Monday Comment, Rossie O’Donnell, Mechanical Analysis of a Structural Failure

How many of us remember Rossie’s rants about the World Trade Center, and her cocksure conclusion that Steel just doesn’t catch on fire and burn? That the building couldn’t have fallen just because a plane flew into the building.

Round up the average garbage man, a few parking lot attendants, and anyone else you think might be as distant from Mechanical realities as Rossie. Now, show them all a Steel Box center support in a residential garage and ask your focus group why the steel support is boxed in sheet rock? I bet the majority of them will get it.. apply a little heat to steel, and you can have less time to get out in a fire than if the support was made of wood!  It won’t burn, but it can look like a noodle in less time than most of us imagine.

Today is a good news day, Oprah set Rossie up with her own TV Show, she even had her own Band!  Reality has set in, Oprah doesn’t have enough money or charm to buy Rossie an audience! The show’s budget was scaled back, and back and back.. It was obvious she had no viewership.

If there was ever a Poster Girl for fools being Cocksure, Rossie is it!

Don’t count her out! I can’t think of a better person to coach a woman’s roller derby team on some reality show… She’ll be back.. Remember Tanya Harding has a job!

I guess we all need to remember, what they do in most buildings to protect the structural elements from fire are normally designed to give the occupants more time to get out, not to keep the building from failing.



Posted in Building Design, Things I like | Tagged , | 14 Comments

Email of the Day, Renewable Energy Idea

Subject: New Type of Renewable Energy


Message: Hello, my name is Brian F. Though I’m an English teacher, I have always had a passion for chemistry.  In the last year, I have begun to develop a new type of renewable energy.  I’d like to ask you if you’ve heard of this idea or if you know much about it.

My project focuses on the phenomenon of water expanding when it freezes. My project uses a machine which converts the force of freezing water into electrical energy. At night, the water in the machine freezes (as in Nebraska we are blessed with many a freezing night) the expansion of ice forces a separate liquid with a lower freezing point into a thin cylinder which pushes out a rack (straight gear) which rotates a gear attached to a generator. When the water thaws during the day, the system returns to it start point to repeat the process the next night.

What do you think? Is this an idea worth pursuing?

Thank you for your help,

Brian F.

George’s Thoughts

First off, we need recognize that Brian represents about 80% of those who are excited about Alternative Energy, and those who believe that Government should fund all research possible with ideas like this one and more. (not that he does!)

A simple google search will allow even an English Teacher to find the basic formulas for computing horsepower, we learn that forces in the billions of pounds may not constitute a source of energy, there is another factor we need consider, and that is to  measure velocity or speed. When we make an appraisal of the energy potential, there is little need to inventory all the losses as a first estimate.

The simple formula for calculating linear horsepower is FxV over 33000, F is force in pounds, V is velocity in Feet per minute.

Considering that there’s about 9% expansion rate when water turns to ice, we might easily recognize that not only do we have a single event per day, but the velocity is going to be mighty slow, fact is the Turtle is going to look like he’s on fire in comparison.

Maybe there’s another way to study the energy potential by doing a comparison. Maybe we calculate the number of revolutions a small generator must make to produce one KW of electrial energy. If we measure the diameter of the piston, and the number RPMs, perhaps we can multiply that piston diameter by the number of RPMs to give us an idea of how big our piston would need be to deliver an equivalent amount of energy in one cycle.. sure we can argue that ice is different, but we need build the machine that can handle the forces, and one that is economical to build, what would that look like?

So here’s where readers chime in, perhaps you’ll explain the gear box? no need to correct my English here, I know it sucks 🙂  Scroll down to comments…. no doubt this is an idea most Washington State voters would fund!

Imagine recharging your EV just by leaving it outside to freeze at night.. I bet someone is writing a grant proposal to study it!


OK right here is an addition to this post.. If you go down and read the comments, I think they are thought provoking.. ONLY after I read them did I think of the following!

