Your Key to Understanding the Future?

Could it be that most decisions are about money, power and influence? Just where does doing the right thing come to play? 

It wasn’t that long ago I shared some sentiments made by a friend, a first class problem solver. We discussed how decisions are made, and how ‘turf’ plays an important part in so many of them.  After considering all factors, it seems the question that rules the stack becomes…. “What is best for me?.” It’s the rare manager or politician who risks putting himself out of a job, even if that is the right thing for a company, or a country. 

A great talk at google   .. your focus should be on the politics first view, watch it a second time to follow the argument of technology.

More on Thor

And More

And you can find your own more from here…

The future is clear, we are squandering the wealth of our nation, the wealth that took 200 years to create, countless lives, and blood and guts, and don’t forget all the minerals we took from the ground. When you waste a dollar, you waste all the things that created it!   Our Grandchildren will ask, who built these piles of waste ¹, and where did all the money go? “I’ve signed no papers, I’ll not carry your debt… there’s no guards at the border yet!”

As Germany invests in Fairy Dust, the French are gearing up to sell them bread to eat.

Government is no more than the people in charge at the moment, what battles will be fought, and over what? I think you already know.  Those who have Hydro and/or Nukes WILL have bread to eat and sell.

note 1: Fields full of Solar PV and Wind Turbines long since broke and in disrepair, giant monoliths under engineered, and unable to endure the rigors of their environment long enough to provide a real return on investment.





Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Earth & Energy, Inspirational People, The New Green Movement, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The Paper Engine, Carnot's Legacy,

Diesel's first Engine

Diesel's first Engine

The Genesis of the idea is the joyful time of creative work of the mind, as everything seems possible because it still has nothing to do with reality.   -Rudolf Diesel

Rudolf Diesel created an engine on paper which proclaimed his invention of a highly efficient prime mover.  It was the first heat engine, either of external or internal combustion that from conception had been based on the science of thermodynamics sired by Sadi Carnot.

In these early stages of engine development, (Carnot’s time) the efficiency of a typical engine was a mere 3%. Today many people would consider this a waste of a valuable resource, but many of theses same people willingly support squandering the public treasury on far worse investments. The recent examples seem as numerous as rainy days in April.   

Consider reading the book titled Diese’s Engine by Lyle Cummins  ISBN 0-917308-03-4

As I sit here thinking about what Rudolf Diesel said so many years ago, I reflect again on the minds who maintain the page on the WEB.  Have they any idea how much a pound ways? Have they ever owned a measuring cup of their own?

We live in a time when money power and influence trumps everything. People who have taken the time to study history with intensity suggest that’s the way it’s always been, and perhaps that’s why Mr. Diesel was killed and tossed overboard the night before he was to dock an attend a meeting? Maybe Mr. Diesel was less flexible than many of the Scientists of our day, I can only imagine how he would fit in as a bureaucrat at the EPA, would he willingly sing praise to those who controlled his purse? Just how much of a problem was it to finance his experiments of the day?

I reflect on a recent paper that MIT produced, it said the Diesel is likely to be the most efficient and practical portable prime mover through 2040. That doesn’t mean it won’t still be in 2050!

Today, we know the Diesel engine was a secret weapon of sorts, allowing far more work to be done that ever before with fuel measured in volume or weight. We know of the battles and wars lost, because the losing side couldn’t carry the provisions required. We know the Diesel engine is instrumental in feeding the world, and without it, many will perish. Part of the reason is the fuel has been reasonable in price up till now, and our wonderful work horse can run well on such a wide variety of fuels, those who wish to tax those fuels, or control diesel fuel hate that FACT.

Just how many will not be able to afford food soon? How many were just barely able to afford it last year?  50,000 can starve to death beyond our borders, and it’s not news worthy. People starve in India every year, it may not even be news worthy in the four major English-speaking news papers there, not because the Indian people are heartless, but because it happens so often it’s not news worthly.

Before Diesel’s engine, oil engines were wasteful, being far less efficient, and we all know that steam engines might have used a variety of different fuels, but their efficiency was terrible in comparison.  How to stock or carry enough fuel for the job or journey? Efficiency was closer to 10 percent for these old steam plants of yesterday, and  the modern-day wonders that were developed out of Diesel’s design can operate at near 55% according to some reports! ‘Waste not want not’ some say, but today it seems the EPA is far more focused on measuring the amount of C02 produced than the concern of waste.

It seems they are able to ignore vast underground coal fires, that spew huge amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Why do they ignore what nature does, and why don’t they pump some water on it? I guess I’d attempt to answer by saying they can’t tax the fires that mother nature set, and perhaps that is the real goal?

