross a meadow like a bolt of lightning is a treat, to witness it from the comfort of our deck, a rare gift.

I think about the Cabin not far from here.. the planning that didn’t go into it, and then I  think about this bird. The Falcons are a product of intelligent design, refined beyond the understanding of most travelers.  Falcons score highest on tests designed to measure the intelligence of birds, and I think a good mind is a bonus for any pilot.

But then my thoughts turn to piloting, and the thought we all should start out on wings far less challenging than the narrow and fast wing given to the Falcon. These are all things understood by the greatest designer of all.  No matter how good the mind, that fast and narrow wing takes practice, and this designer knew best.  The fledgling is given far longer flight feathers for his first year of flight. This is the equivalent of a broad wing, more like a Hawk’s wing. Our fledging falcon pilot gets a full year to hone his skills before he’s given a wing that makes him the fastest creature on earth.  

I came down from the mountains thinking about my own flying, that bag full of fabric, and it was yesterday that my friend would have had another birthday, this is the second one I mark off on the calendar without him.  Just like the Falcon, he had the best of minds, we enjoyed a lot of the same things.  He was an Engineer, he graduated at the top of his class, he had the reflexes of a cat, and a full 10 years younger than myself, but the wing he flew that day was new to him,  not so broad, and not so forgiving, and the task turned into an unexpected challenge.                   

You might remember an old article I wrote years ago called Cabin Building Mistakes. If not, here’s that article.  I did make my share of mistakes, and 30 years later I have a list of things to do differently.

After years of studying mountain cabins… I think I’ve found one with almost all the mistakes included.   A friend who designs expensive homes tells me this is a testament to the strength of wood.  This structure sits on top of a hill at about 4700 feet elevation.  It looks as if someone has robbed the window frame from the first floor this last year. possibly metal thieves.

 Yes, those joists out front were once part of a deck on the second story!   The sheets of ply you see scattered were on top of the joists.

Worst Door
















It’s always best to crack a book before building, at least read a few pages about basic building before you start.  We all  learn along the way, and part of that learning is to know the difference between an inside door, and one designed to be an exterior door. Still it took 25 years for this interior door to fail to this point, and two or three years ago, it still looked like a door.

One of the best ways ever to learn basic construction techniques is to watch a home being built, and learn why it’s done that way..  People get crazy with designs, but after hundreds of years, there’s little more efficient, and easier to live in than a square box of suitable dimensions, with a simple roof with gables, the hip roof is stronger, but many of us ‘pitch up’ the gable style roof and use it for a sleeping loft.  

Learning about cripples, and bird blocks, learning how to make a strong truss, or what’s required to make a strong building if you use rafters is key.     

Worst Foundation A

The land prep was interesting, close examination suggests that not a spoon full of dirt was moved during the effort to lay out the pier blocks, if the block tilted a bit, what the heck? What’s remarkable is this structure has survived some pretty strong winds for many years. 

Worst Foundation B

Another view of the pier block and post job.

It was another great stay in the mountains, and so much of the story untold.. like meeting a big Female Cougar and her cub at a nearby spring, what a rare treat.. we have lots of cougars here, but this is the first I’ve seen in all these years.

At 64, I’m just starting to learn the basics. One thing I am sure of.. all to many politicians are travelers, and there’s so much that Thoreau understood so long ago.






Posted in Building Design, Cowiche Cabin, Critical Thinking, Survival Skills | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Hands on DIYer off Grid Power, Dave Clough, Joseph OR

Beautiful Joseph, now attractign tourists

Beautiful Joseph, now attracting tourists

Joseph Oregon is one of those Towns where it pays to be handy. It’s not so easy to find that high paying job in paradise, but who needs the big money? 

The natural beauty of the Area  attracts tourists, but like most small towns at the base of beautiful Mountains, you often make your own job,  or you have two or more, or.. you are the minority and fortunate to have skills in an area where there’s ongoing demand, the later is Dave 🙂

On the skirts of Town, you might find that perfect piece of property, but Power might be a problem, and many of us think it a good problem as we are less likely to have neighbors who would vote for city sewer, sidewalks, and the banning of cows and horses who poop in the pasture. 

 Small towns are breeding grounds for the DIYer mentality, it is out of necessity people there learn to be more self-sufficient.  Joseph…. enjoy it while you can.. they’ll discover you soon enough.

Fire up Google Earth, and look at where Joseph is located. It looks like a great destination for a road trip to me. I bet you’ll find good food here too 🙂

Here’s a little YouTube clip sent to me by Dave and Teresa, I expect to share more about how they live, and how gifted Dave is when it comes to DIY 🙂

I’ve said it before, and it’s all so true.. “The measure of a man’s off grid power efforts is best measured by how happy his wife is. If she’s happy….. you earn a Gold Star.  Since Teresa dedicates this video clip to ‘Dave, her loving ‘talented’ Husband’.. it pretty much says it all.