If we take Brian’s idea, visualize  a water heater tank with one end cut off, and a piston of sorts shoved up against 40 gallons of water.

With this said, let’s look at a change in temperature from let’s say 40F to 10F, we will make ice with that swing, and there will be a force applied to the piston.

If we use the volume of water, and calculate the energy necessary to raise that volume of water 30F, won’t we have the equivalent of the energy into our system, and if we expect to get more than that out, won’t we have a so called over unity device?

From this calculation, we might add losses, and expect less out if we make use of any energy produced.    





Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Earth & Energy, Generator Realities, Strange Stuff | Tagged , , | 44 Comments

Kiss is Dead? Thermosiphon Cooling

I saw a post on a forum talking about how good water pumps are now-a-days, and how thermosiphon is a thing of the past. I refelected on how many reports I’ve had of burned down unattended engines due to bad pumps, bad belts, or frozen tension idlers. I thought about my totally trouble free system at Easton. It brought a smile to my face.

Perhaps few of us think in terms of 6000 hours being equal to 100,000 or so of driving, belts, tensioners, and pumps do fail. If you have these parts, make sure you have an over temp shut down, Murphy is always there to bite you in the ass.


The Lister CS was designed to thermal siphon, but you do need a place to carry off the heat, and it need be adequate to work right.


Posted in DIYer Generator, Off Grid Power, Thermostat | Tagged , | 6 Comments

The Practical Utility/Commuter Vehicle


DIYer Commuter Vehicle

DIYer Commuter Vehicle

Once you reach 60 years of age, you are aware that a lot of good things come and go only to return again, why is that? Why did they leave?

I love to read some of the stereotyping posts made in cyber space about Americans and their cars 🙂 It reminds me of this Quote: “The world is that the foolish are cocksure, while the wise are full of doubt.”  Bertrand Russell

America is a very diverse country, we have people from about every place on earth here, every color, every religion, rich, poor, smart, and not so smart.. we have it all. We have heat, cold, mountains, and places flat as a table top for miles. We have mechanically challenged people who live on steep hills in San Francisco, and can’t wait to buy their EV, and people in areas flat as a table that might actually benefit from owning an EV.

When you add that we are also a very divided country when it comes to politics, it’s hard to understand why people stereotype us?

When it comes to transportation, there is no right vehicle, as we have very different needs depending on where we live, and how we live.

One thing I find interesting is how many people in each new generation are not so aware of what is a new idea, and what has been recycled a half dozen times. People also lose sight of what motivates people, Companies, or Government to do what they do.

Here’s a reminder,  Auto Companies are in business to make a profit. Car Dealers are in business to do the same, if they don’t, they perish.

For those of us who are looking  for the Economical stripper car, we need realize, there’s not so much profit for the manufacturer or dealer in selling same. the Dealer might look at a base model as an empty shopping cart, if you add a Bose Radio, CD player, speakers, Air Conditioning, Leather Seats, and Video Entertainment system in the back seats to keep the kids quiet, there’s a lot more profit in a sale.  We need ask ourselves, what’s in it for a Dealer to fill his lot full of stripped down versions of a car in high demand?

If we are old enough, we’ll remember going to the show room to see a very  popular new model, and we couldn’t miss the fact that everything on the lot was loaded up with options. The dealer knew he had a hot commodity, so why not load them up? some might suggest Dealers are Greedy Bastards, but many are just struggling to stay in business, and Government has made that even harder for them recently.

This might be the reason that cars like the Geo Metro come and go, there’s far less profitability in them, and what normally brings on a new wave of econo cars is high fuel prices, fuel prices go back down, sales droop, and the car gets cut from the production schedule, the EPA raising the bar on emissions doesn’t help, and when an auto company has to invest a lot of money in an existing auto that is NOT contributing to profitability, it’s often smarter for the company to drop the car all together instead.