As of this April, has the EPA changed the game? Is the Diesel finally on it’s way out, and might it be replaced with less efficient power plants of the past? OR.. will the EPA make it possible for the diesel to power things like our hybrid cars with even more efficiency and less emissions?

In yesterday’s post, it was mentioned that the EPA still deems the waste oil burners legal, but now they make illegal the use of all fuels other than low sulphur diesel in Maritime Diesels operating within 200 miles of any USA coast line, and that includes Islands like Hawaii too.

Of course the other thing I think about is that legal waste oil burner, hot as hades itself, and the EPA has blessed them for the moment, Just what happens when you plumb the exhaust of your diesel through the turbo, and use both the exhaust and that blowing fresh air to feed the fire box of that waste oil burner? Will it burn those soot particles that cause so much concern?

Perhaps, there’s a new generation of Cargo ships on the horizon, the Diesel, Steam Turbine Hybrid, the boiler runs at very high temperatures and is used to clean up the diesel exhaust, and still allow the operator to use traditional bunker fuels.  Or how about a new class of fast electric tugs that tow ships from the 200 mile limit into and out of American ports using 20 million nickel metal hydrate batteries? Come on, 20,000,000, that’s a really small number compared to the national debt!

Laugh now, but there’s likely a grant writer preparing a study for such a tugboat, and when you see that the DOE granted them 10 million dollars  or more to study the idea, you’ll wish you had taken time to write your proposal. You didn’t buy Starbucks, and you sold your Apple stock long ago.. maybe this is your oppurtunity to do it right?  Don’t you wish you could buy ‘GROWTH STOCK’ in the EPA?

Here’s another page on Carnot

Have a great day!








Posted in CHP/ Co Gen, Earth & Energy, Engines, In The News, Legal, Off Grid Power | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Expect a new class of Cargo Ships Soon. April-2012


government dilbert

The lead Dog at the EPA says:

Whether you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing, if you live in Hawaii, your cost of living is going up! The EPA has ordered all ships visiting Hawaii to burn low sulfur fuel when they enter waters within two hundred miles of the islands. This will have a significant impact on costs to deliver all goods to Hawaii. 

Perhaps it’s time to go down and buy those goods you wanted before the markup shows up on the sticker price, everything from homes, cars, food, and more.

Most of us understand that this is the beginning, not the end, and we should expect the EPA to extend those limits in increments. Some have calculated that this first move will cost 3% or more, and don’t we all know, that gets passed on to consumers.

DIYers, we all understand that the Marine Fleet lives or dies according to the efficiency of their vessels, and this is exactly why so many Maritime steam plant ships have been beached and salvaged in third world countries. Marine Diesels are remarkably efficient, if there was anything more efficient, it would be in the water now.

We might ask.. how will the Maritime fleet respond? We are all aware that there are ripple effects to decisions like this, and perhaps there are opportunities for investors who anticipate what will come out of this mandate?

Will the higher cost of building homes soon be reflected in home values in Hawaii? Will we see a new fleet of sailing ships operating between the mainland and Hawaii? How about Maritime Nuke boats? No doubt in my mind they can be made safe, and Marine Nuke power plants have an excellent safety record, why not?

The hybrid diesel electric Cargo Ship? Imagine the Room aboard for battery packs? Imagine your opportunity to place a WEB ad for Investors in your design? You think it’s not a workable idea? Since when did that matter?  Consider all the Solar Companies going bankrupt, they are doing so because the major reason to invest in Solar was to capture the subsidies. When subsidies are rolled back or cut after a Country finds they are up to  their necks in solar and debt,  we should expect the suppliers to go bankrupt.   Germany is an excellent example, read the current news articles.

The Maritime Fleet has always embraced efficiency, they do it in order to stay profitable, and we need ask.. what happens if they are no longer profitable?

The Nuke powered cargo ship is in our future, perhaps we should anticipate who will build it and invest? It may be a chance to buy something that could appreciate as much as Apple stock.

But thoughtful people will study the ripple effect further, where does all that used motor oil go now? As the EPA ratchets up their demands to burn nose bleed high low sulfur fuel, won’t the demand for used oil products that have been blended into Maritime fuels in the past to go down? Perhaps you sell your stock in companies who collect this stuff before there’s no market for it at all? All those people saving used oil, all the people making money collecting it, if the demand goes down, then what?

But don’t we know there are opportunities when there are mandates.  Imagine the need to verify the compliance of these new EPA laws, maybe we’ll need a new department within the EPA? I’d call it the ‘Department of Maritime Compliance’.  Maybe we put a circle of boats around Hawaii at the 200 mile limit, Force all traffic entering to take aboard a compliance officer, he takes a sample of the fuel, and the owner pays a huge fine if the fuel doesn’t pass the lab test. Of course he stays on board and sniffs the stack to assure the fuel is in use right up to the dock.