Here’s a short video, small hydro with 400 feet of head!




Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, DIYer Generator, DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy, Inspirational People, Off Grid Power, Survival Skills, Things I like | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Amonix Hatch Power Plant is Still Cooling

Our Place of Worship



While all but one green tech site discusses little more than marketing  hype, I have been watching the real power production figures to get a better idea of how Amonix 7700s really perform compared to thin film or other non concentrated power plants.

Today was most interesting to watch, a lot of cloud cover in New Mexico today, there were periods where Hatch did little to nothing, and the road runner power plant did about 20% under very similar clouds.    Playing  the road runner against the Hatch power plant, the YTD figures show that Hatch has made about 58% of the power production (per MW)  of installed equipment as the road runner power plant. 

If you were able to look at the daily production, you’d note that the plant continues to degrade. My best guess is the YTD compares at the end of this year will show Hatch making around 53% or less of what the RoadRunner makes per MW of installed plant. The data suggests the degrade will continue.


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Shangdong 2105

Maybe you’ve never seen this engine in a picture larger than a thumbprint?

 Many a DIYer have noticed the Chang Jiang Motor Cycle, and have studied the changes made since the transfer of the tooling and knowledge to China. Looking at how little has changed in China, and how much has changed with the same design in Russia makes for an interesting study.  I make the assumption that this engine design was tech transferred around the same time.  According to travelers this engine can be found in everything from main propulsion  for  fishing boats, generators, running line shafting in machine shops, and more..  

Front view Shandong 2105A

 This twin cylinder Diesel is rated at 17.7 KW at the flywheel, and was machined on Massive Government owned Equipment in Mainland China. The top end is lubricated with wicks and trays, with modern lubricants, we might get away with a squirt of oil per tray twice a day.

Under the side cover are two individual  Injection pumps, with very refined and logical linkage, like we’d expect from Germany prior to WWII.

The rear deck has two identical looking filter canisters, one for lube oil, another for fuel, the lines and banjo connections look very well made, and hard to improve on. I doubt it would take much at all to convert to screw on filters like we typically use here instead of the replaceable internals, and reuseable canisters.

The cooling system is of special interest to me, the cooling water pump is below the filters, and the inlet is right on the pump, the water discharge is up through the exhaust manifold, and discharges along side the exhaust stack. I think this is very similar to how a person would plumb it if he were interested in Combined Heat And Power. No doubt you could easily use a thermostatic valve to control re-circulation or allow the transfer of hot water to a point of heat storage or other use with little effort. The high mass of the water jacket, and block, along with the clean vertical design will assure good cooling. 

Another thing of Interest, There is a Manual available for this Engine that looks as if it were made in the WEST. The manual has no typos in it, and the English is perfect. This suggests to me that the Engine enjoyed popularity outside of Asia, as I have seen few Service Manuals done as well for things that were manufactured inside Mainland China.

Each Engine comes with a tool kit, auxiliary start handle,  rings, head gaskets, etc. Since import is now more of a problem, I’d like to see my engine fall into the hands of a collector. China is in the process of modernizing their stuff, and we will lose another source of old engines that seem far more capable of burning a wide variety of fuels. These engines were developed when fuel quality was an everyday concern. 
















To my knowledge, even a decent picture is hard to find. The flywheel is a marvel, and the coupler has a large circle of rubber isolators, very well designed, and should be trouble free. The frame you see is custom made here of very heavy angle, all is welded with 6011 rod.  The coupler center is fitted with a keyed hole ready to receive a drive shaft, and there is plenty of room to fit an outer bearing for PTO or similiar use.  Rated RPM is 1500, but I’m sure this engine will be happy down to about 1100 RPMs. Thsi engin was test run in China, has electric start, and is equipped with their highy standardized Starter and electrics.. Including an Alternator to charge the start Battery.

If I had a Wooden Boat Project here in the Puget Sound, I’d really consider this engine, the sound it would make with a split exhaust, how easy it would be to set up fresh water cooling. The fact that it would be so easy to set up cabin heat. And this frame, it looks to me that there’s plenty of room for the reversing box, and a plasma cutter could be used to cut the angle and allow the bottom to conform to the bottom ribs of your boat, then reweld.

Think of the sound!  In a day before the EPA, I can see myself setting course north via the inland passage, burning a mixture of highly filtered and dewatered WMO, and used paint thinner solvents given to me.. the auto pilot set, the BBQ off the stern, eating fresh caught fish all the way to Petersberg.  

If you have more detail about the history of this Engine, I’d love to have your comment..



Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, CHP/ Co Gen, Engines, Off Grid Power, Small Diesels, Things I like, UtterPower Articles | Tagged , , , , | 19 Comments