No doubt in my mind, the Geo Metro was a winning design, the three cylinder engine had less parts, it made a lighter and more narrow power train, and it got excellent mileage with a Carb!

It appears that Ford will make their version of the Chevy Metro, a new three cylinder Ford Econoboost engine with a turbo, some of us will welcome the turbo, others will see it as just another failure point, and wish for an NA version.

What I’d like to see, is the stripper version of the commuter/utility car, I envision a four seater hatch back, with the rear hatch opening all the way down to the deck, with folding rear seats. The deck being strong enough to support some heavier stuff we might want to carry home.

Imagine a vehicle with vinyl floor mats, if you want the rugs, you’ll buy them later, if you want a radio, you’ll buy that too, there’s a hole for it, just pop it in..

It’s possible we’ll see a vendor of stripper autos in the future, we’ll order them on line, there will be no sales commission, they wont pass through the typical dealer show room, and perhaps they’ll be delivered to your drive way by the local freight carrier?

There’s a market, it’s small, but it’ll be steady.. Imagine a vehicle where you can order parts from Rubber-Maid, or make your own.. door skins, fenders, and more..

Need new running gear? Look up the mounts and brackets on the internet for your new  donor, and bolt them in..all from your nearest salvage yard, you can find a near endless supply of freshly wrecked cars, isn’t it time to create the open source utility car?  I visualize a square tube frame, and of course, you’ll care enough to buy it or build it where you can treat the inside of the frame with a rust prevenative. Rusted out part? make a new one.

George B.


Posted in Things I like, Vehicle Design | Tagged | 5 Comments

Combined Heat and Power (food for thought)

CHP for you and me? Those of us who have studied combined heat and power, know that it was at the heart of many large corporate buildings in UK, Europe, and the USA. Perhaps, Old ideas will be new again. 

Cool looking old switch I found in the bowels of a Seatle Building.


One of the keys to practical combined heat and power plants is to have a use for waste heat whether it be summer,winter, or fall. Converting low temperature waste heat into other forms of energy is likely key.. conversion of same to lights and cooling for a building could be ideal uses.

Here’s an article worth the read, perhaps we envision Green houses, where the right spectrum of light is generated off a manifold that delivers waste heat to the LEDs.  The following article might discuss a very promising breakthrough.

Let’s pray that Government doesn’t fund the effort to death, and siphon off the life’s blood as it has wind and solar..

All the best,


Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, CHP/ Co Gen, Off Grid Power, Strange Stuff, Things I like | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Engine Failures and what we can learn as DIYers.

These engines are at the heart of rural transportation

It’s rare to find engine operators who are careful to keep records of an engine’s performance and give them good care and the required maintenance. These people are gifts to our DIYer movement and help us come to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the assembly.

As I have said many times, people are products of their environment, and deep seated in our minds is a set of rules as to how the world operates. What’s sad, is these rules often trump reality! I mean to say, we are reluctant to accept what we see with our own eyes, and refer back to this list of rules (what we’ve been taught reality is or should be.)

One of the things deep seated in the Western DIYer’s mind, is a standard of behavior, and our personal dedication to achieve a certain standard in our personal assemblies. If you are one of us, you may have laid in bed one night unable to sleep until you came to the conclusion you needed to tear something apart again and check one more thing. It’s that constitution inside your head, you can’t shake it no matter how hard you try.

Somewhere in my writings, I shared the perfect Hell for an old retired German Craftsman. Force him to work on one of the Indian assembly lines in Rajkot, give him the job of fitting Gib Keys with a sledge hammer, no doubt this would be a version of hell for him.

I swapped emails with a younger Friend just yesterday, he is one of the better problem solvers I’ve ever worked with, he can meet with a client, inventory their needs, and with a high degree of certainty create a good solid solution. What he shares with me yesterday, is that obvious solutions are often over ruled in meetings because of turf issues, and many are rejected because the solution might impact jobs or budgets elsewhere in the organization. The solution often becomes, what is best ‘for me’, not what is best to improve a process, a company, or a product.