So, what are we going to do with all that cheap waste oil if we don’t use it in the Maritime fleet? Or perhaps I’m wrong, maybe they never used it for fuel?

Now that we have clean coal plants, will we see the maritime fleet return to coal for power?  Don’t we know, the ripple effect is real, so many will attempt to figure out how to make money by predicting the winners and losers.

A sure winner is the EPA, they’ll need more money and more people, and as we heard the President Speak about the highest Court in our land this week, it appears the Justices role in our Government is near obsolete, why would they dare overturn anything a partition majority would vote into being?  Maybe all those law clerks, and the justices themselves should consider applying to the EPA for jobs?  But.. perhaps it’s not  necessary,  many who vote believe the EPA is already the higher authority, so perhaps the Supreme Court Justices already work for the EPA?

If you think you’re back in the 1930s, welcome aboard! If we find the new health care law is deemed Constitutional, we should assume the Federal Government has the authority to regulate the size of our families as well.  So if you wanted that family of five?…. you better get busy while it’s still legal Son.







Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Building Design, CHP/ Co Gen, Earth & Energy, Engines, In The News, Legal, Off Grid Power, The New Green Movement | Tagged , , , , | 19 Comments

Todays Email, How to wire a Generator Head for RV use.


Randy's Arc

DIYer RV Wiring

You’ll notice I didn’t put up an April Fools Joke on April 1, sorry, I wasn’t thinking, but the article I put up about the page is an everyday joke, read that.



So it’s April 2nd, and my Grandson Zach who’s not three yet is waiting for his Sister to Arrive this month, being fascinated by all things Garbage or Recycle, he’s picked out a     name for her, “Trash”. 

Today’s Email:

Name: Dan B

Subject: Generator

Message: Hi, I was hoping I might ask a bit of advice if you have time? I read your posting about rewiring the generator head to get full power on 11o volts. When I bought my generator it said the front plug would provide 30amp service, so with an adapter for my RV plug I thought I would be all set. Turns out they meant 30amp at 22o only.

15amps will not run my RV. My question is, rather than taking the generator all apart, do you think it might be possible that I could get a twist-lock plug for the 240 twist lock socket and combine the wiring at that point into a small fuse box with an RV socket coming out of that. My goal would be that I could easily return the generator to normal function when others barrow it or if I were to sell it. Any advice you can give me on the subject is greatly appreciated as my wife is ready to go spend thousands on a bigger unit if I can’t get this one to handle the job. I should mention it is a 5000 watt unit.

Thanks, Dan

As I sit here, I attempt to frame the question, and look at the data provided.

30 amps at 220 volts = 6600 watts,  so if his generator manufacturer says it’s a 5000 watt generator, how they do that?

I’m totally  ignorant of how many ways RVs are wired to accept 120 VAC, and Dan’s statement that 15 amps doesn’t do it raises questions.  The first question is what is the typical source of AC power used to power an RV? At least a good percentage of the supply comes from a KOA campground plug, or one from the home.

In most new houses, the wiring is now 14 gauge, and they are often fitted with 15 amp breakers. With the understanding that breakers are only rated to carry 80% of the rating on the face of the breaker on a continuous basis, so we know that figure is 12 amps we might be able to pull without blowing the breaker.

If we are lucky, we might find a dedicated  120 VAC plug-in the garage that’s fed by a 20 amp breaker, but we have another safety concern, and that is the rating of the wall plug itself,many are not rated for a full 20 amps if you could carry it,  and we should note our 20 amp breaker is only rated to carry 16 amps continuous without tripping. Yes, your 20 amp breaker might trip closer to 20 amps, BUT the manufacturer is allowed a little leeway so he doesn’t have to sell you a precision breaker at high dollars to you.

For those following along, I’m thinking  out loud here, we need study the entire path of current flow from the typical power supply to the RV.  And one place I see real trouble is extension cords, some people want to set up their generator in the next zip code over, and run it to the camp site, so the noise is a lot lower. We need be VERY careful to note the size of the wire (gauge) and know that a cheap cord of small gauge (higher numerical number) is a BAD idea. you’ll need a good cord, and if it’s any length, you should consider 10 gauge, and even a moderate cord in length should be 12 gauge by my measure WHEN you think you are pulling near the limits of a (typical) 120VAC circuit.

So how do we answer Dan’s question? I was ready to show him how to install a switch to go from 120VAC only, at full Amperage, but perhaps all we do is set him up to start a fire in the RV wiring as we deliver more current through a box or plug not rated to carry it.