He shares in his email, that we likely share the same affliction, neither of us can grasp and hold onto these facts that Department Heads, and others make decisions based on criteria we feel is unethical and immoral. My friend says he has to go through the grieving process each time, as he can never suppress the urge to just fix the basic problem, nor let go of the fact that his Superiors were driven to consider other factors.

Now, let’s evaluate today’s email from a key player in a third world country where there is seldom an electrical grid to depend on.  People need pump their own water and make their own electrical power . Gasoline is near out of the question due to its very high price and rarity.

Hi George,

I have been looking out for you on Skype wanting to discuss problems with Chinese Bearings failing in ChangFas.

I always believed that ChangFas had better quality bearings and that this amongst other things made them the preferred engine of this type to buy.

I recently had the bearings that are fitted to the two vibration balancing shafts fail at only around 1,500 hours. Oil used was the best quality and changes at 200 hours. 

This has shattered my faith in the ChangFa brand. Why do the Chinese so badly screw up and spoil what is otherwise a good engine ? They must have made millions of these. Why do they not learn from this sort of thing and improve their brand. The cost to do this is not high, just a few good quality bearings.

Do you know of a better brand of this type of engine. The 195 and the 1115 are popular sizes.

Regards ,N

As I read this, I reflect on a conversation with one of our favorite bearing suppliers, it’s pretty much what he does all day long, and he’s in a position to get feedback on what he sells. Some years ago, he told me “The Chinese make some really good bearings, problem is, mixed in with them are bad ones.

Around Y2K, MJ McCarroll, a man who has spent 40 or more years with his hands in the gear works took a few 195 and 1115 engines apart. He was happy with the assembly (mostly) but correctly observed that the two bearings on the countershaft were heavily loaded, and if there was less than a high quality bearing used there, one could expect a train wreck. MJ said it was important to tear the assembly down and replace those bearings, and why not the other ones too? He used Timkens because he trusted the brand.

At one time, Changfa had a website up declaring that they were in deed an International Company and would source parts where ever needed to build a reliable product. With this said, we need remember, this was a snapshot in time, and who is really making these kind of decisions today? Perhaps the Chinese Communist Party has over ruled this decision and forced everyone to use the Chinese bearings, but then again, we need ask, who all are using the Chinese for bearing assemblies and rebranding them with their name? Perhaps there are traders that slap the Changfa name on other assemblies? What all goes on in China?

We need avoid a big mistake Western minds make, and that is to assume we understand what is going on. China might be a lot like the Wild West here was back a few years, just how much law and standards of behavior did you find in parts of the mid west back then? Perhaps it was more survival at the time?

We need ask ourselves, what happens to bearings that don’t pass QC? Are they destroyed? Perhaps they are sold through the back door, and find themselves in a new box, and sold to an unsuspecting assembler at a far better price? Go ahead, rule it out as a possibility.

Now we need also ask ourselves, how long are these engines run at a time in their main markets? If it were a few minutes at a time, we might conclude that most would reach 1500 hours of use many years after purchase, but we know that these engines are used for irrigation and transportation in China, and many parts of the East.

We have heard stories that managers in factories in China have been put on trial and punished for willfully cheating the people of China, and there are factories that build products that sell to the Chinese Military.  A question for all of us, Westerners and Easterners alike.. Is the plant manager who supplies 195, and 1115s more careful in selecting bearings for the Military? Perhaps another question. Are those who dump second or third rate bearings careful to make sure they are sent out in the exported engines to assure they are not punished for crimes against the Chinese people?

Now for a curve ball.. India has it’s full share of problems, some stuff out of Rajkot is made to sell, not to use, but I have NEVER seen a bad tapered roller bearing on a one cylinder Lister type.. never, have you? Why is that?

There are many thing made in India that are absolutely first rate! Most of the piston rings are made in India, and they make some of the best ever made. Mico Injection pumps and other parts are precision assemblies, and as good as any ever made.

I think this is true of China, what isn’t made there now, those Japanese  bearings you buy, the ones that have always served you needs, are they products of Japan today?

How to source quality? How to protect your investment

MJ’s solution, pull those bearings off the balance shafts and replace them with the best you can source. When these bearings let go, it’s the same as a train wreck! You’ll be hard pressed to re-assemble the engine for less than the cost of a new one, one that oil pump driven off the end of the balance shaft fails..

Perhaps the answer is a kit engine? You get everything in a box minus the bearings, and you build the engine yourself.

There’s a long list of parts you don’t need, and here’s where the problem develops, is there anyone in all of China that can package an engine kit the way we’d like it. Here’s a list of parts a smart stationary engine builder will want to omit, as he knows there are far better solutions in his junk pile. More on this later.

  • Fuel tank
  • Hopper
  • Water pump
  • Intake manifold
  • Exhaust manifold
  • Muffler
  • Air cleaner

We here choose to use simple black iron pipe welded to an easy to make or second sourced flange.  Stock manifolds have proven to create problems,  hoppers are normally taken off, and easy to make manifolds fitted. Air cleaners exhaust manifolds can and do rattle apart, and we have even seen parts sucked into the engine, best you source your own.

What we are left with is a far more compact engine crate, lighter, and we can ship more of what we want per square meter. When missing these parts, we have engine parts and not an engine, and likely no need to worry about EPA certification until you build your own combined heat and power plant.

As per my thoughts, anyone who passes up the opportunity to use biofuels, and run in CHP mode, misses a chance to please Queen Ms Lisa…. who is on the fast track to making most of your decisions for you as head of the EPA.  She’s the reason you can’t own one of those really cool little diesel cars that gets 62MPG imperial, yes, most people outside the USA can own one, but not you.

Lee and David, here’s your opportunity.. a kit Engine that contains all we need, and minus all we normally don’t use, and it’s a kit, it should be less money, it should be cheaper to ship, it should be free of the EPA requirements, and many of these parts can be used to create other things,  steam engines, air compressors, spares, wood gas power plants, and more. And yes, always consider checking in with Queen Lisa before you assemble a thing, she might even issue you some subsidies J




Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, CHP/ Co Gen, DIYer Generator, DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy, Engines, Off Grid Power, Questions & Answers, Slow Speed Engines, Small Diesels | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

In the news this AM, Chevy Volt, and a lesson in Value Engineering

March 2nd 2012 is a date to remember, the Chevy Volt Factory DID shut down Friday due to lack of orders. Government Motors simply missed the price point.   

All those Qued up orders from California, thousands upon thousands they told us,  and now we know the truth. Fact is, it’s pretty easy to say you’re going to buy something, but there’s a long tradition in the Car business of validating those potential orders for a reason.., and that’s exactly what Toyota did with the Prius. Yes, GM has even more history, and of course they know the game, this gives all the more credence to the story that GM was told they’d build this car… or else.

Where are the orders? Perhaps we’ll hear the Oil Company robbed all of them from the letter carrier that delivers to GM?

I reflect on a great article about VW, and their announcement that they would be making the ‘W’ engine, and potentially the W-12!  A writer for an Auto Enthusiast magazine thought he’d throw a jab at the VW Exec and said, “So why is VW building the ‘W’ Engine? The most brilliant reply was “because Dr. XXXXX wants to build it.”  I wish I remembered his name, but he was the head of engine development at the time.

Yes, the VW Exec understood, the W Engine may not be practical, and may not lead to additional sales, so why try to rationalize the effort?

There’s a post I made about the Smart Car, and what I thought of it. Yes the Engineers did  have a goal, they wanted to build a VERY small car and they have worked very hard to make their ‘tiny’ car as safe as the shape and size will allow within their budget.