There’s an additional question, and that’s the real capacity of this generator, many are rated 6600 watts peak, and 5000 continuous. if this is the case, the unit should deliver 20 amps per stator winding 20 amps at 120 VAC, per side. If this is the case, we have the an outlet from the generator at 120VAC that will carry as much current as what we find in any standard home outlet.

So before we proceed with a solution, we need to hear from the RV experts that visit utterpower, I know there are several who know far more than I do about how they are wired. We also need to know what is drawing all this current? Perhaps it’s the fridge that runs on either propane or electric, and we can just make sure we are on propane? Perhaps a switch to isolate that one load that draws so much, and run a second extension cord to run it directly?

And Dan, at this point, you are using half the power your generator can deliver, you wife needs to know a bigger generator may not deliver any more current at 120 VAC than your present one.  A complete schematic of the RV wiring would be helpful, if the RV typically needs more than 15 real amps, I’d expect it to be wired different, but then again, it’s not clear that your wife’s adornments aren’t pulling 12 amps all by themselves 🙂

So as not to frustrate Dan too much, I’ll anser this much.. It’s not often the generator manufacturer makes it easy to run in the 120VAC only mode, and as we touch on above, it would require a plug rated to carry the current that would be delivered in that situation (on the generator).  Some Honda generators I’ve seen have a switch to go from 120 only to 120/240VAC,  it’s easy to wire that in on many generators if you have access to both ends of the two stator windings.  When we create a special non standard situation, we can catch things on fire, and create a liability for ourselves. RVs are dangerous enough without our help in increasing those dangers. I remember a Racer Friend of mine getting ready to go to a race in another state, the motor home and race trailer were in the drive, and at about 4AM the morning they were to leave, a loud explosion, and the back yard filled with burning rubble.  I saw it on the morning news on a Seattle TV station.

DIYers.. Scroll down to comments help me! let us know what you’d do, Dan, try and identify why you need this much juice. what circuits pull this kind of current?

Added  Comment 4/3/12 :

I forgot we had so much info on this page, thanks for the reminder Mike L.





George B.    


Posted in DIYer Skills, Generator Realities, Generators, How Tos, Legal, Off Grid Power, Questions & Answers | Tagged , , | 25 Comments

EV1.ORG A testament to our failing school system.

America, land of the free? Well, I do think I still have the freedom of opinion, and all that follows is my opinion.



I’ve got a page for you that I think is the basis for study and reflection, it gives you a lot of insight into how minds deprived of the most basic understanding of physics (Junior High School Science class is all you need to know better).

I reflect on a person who wrote me years ago about his ‘get rich idea’, he had stumbled upon some ‘facts’ that no  one else had seemed to notice over the last 100 years or more, and was ready to exploit it.

He had a 7hp Motor running (no load) off the grid, and being the experimenter he was, he took a moment to measure the voltage at the motor connection box, and then used a clamp on amp meter to measure current. He simply multiplied ExI and was astounded to see that he had a full 7hp of power for near nothing in cost per KWh!

From there is was a simple calculation for him to figure a direct drive to a generator, calculate the typical power production of a 7hp generator, and then his discovery!

Wow, I can make a ton of money filling my garage full of these generators and selling the power back to the power company at a huge profit!

Are you going to believe basic physics, or your own eyes? Soon I realized there was no reasoning with this individual NOT because he was stupid, but because he wanted to believe in his ‘Fairy Dust Dream’ so badly.

For the person who understands that deceiving oneself is a very sad thing, I offer the following website, but just a few things I’ll ask you to look for when you read.  Notice the folks who have control over this page allow a number of insane statements to stand. I love the one that says basically an EV is simple having only one moving part. Then there’s the assumption that the production of electricity at night is far different. I can make the leap to see their understanding is as naïve as the boy wonder with the electric motor scheme.  For the rest of us, we know that those who sell into the grid MUST meet the demand on the grid, and the night time hours offers producers opportunities to charge reserves to meet peak hours like Power South does, or burn far less fuel, less water through the turbine, etc.

Imagine how little you need to know about business in order to write the tripe found on this page, Is there one person who likes what’s on this page that has ever been responsible to meet a pay roll, or even run a Hot Dog Stand for profit?

Do they really believe that President Obama would stand by and watch his Engineers develop the Chevy Volt and make such an inferior car to their beloved EV1?

It all reminds me of the guy that made cars run on water at the State fair, or the 300 mpg carburetor fitted to the Ford Station Wagon, or countless other stories that people void of any common sense share in the lunch room at work across North America, yes Canadians too 🙂

But there’s so much more on the EV1.ORG  page, one I love is the conversation about Californians drive their Toyotas for free, you just tip up solar panels, buy or build chargers, and drive for free.