You can review the post here, and no surprise, one person who bought the car likes it! Notice his mention of exotic materials and the many efforts made to make the car safe, and don’t we know there’s safe and safer.

smart-car safety

smart-car safety






Let’s look at the above drawings, to the left, we have the smart car, we do note the limited area between the bumper and the driver for crush zones and restraints. We understand that it’s all about restraining the body, and doing all possible to keep the body from experiencing G forces that detach retinas, or permanently damage organs.

If we look at the car design to the right, we see what I think will win the sales, a shape that can be more aerodynamic, perhaps deliver better highway mileage and can offer one of two things, an even safer vehicle than the smart car in a head on using their exotic materials,  OR the same crash performance for less money using the added space up front to slow the forward movement of the human body with less exotic materials.

As mentioned, the two back seats in cars that deliver even better mileage than the Smart car are mighty handy to bring home Groceries, stop by and pick up the kids from day care and many other things single commuters are occasionally asked to do. The Smart car owner is challenged to do more than find a place for a dozen donuts when it’s his turn to bring them  to a meeting at work.

There are places for speciality vehicles, we need consider the LOTUS 7, a true masterpiece of engineering, but hardly a car I expect to see in every other driveway.

The Smart car is an experiment, there are likely people in the bean counting department at MB, and value Engineers who have nearly lost their minds over this project. They were very confident the design would not lead to the sales the effort required, and they will be proven right at the end of the day. They are still asking, who really cares about owning the most tiny car on the block, certainly NOT potential customers we talk to.

The VW Exec said it all up front, we are building the W Engine, because our leadership wants to, it need not be the most rational move, it need not be what our customers are demanding.

If we knew the truth, the same is likely true of the Smart Car, it’s Something the Engineers wanted to do, and by some miracle they were allowed to do it.  One good thing that comes out of the exercise, is M.B. has learned how to get a level of protection out of the smallest space. I can only imagine seating the driver ahead of the bumper as being a larger challenge to the Engineers attempting to keep their crash dummies safe.

Here’s a lesson regarding the advantage of mass when it comes to a collision, you think you’re safe in an SUV? Well maybe so if you tangle with a smart car… but…


But, as I mentioned, this short and tiny car, what can we add to fuel economy simply by stretching out the nose a foot or two, and once we do, there’s no need for the expensive and exotic materials that have driven up the cost. The design of the car leaves the barn door wide open for the competition, after all, no one is fighting to build the smallest car, as there are so many in years past that were tossed on the bone pile.  The real market is in building cars people need and want to buy, and the Chevy Metro was one, and that Chevy Cruise will be another.

No doubt in my mind.. GM built the Cruise, and they did so based on what qualified buyers want to buy.

As for the Chevy Volt, I know the Car Business well enough to know that building the Edsel is all too rare, this is a Government Motors Car, and perhaps the Government would offer a 50% subsidy (which means the taxpayers pay half the car payments)… If they could get aways with it..

At the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with building and selling Lotus 7s, Smart Cars, or even a Chevy Volt.., as long as we tax payers aren’t forced to help pay for them.

So as I Close, I think about those Volt owners out there, pretty small club, maybe even a collectors item!

check out this old video clip, always fun to review the past

George B.




Posted in Buyer Beware, Gravity, The New Green Movement, UtterPower Articles, Vehicle Design | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

The New World run by Google and Lisa Jackson

We know the majority of people are riding along through life as if they were on an escalator, no need to move your feet, and no need to seek your own direction. We are different, and yes there’s people that don’t like that..

If you’ve been watching Google lately, you’ll see Ads pop up that reveal what you have been searching for recently, this is very handy, and even helpful at times, but there’s a very dark side to Google that has gone unnoticed by the masses.

It wasn’t long ago, there were folks who had worked for 5 years or more to tune their internet real-estate for sales and sales commissions, with a simple tweak of Google’s search algorithms, their monthly income went from a comfortable living to close to zero, the result was home foreclosures, and more people on the street looking for jobs.

We know Google’s game, they know that your searches are valuable property, and that they can sell a click-through for a high price WHEN they can demonstrate that it leads to a high percentage of sales. One might question if you’ll sell anything at all without a relationship (that you pay for) with Google in the future.

Perhaps we’ll soon see an entity turn the tables on Google? It may be far easier that we think, in many operating systems, a process can look just like any other user.  Just how easy would it be to slam together a program that runs in the background that generates searches AND submits them to Google?

We simply create three delimited files, with a lot of data:

perhaps a search would be submitted for:

large-wooden-boat,  Fat-Womens-underwear… etc.

But, there are a lot of more controversial searches that could be made, and this is exactly what this article is all about.. and yes I do know someone will write me and say I’m giving people ideas.. well give me a break, as anything I’ve thought of, was likely thought of about 20 years or more ago..

How about:

Nude-Fat-Women, Home-Made-Guns, How-To-Make-Gunpowder, My-Favorite-Poision, How-To-Kill-A-Wolf.

Ok, you get the idea, so here’s a simple program you might construct, and it will load up that pile of data google has on you with trash!

but let’s take it a step further, google is becoming a target same as Microsoft, an entity people like to hate, some of us are old enough to remember that Ma Bell was a similar target, no matter how she attempted to rob the rich, and give to the poor, she was hated across the spectrum of subscribers. Our benevolent Ma Bell used her sky high long distance revenue to subsidize subscriber lines, where anyone could afford a phone, even in a small  Mountain Community that might have cost $75,000 per line to install and another $5000 a year in maintenance per line to keep in service. Some little old lady got a phone for $10 a month.  In reality, this Rob Peter to pay Paul was part of MA’s undoing, and yes many of us loved Her, but understood her many faults, and we knew Her days were numbered.

So, If I can think of it, we should expect these types of programs to be created by a number of entities and for a number of reasons.. by individuals, perhaps by groups of hackers who have developed a common hatred for a new bully on the block?

So there you are sitting in Court, your neighbor has sued you because all 47 of her cats disappeared and you were fingered with PETA’s help as the person who murdered her Free Range Felines. (I love cats by the way).

Your Defense Attorney steps forward to cross examine the Expert witness who examined your hard drive, and the results of the cache of information google was forced to turn over under the Government’s new policy to fight terrorism.

Your Defense asks…

And did you notice this executable program hidden in my clients PC? It’s right here in a sub folder inside the Temp folder… a program called  screwugooglefreaks.exe ?

Right here on code line 677, is a call made to a website in Mongolia that loaded a data file, and don’t you know, these people who run the website eat cats, and make fine fur coats out of them!

So maybe a program or virus like this would give you some immunity? No doubt in my mind, the FEDs are looking at searches to.. perhaps the words ‘my favorite poison’ were scraped off this page;  and are already binned in some Government computer waiting to be processed further?

But,  Lisa Jackson is a lot more scary (in my mind) than Google. Certainly by now, those who bent their principles and went along with the ‘Clean Air Act’ might realize that they are responsible for the undoing of State’s rights. Rights that were a fundamental principle of our freedom, and reason we have prospered as a Nation. the ACT fully truncates the ability of our States to run with any autonomy and experiment with ideas and concepts best suited for the People who live within.   The near Rabid Activist Lisa Jackson is cocksure she has the answers to all your problems, a visionary who sees things more clearly than Jesus Christ ever could.  There’s a move in progress to grant her ‘God Like’ authority to rule over Earth, Wind, and Fire, and so many of your peers think that’s a good thing.

Have a great day, and do pray for Ma Lisa, pray she wakes up some day with the understanding that smart people are normally far less cocksure than Herself..

George B.