There’s a direct analogy to driving for free, and that’s living in your house for free. Yes, once you buy that house, it’s all free from there on right? Well.. all except for the house payments, property taxes, special assessments, and all the little things you learn of after you become a home owner.  Oh.. you didn’t know you must pay for garbage, sewer, electricity, water, and in some places monthly fees for surface water run off, home owner fees,.. and oh… you never knew that it was you who was paying for those lights on your street to be on whether you like the lights or not.

Reality, is, you need consider the cost of everything from the point of power production, to the rear wheels, and pro rate it all over the miles you drive, and you only know that cost AFTER you sell every piece of equipment you purchased, and include all the related expenses.  You also know that your state will not allow you a free ride, somebody has to pay for all those road improvements, and once there’s more than a handful of EVs on the road, the Government will be there to levy a pound or two of flesh to fund all those folks leaning on shovels curb side.

So here’s a site for your enjoyment. Those who maintain these pages  are likely the same minds that believe that printing money is exactly the same as creating wealth.  We know that God has a plan, but exactly why he created people who refuse to think is not so clear to me.

So you believe the EV1 was a gift from Aliens, that it was far better than the Chevy Volt? Well that’s why we allow comments here, and we welcome your help in educating us. Scroll down and help us understand.

As I close, It’s my opinion that Forrest Gump knows better, but Tom Hanks likely has the page in his favorites 🙂

Have a great weekend.

George B.


Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Buyer Beware, Earth & Energy, Fighting Propaganda, In The News, Strange Stuff, The New Green Movement, Things I Hate!, Vehicle Design | Tagged , , , | 18 Comments

Reflecting on the GM90 Design, and other realities.

DIYer Commuter Vehicle

DIYer Commuter Vehicle

If you read Sunday’s post, you might know a little more about the design.. are we finished reflecting on Noel’s experience? Do we know what temperature he operates the engine? does he use bleed water, does he use a thermostat?

I’m still trying to sort things out in my mind..

Reality is that the LG6-8, GM90 design CAN go the distance! We’ll read posts in forums that all India has to offer is junk. We are able to make the distinction between bad designs, and poorly made parts. We know how some of these defects are created.. often by people who are paid by piecework versus the hour, and who have no understanding of the parts they pour, hammer, and machine.  As I close this AM, I am still thinking about that collection of stories called ‘Fairy Dust.’  We could all contribute to  that work!

Accurate reporting, it’s not always the case, Matangi is a treasure for us all.

As for DIY forum posts.. I reflect on a moniker ‘Polaris.’  At first I thought he was blinded by a lack of education as per the basics of AC theory.  What he had done was take a 70-year-old Petter design, fit a set of Valves, change the compression ratio a bit, and report a 30% gain in ‘real power’ out of the generator the prime mover was powering!

A number of us attempted to tutor him, and of course I reflected on a few posts I made long ago. Once  I had shared  some data on a load I was driving, and I asked, “what am I missing? this seems like a lot of power production I’m seeing here”.. It was an hour later, a DIYer politely slapped me  alongside the head with reality, my resistive load coil was heating up, changing resistance, and my ExI calculation was no longer valid… what an embarrassing oversight that was on my part.

But as I look back, my focus was on understanding what was going on, or at least I thought it was.

Back to Polaris, he had no interest in our input what so ever.  In fact he was down right annoyed, and his close circle of friends were praising his work. The debate was over, we were the Ass Hole deniers who were reluctant to give him his due.

Why was it he didn’t want to discuss his method of measure? Why was it he was allowing himself to be deceived? I flat didn’t understand!  Was that 10 years ago?

Today I might better understand.  I think back about the Moniker itself ‘Polaris’ the guiding star, a gift to us all. One who leads the way.  I reflect on a few days I wanted to  change my moniker to ‘dumbshit’, and then I reflected on my ‘alter ego’ ebay moniker which is about as self righteous as Polaris.

Polaris… his focus was on selling parts and services, he absolutely refused to accept our input that he needed to calculate real power with the real formula, and that is P=ExIXPF, and his load of choice was likely a .7 PF!  I’ll leave it to you as to whether Polaris is/was a Narcissist or not, but I do recognize a few in our forums who would be certified same with so little doubt in my mind.

My moniker ‘Dumbshit’, I might link that up in utterpower.  I have been curious about the behavior of one individual who I am forced to study. About 20 years ago, he told me of the total nonsense of telling a white lie. In his mind there was no reason to spare a person hurt feelings, if a fat women ask you if she was fat, you best tell her up front, and if she was ugly, why not get that out in the open too? At the time, I thought maybe he was dropped on the head when he was a baby, how did he live so long, and not understand the value of the white lie? Why did he not feel the same compassion other people displayed?

It’s a fact that the Narcissist personality is everywhere, and I didn’t know what a Narcissist really was until I was well past 60. Just how many of them rise to position of power in our government?

So.. here I set attempting to diagnose my own affliction…. No DIYer will ever be accused of being normal, we were born skeptics.. and often known as deniers in other circles. I’m not sure there’s reason to feel pride for all of my afflictions, and I am purely ashamed it’s taken me 60 plus years to learn what others knew at such a younger age…   but I am proud to be a DIYer, and to have always been one.

I remember building a gravity powered car with neighborhood friends  at eight years old.. I was wishing we had a drill so we could make holes in the axle and not have to bend the nails over from each side. I’m sure my Third Grade Teacher (Mrs. Deal)  wondered what I was thinking when I stared out the window in class,  “George off in another day-dream”.. I’m sure she might of thought.. “this kid was likely dropped on his head.”  Little did she know, I was just wondering where the hell us kids were going to find a drill, it seemed a more important concern than Art,  and I could think about it till she handed out the weekly reader…. I really liked the reader at the time.  priorities….. so little time and so much to learn..








Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, DIYer Skills, Off Grid Power, Slow Speed Engines, Small Diesels, Thermostat, Things I like, UtterPower Articles, Utterpower's Friends | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

Sunday Morning, A report from Fantasy Island, GM90 failure

I’m sure you remember Fantasy Island?

Noel Douglas (ON Left)
Noel Douglas (ON Left)







Noel’s Parents immigrated to the Fijian Islands from Scotland  some where in the later forties I’m told..

I remember having a Fijian born customer drop by my shop here in Washington State  years back, he was a handsome young man, and his Inlaws owned an Island here in the San Juan’s north of me.   He and his brother-in-law were designing new power for the family Island and bought a generator.  We talked a little about Fiji, and I took the risk.. “Do you know Noel Douglas?” The young man looked stunned.. his jaw dropped, he gave me a wide eyed look and said ” YOU KNOW……. MY UNCLE NOEL?”  I replied, “sure but that’s not too amazing in the alternative Energy Crowd… because your Uncle Noel is pretty well known in our circle.

Noel Douglas came to Fiji as a boy, he learned at his Father’s side the same way my friend Soon Wah Lee learned from his Father in Malaysia. All of them involved in making plantations run in their earlier years.  They moved on to other things, but never able to stay away from their love of engines and mechanical things.  Noel does import a lot of stuff, Fijians normally need make their own power, pump their own water, and more.

Since the Island pretty much runs on diesel, and diesel is normally sold in 55 gallon drums, there’s a lot of logistics to keeping guests in luxury, and in Air Conditioning during parts of the year. This includes a specialized boat designed for running to a fuel dock on one of the larger main islands, and Noel has experimented and now does this task with half the energy.

One engine Noel has had good luck with is the GM90 from Lovson in India, they sell it branded as the LG6, or LG8.  The failure we discuss below happened at 20,000 hours of service, a remarkable feat for a third world engine.  This particular engine was doing water pump service for the island.

Here’s Noel’s email  to me:

Hi George,I am attaching images of a crank shaft broken in two. I never thought this could ever happen. This engine is one that drives my water pump which supplies water to the Resort. I have had amazing service from these engines which run continuously year in year out. This one would have done over 20,000 hours without any parts replaced. The engine before it ( same type ) had done over 30,000 hours when I replaced it and it still runs today making electricity for one of my workers in the village.When this crank shaft broke all the bearings were still perfect and the crank where the bearings fit is still perfect.I am at a loss as to how and why this happened.Regards,Noel 

Noel Douglas Matangi Private Island Resort Box 83 Waiyevo Post Office, Taveuni. ph    679-7780061 mob 679-7105113OK,

Pretty remarkable he’s getting this kind of service, but as I have said before, this is a testament to the design, but you are foolish if you think India builds everyone of them with the same QC. One thing we’ve learned is that Lovson is good to send parts and offer support when things go wrong.  I’m not so sure  they’ll offer you a free new crank after running the equivalent of over 300,000 miles though, I know I couldn’t do that. Yes, I already have some theories about this failure, and I was going to share, but I thought it would be more fun to hear your theory first. All so easy to scroll down and leave a comment. Quinn, are you ready? Here’s three pictures Noel sent (gifts to us all)

 Failure 1

Failure 1



ND-GM90 Failure3

ND-GM90 Failure3
















Failure 2










Thanks Noel for all you share with us Students.


see comments!


Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy, Engines, Inspirational People, Off Grid Power, Outings & Adventures, Questions & Answers, Slow Speed Engines, Small Diesels, Survival Skills, Things I like, Utterpower's Friends | Tagged , , , , | 36 Comments

Free Energy! Open Your Mind! Here’s your chance to comment. Saturday 3/24/2012 thought of the day.







Perhaps you’ve taken the opportunity to watch some of Professor Muller’s excellent lectures (see the previous post).  What it brings to light is what actually drives a lot of major decisions, and perhaps that’s most uninformed voters, and elected officials who will promise them the impossible to assure they capture their votes?

Here’s a video clip you must watch, but you will do it only to answer the following question.

Thinking caps on please! Video  

OK, now that you’ve processed this, it’s obvious the girl needs a calculator and a minute at the black board with a tutor. What may not be so obvious is there’s so many Men who will call her and idiot but believe you can get more energy out of something than what you put in. Are they just as challenged as this girl?

God…. help us, they vote…

On Sunday morning, expect a most interesting post from one of the World’s great ‘off grid’ Diyers. Want to learn about Nukes, you don’t go to the Sierra club, you go to a person like Prof Muller. Want to learn the truth about third world engines?  You go to people like ND to get the data from long term operations, who else do you know that personally has as more hours running as Willem promises to give you?

We’ll share an interesting failure, and I will suggest a root cause for the failure. but do note, I’m a Student of these studies, never the Teacher, so you need help validate my thinking, or lack of it.

Interesting that Quinn hasn’t dropped in? Sunday’s post will have him wanting pictures at 10 power 🙂


Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy, Fighting Propaganda, Gravity, How Tos, Strange Stuff | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

An Important Study of America’s Greenest Practical Energy Source

It’s time to educate ourselves, or in some cases review the facts as we think we know them.  This is a chance to test yourself with the help of current events, and a most wonderful gift from UC Berkley…. Professor Muller! 

Show me the math

Show me the math

I’ve learned to recognize that those who argue loudest seldom have the technical background to argue the facts, I’m not suggesting you need be an expert to argue, but why not invest an hour or two to get the very basics?  I recall an argument where a person who obviously didn’t understand the basics of kinetic energy in a collision attempted to end the argument with “open your mind!” Sometimes I think that’s a Mantra of sorts.

Do note you can back up and view other lectures in this wonderful series, so few will take the time,  lecture number seven is the focus of today’s post.

After you listen to this lecture, let’s all review an earlier post where Utterpower and friends attempted to get our arms around the facts of what really happened in Japan during their disaster. A nuke power plant so old and antiquated, it was scheduled to be shut down experienced physical damage caused by forces far beyond its design criteria!  What happened, and what is likely to happen in the future?

There’s other things you’ll need to sort out on your own, one is all the political nonsense we hear from some folks on the left who think we can run the American economy off the energy generated at an occupy rally. There’s other things to consider as you watch this lecture, one is the chant “Bush Lied”.  Seems it’s always the same, if you don’t have the facts, you need talk louder and repeat yourself.

Hat’s off to a great Professor who stays on task and delivers most thought provoking ‘facts.’

So here’s the assignment, review this post made at the time of the Japanese disaster, what did YOU get right, what did you get wrong?

Perhaps it’s time to quit making fun of the French, they seem to have better technical minds in Government that ourselves.. Do our officials fear sharing the facts because it might alienate voters in their re-election?  I also ponder a time I subscribed to a certain Alternative Energy Magazine.  I wrote the Editor a letter and explained how disappointed I was that their magazine was more about delivering Left Wing propaganda than technical information about AE, and living off grid.  A certain ‘Solar Bozo’, (a name he gave himself), was a self-proclaimed Nuke expert, and it seemed his mission was to give us all his vision of a steel smelting operation run off solar panels. I did get a reply from the Editor of the magazine by the way, and I was pleased he made the time to reply.. his letter to me was how they were a very ‘centered’ publication, and how I was mistaken. I guess it’s reality to know their job is to market the magazine, and how they do it is their business… “literally.”

Another article worth your read?

One last comment.. look at how few people made the time to ‘LIKE’ this lecture number seven, is this any indicator as to how different we DIYers think? Will you NOT like it?

Don’t forget comments below..





Posted in Earth & Energy, Fighting Propaganda, In The News, Inspirational People, The New Green Movement, Things I like, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , , , , , | 12 Comments

The Smart Car, Here's an excellent study of reality.

Some of you might have read a past article about the ‘Smart Car’

I will forever remember one commenter who wrote, “I’m 60 years old, and I try to be a responsible person.” I reflect, and think just how subjective the term is.. responsible for what? Stick with this post, as there is  lot of study connected, and possibly learning too.

In this article, I suggested that the Smart Car is nothing new at all, and there is no marketing research indicating there is a market for the product in all of north America. Perhaps it’s just a research project, and the bones of the smart car will be tossed on the same mountain of bones created by other micro cars built to satisfy the demands of all too few.

I look for articles about Auto trends written by folks who understand the market, people who know that you need a buyer in order to make a sale. Many of us remember the glory days of VW, they sold cars people wanted to buy, and many of us learned their faults and worked around them, we added a relay here, and an oil cooler there, and we understood if you didn’t grease the front end, and adjust the valves at the recommended intervals, you’d pay the price. We were the DIYer generation, these were minor things for us in comparison to the advantages to being able to buy a dirt cheap fender and bolt it on yourself! Who owns the tools to remove that crumpled fender today?

The Smart car?  A Mechanic friend tells me, he was walking thru a parking lot and saw a guy dumbfounded by the task of replacing a head light bulb in his smart car, he looked under the hood, and later remarked to me.. “things are tight under there, I told the guy he might be best off to go to the dealer.”

Here’s an article I stumbled across this AM, one I think is thought-provoking. It touches on VWs strategy to rekindle the demand and loyalty North Americans once had for their products. The Author displays his knowledge of reality, it’s so often overlooked.. you need market products people want in order to make sales in volume.

But read those words.. ‘subsidies’, just what is that all about, and is it a long term help or hinder? And.. who does it help or hinder? I know, I know, .. someone out there is cocksure this is the responsible thing to do.

This post above is food for thought.. written for DIYers, we know that the responsible thing to do might be to let the market sort out the winners and losers. The DIYer knows how subjective ‘responsible’ is, fact is, he also knows he’ll burn less fuel, and create fewer emissions with one practical family car versus two or three cars in his drive way.  Making those cars, and spending the money to buy them created a mountain of emissions.

And BTW, thanks again for subsidizing the world in their efforts to build and sell products here.  In Washington State, we have wind turbines for as far as one can see in places, all manufactured in Europe, and built there. And our Gang Green Fellow Americans take pride in what they’ve done to place them. Americans enjoy a few hours of labor to tip them up in place.  I guess the subsidies for the Autos is far smarter than for wind turbines, at least it makes more American jobs.

Now for the learning: Go back up to that last link at the globeandmail, if you didn’t read the comments, then you missed 50% or more of the value of the article.

Sort through there, note the one guy who says he’s unhappy wiht your choice of a larger car, he apparently wants you to cram all six of your kids in the car of his choice.. he knows what you really need, and the world would be a better place if he were running it..

here’s one I reflected on.. look for the moniker Civil, perhaps he needs a new moniker. I’d give him ‘thoughtful’

4:11 PM on March 20, 2012  Civil says:

 Let’s do some simple math based on a US gallon, US EPA MPG and US ‘combined composite equivalent MPG’ (combined composite eMPG) data, shall we?
A base-model 2012 Chevy Volt with a manufactured suggested retail price (MSRP) of $33,045 (pre-tax but after the $8,500 Ontario provincial rebate) with a combined composite eMPG rating of 60 MPG* (72 MPG Imperial), as compared to a 2012 VW Passat TDi with an MSRP of $27,475 (pre-tax) and an EPA combined hwy/city rating of 34 MPG (41 MPG Imperial), driven 15,000 km/year (9,321 miles), based on a $4.69 per US gallon (3.78 litres x $1.24/litre) diesel price, would require a total of 6 1/2 years just to pay back the $5,570 price premium of the 2012 Chevy Volt over the MSRP of the 2012 VW Passat TDi given the Volt’s $557 annually saved fuel costs as compared to the 2012 VW Passat TDi.
However, the aforementioned 6 1/2 year payback period does not take into account the cost of charging the Chevy Volt (at today’s electricity rates – which will only increase once drivers switch from petroleum based vehicles to EVs and plug-in hybrids – placing more strain on an already precarious electricity grid), nor the cost of replacing the Volt’s Lithium Polymer Ion batteries at an estimated cost of $2,400 (plus labour) every 8 years – increasing the payback by a further 4 1/2 years to a whopping 11 years! Adding another $3,187 for a 240v charging station for your home’s garage increases the payback period by 6 more years to 17 years!
Interestingly, pushing the numbers on the Nissan Leaf yields even worse results – a costly home charging station, a whopping $12,000 for battery replacement every 8 years translating into a painfully long payback period of 45 years.
Not exactly a prudent purchase.
(Voice of Iliza Shlesinger): “Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf, you ran out of juice on the 8th hole and are little more than glorified golf carts – You are Excused!”




Posted in In The News, The New Green Movement, Vehicle Design, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , , , , , | 15 Comments