Posted in Buyer Beware, Gravity, Legal, Strange Stuff, Survival Skills, Things I Hate!, Things I like, UtterPower Articles | 1 Comment

New EV Refueling Station, just a few blocks from the Utterpower Shop!

Right out in front of the Drug Store on the corner of 272nd and 132nd in Kent WA.

Glad to see this new unit in the neighborhood,  I had to go over and check it out, you can grab hold of the charger plug, and stretch out the very nice portable cord.

There’s a picture of an electronic card, and the hint that you need present same in order to charge your battery.

As I look over this charger, it certainly does look like it was designed by EV Enthusiasts. First thing I think about is the high cost of this portable cable, and the generous length, Just cut it off flush at the charger and sell it on eBay for home use.. maybe you go the extra step to put a male dryer plug on the other end, and sell it for a good price?

Of course the Meth Heads might cut it off first, and set  fire to it in order to burn away all but that expensive copper  they can then sell to the Salvage Yard right over the hill.

I also noted, there’s really no store windows that have a view of this charge station, and there really are no other stores that have a good view of it either..

So, will I ever see a car being charged? will the cord stay on the charge station? will these be eBayed as I suspect? I guess we’ll learn soon enough.. can’t imagine what the State paid a foot for this cord, and how many they’ll replace unless they re-think the design.

Sure.. I know.. I’m just old and cynical..




Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, The New Green Movement, Vehicle Design | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

The Chinese Engine Parts Connection (Lee and David)

Order Chinese Parts

If you’ve been following the Slower Speed Chinese Diesels for as long as I have been, you’ve seen engine sales come and go, but ordering parts for what you have…  has NOT been all that easy.   There’s been a few dealers who have made a sincere effort to stock parts, but this doesn’t always prove easy to do and for a number of reasons.

Without getting into a long story about the complications, I’ll just tell you that Lee and David, (two DIYers) who speak the mainstream Chinese languages fluently, and who were  educated in the West have decided to supply parts via mail order to North America and other English Speaking Countries, they too are focused on the DIYer as their Customer.  Yes, we do know Ozzies and Tassies don’t really speak English so much, but they are most welcome to order too.

Here’s how it works.

Lee and David are very active in researching QC methods and identifying the better vendors. This is a work in progress, and this page will likely be amended to reflect the direction.  I have seen a lot of things posted on the internet regarding the pros and cons of dealing with a manufacturer VS dealing with an independent entity.  I doubt I’ll forget the email written by a most ethical Chinese trader around Y2K.. she wrote back to a Dealer here in NA and said.. “The last people who order this engine has ‘many moans’, they are not made right yet, and you need to buy a different one.” I’m pretty sure the Manufacturer would not have warned him..

Paypal is the conduit for payment, it is best that you have the parts manual, and look up the number of the part you need. Lee and David want to make every effort possible to cut down on communications problems, and assure you get what you ordered.

Lee and David will support the Chinese Horizontals, ST Generator Heads, the Yanmar Clones and more.

They understand us, because they are one of us 🙂 They are DIYers! These are the kind of guys you’d bring home, and show your favorite junk to 🙂

Some of you may know Quinn Farnes, a great DIYer.. he volunteered to test the delivery of a new injection pump for a 175.. (he needed one) if it had been an Apple Pie, it would have arrived in Quinn’s hands still warm!

One of my Canadian Friends said Lee and David did everything humanly possible to make sure his order was filled with the best engines and parts available… life is too short to deal with junk, and so many have learned that there is no profit in selling junk.

As an example of what normally stops a DIYer in his tracks are small and simple things like Head Gaskets, injector nozzles, injection rebuilt kits, high pressure lines, maybe even a new oil pump, these can all be ordered at affordable prices, and you need not wait long to get the part if you have an engine out of service and need it back on the job fast.

Contact Lee at:

Scroll down, easy to leave constructive comments here, this is a work in progress, and you can help make it what it needs to be..

George B.





Posted in Slow Speed Engines, Small Diesels | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments