Lessons on Fence Building, and how you avoid building a new one.

Rotting Fence

Rotting Fence


You need not be a Fence Builder to invest in learning the basics of Fence Building, and the five minutes you spend reading  this short story may save you a thousand dollars or more.

We are DIYers, and of course we spend time…. a good amount of time looking at other people’s work. You can find yourself in a Relative’s back yard looking at how a fence was put together, or how it’s being maintained, and then you ‘hear a voice’.. Yes! It’s your Wife attempting to pull you back to the present where a conversation is going on, and someone thought you were part of it. You’ve slipped away again as if you were in a dream, no one else thinks that fence should hold your interest longer than a second! And yes.. you do realize you’re rude 🙂

You caught the fact that the idiot who built the fence didn’t understand he needed to turn that two by four ninety degrees to provide the support necessary to keep the center of each span (post to post) from sagging and looking like the back of a 28 year old saddle horse,   but even worse it will live a short life.

Your Brother in law shared the story of how his buddy (a licensed fence builder) gave him a discount, and in exchange, he kept the fencing crew in beer on that hot summer day when the fence went up.

I’m in the process of watching half a dozen fences rot into the ground, what I find amusing is most who live adjacent to these fences think the fence is owned by the neighbor, and most likely the neighbor will be doing the maintenance work.  Perhaps that’s why they thought they could cover the bottom of the fence with dirt, or allow leaves to accumulate and compost up against the fence?

In one back yard I visited, I noted the fence across the back of the property was all rotted off across the bottom.  When the wind blew, the pickets floated as if the fence was waving hello to me. On investigation, I noted the homeowner had indeed used his neighbor’s fence for a berm, and piled up dirt and gravel a foot up the fence to level out his back yard, and the entire horizontal support rotted.

In addition, there was a windstorm that dropped a small fir-tree across the back fence at an angle and knocked down two sections. Yes, it was the neighbor’s fence all right, but a month later, it was still on the ground where the tree left it.  The owner had rented his  house out, and likely just making his payments as so many are. Did he care if the fence was on the ground? Nope.  From where the Wife of the house washed dishes, she could look into the back yard of the rental, watch dogs enter her yard and chase their cats. Her privacy was gone, and at times, she could see the Renter at her Kitchen sink washing dishes same as her.  Perhaps they should wave at each other when their eyes met?

Some folks move into a house and have no clue who put the fence in that borders their property, some are built to give you and the neighbor a ‘good’ side that looks identical. There’s often a trim board held on by two or three small nails that can be quickly removed to reveal which side the boards were put up from. Most people who build fences put the boards on from their property to assure they have access for repair. There’s no certainty that your neighbor will like you.. or even find you neighborly in the future, so don’t even think about building your fence in a way where you need access to his property to maintain it.

Just the other day, I checked on another fence along the side of a house, the owner hauled in Gravel there to park a vehicle or two behind a fence and again he covered the lower horizontal and caused it to rot out, I saw where he had pulled the trim and discovered the boards had been put on from his side, opps! he’s been abusing his own fence!

So where we going with this story? Following are some bullet items to consider IF you have a fence, OR your neighbor has a fence. feel free to add what you learned under comments, and thanks in advance.

  • Fences are expensive to have built, take care of yours, and take care of your neighbor’s fence as well, don’t bury the bottom, don’t allow grass clipping, leaves or dirt to lay up against it!
  • When you build or repair a fence, place the bottom support well above ground level, there’s no good reason to place the horizontal a half inch from the ground, and even treated material can rot out if you bury it in a compost pile.
  • If you move into a place with a fence, make a point to learn whose fence it is, note any potential past abuses, and discuss them with your neighbor, it might be an ice breaker.
  • A common short cut in building fences is shallow post holes, especially where the soil is hard. The effort you put into making the holes deep enough will pay dividends. I like to tamp in my posts with rocks and avoid concrete around the posts alltogether; but it depends on soil conditions as to what is best. If you bring the concrete right up to the top of the ground around the post, freeze and thaw can break up the concrete and leave the post loose in little time, some fence builders assure there’s some loose dirt on the top of the pours to act as insulation from freezing, but when you’re in areas where the frost level is five foot deep, it likely matters less.
  • Use treated wood for posts.

Remember the importance of putting in angle braces in the corners, and learn how to properly support a gate post, you’ll need add some additional support, as gravity works full-time to test your work.

One thing a guy really needs to consider >if< he starts with a clean sheet of paper. If you  have access to a Bull Dozer or hire one, consider locating the fence lines and making them smooth and straight as possible, It’s far more difficult to build a fence on ground that looks choppy as the ocean on a white cap day. It might cut your fence building time in half, and make it look far more attractive. It’ll look like you started with a plan 🙂



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Try and blow this off! just the tip of the ice berg folks :-)






Another Fraud!

Watch your technically ignorant Greenie Friends rationalize robbing the tax payers!

And how much of this money went to political supporters? Remember, they’re taking the money out of the general fund…  ‘your social security payments’. Don’t worry be happy right?  🙂

If it’s green, there’s likely fraud involved, just follow the money 🙂

Here’s a quote:

Two men with insight into the process are SunPower rooter Rep. George R. Miller III, (D.-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Education and Workforce Committee and the co-chairman of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, and his SunPower lobbyist son, George Miller IV.

Miller the Elder is a strong advocate for SunPower, which converted an old Richmond, Calif., Ford plant in his district to a panel-manufacturing facility.

The congressman hosted an Oct. 14, 2010, tour of the plant with company CEO Thomas H. Werner and Interior Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar to promote the company’s fortunes.

“The path to a clean energy economy starts here, in places like SunPower’s research and development facility,” said Salazar during the tour.

“The work that comes from these facilities transforms renewable energy ideas into a reality.  When renewable energy companies continue to invest in places like California, the realization of a new energy future is within our reach,” he said.


Words tuned and likely tested on totally inept technically challenged Greenies..











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Trip to Ron’s place to check out his new Generators and his AMG V12 Hot Rods.

My friend Ron was board one day and attended an auction…. to his surprise, he bought two 3 phase generators instead of one 🙂  One is 30KW NA, the other 40KW turbo.  Of course they are both diesel, and here in the Puget Sound Basin. Want one? He got a pretty good deal.

While playing with the Generators, we got one primed with fuel and purged of air, it ran fine, just like the other one, we put a load on the generator and check the frequency.. mission accomplished!

We then Checked out Ron’s collection of V12 Mercedes including two AMG Hot Rods.  We took a drive down towards Black Diamond, and of course we took the  hottest one that makes 750 foot pounds of torque 🙂  Mashing down on the pedal causes your eyes to open wide. Going around a corner, you feel the seats literally hug you in order to keep you in the seat as you pull Gs your pickup truck never allowed you to experience 🙂  Sticky tires and traction control are part of the magic, but there’s also brakes that would stop a logging truck! Massive! You learn you need them when you can hit well over 100 MPH in what feels like a few hundred feet.  Then you need to stop, and stop real fast if you’re going to keep from punching that car just ahead!

Ron? He’s happiest when he’s chopping wood, or taking something apart himself.. but he could have it all done for him if he likes. He’s just another DIYer with a boat load of hands on experience.

So here we are in our Sixties pulling the same dumb stuff we did when we were kids. Only difference is we have cooler toys to play with, or at least some of us do 🙂

For a little less than $250,000 you can own a new AMG V12 Hot Rod with the finest wood grain on the dash, and other amenities most of us DIYers only dream about.  Watch the Euro exchange rate, maybe you’ll buy two?

Now here’s the question, Ron has a flawless like new V12 with 20,000 miles on it. It’s Black with Perfect paint. It could be yours for $38,000! No.. it’s not an AMG, but it’s still FAST, and gets around 22 MPG on a road trip. This is less money than a new Chevy Volt, and so much more fun!

Thanks for all the fun Ron, we always have a great time at your house, and Quinn and I are still talking about your really cool kinetic wood splitter!


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Lessons Learned this week in the Mountains, and news of the next bad investment in Delaware

Some of the best thinking I do is in the Mountains. This last trip was a special one.


I’ve had more than 30 years to observe the animals and the plants up here and I’m just beginning to know what to look for! I’ve told you about a past experience, the time I watched what appeared to be a snake slither off into the tall grass before I could get close enough to see him. It took me another 20 years to see another one and photograph it!  A very shy snake that very few ever see. This trip up, I stopped by Snider’s log cabin, Rich Snider was there along with others who have been hunting in the area for a life time as well. They were there for Muzzle loading Elk season. This is a fun and respectful group of hunters who always put a smile on my face.

During a short visit at the Snider Camp, we exchanged a few stories of past years, when I mentioned the snake with a skin the color and texture of an earthworm, Nick replied, I know what you saw, I’ve seen one! He’s been in the woods here since 1955, and seen only  one Rubber Boa!

The wife and I took long walks, and visited places tied to good memories like the time we came across a fawn right at our feet that was carrying out orders not to move! She lay there so still, and not even her eyes blinked. We looked up and saw a very nervous Doe looking on, and once we made eye contact with her, she stomped the ground in an attempt to divert our attention away from her fawn. After all these years, we recall so many experiences where we’ve met the wild life head on, like the time we met a Cow Elk and Calf at the water hole; and we got within 20 feet of them before they discovered us. How rare that was, and how busy they were digging out a hole in the spring to drink from.

As we sat on the Porch one morning we both noted that we had not yet had a visit from Raven, perhaps he was so well fed this year, he wasn’t bothering to come by and see what might be left for him in the yard? Another common and most welcome visitor missing was the Golden Mantle Ground Squirrel we always see here. They are normally keen at noticing a new visitor to the hill, and we have fun watching them investigate a gift like peanuts or sunflower seeds. When a Golden Mantle alerts to the presence of a Falcon or Hawk, small birds, chip monks, and other creatures take immediate action, either running for cover or watching the sky for an incoming intruder.

This trip, there was no sign of the Golden Mantle, not at our cabin, or on any walk we took. We never got a visit from Raven either, although we heard him off in the distance, and we recalled the wonderful aerial displays they’ve put on in the late fall in years past. They dive and roll above the deep canyons of the area and put on memorable displays.

As I sat on the porch, I saw a larger bird working it’s way up the ridge of our mountain and onto the table top where our cabin lies. Could it be what I thought? A tail so much longer than other birds, and a very distinctive call. Sharon and I have wondered about this bird and his range, we normally see him in the lower elevations but NEVER here where we are well above 4000 feet elevation. Yes, you likely guessed, it was a Magpie, and he really is a handsome bird if you study him up close. He first landed in a nearby tree, and watched a Jay haul off some oatmeal scraps from a rock pile we use to BBQ on top of.  He watched the Jay scoop up more of the oat meal and fly off to the North… the Magpie followed, and watched him make a stash in a nearby pine tree. He returned and watched the Jay make one more Haul from the top of the rock stack. With caution, he swooped down to chase off a chip monk or two, and ate a good portion of meal and carried off more to his own stash.

The Jay visited every day, the Magpie visited two days later and we watched him clean out the Jay’s stash and visit our BBQ Rock for more scraps. the Magpie knows the games Jays play. I bet he knows their ‘hawk’ call, and maybe even the great imitation one Jay made of a coyote call we heard this time.

I reflect on my age, the rhythm of the hill, the fact that nature wipes out squirrel populations from time to time with a plague or other event. How I might have formed an opinion that Magpies NEVER travel into the mountain tops, how I might have noted the norms of 20 or more years and thought I knew the patterns of this Mountain top.  I’ve watched a grove of pine tree starts put up what looked to be a promising forest, I’ve seen them reach twenty feet in height, and die, all of them! I study the patterns of the forest and note the different species, where they thrive, and where they don’t.  Some are more immune to pests than others, and of course the water that lies below the ground is key.

I have developed theories over the years, and of course I’m no Forrester, but we all know weather is variable, just how long can a tree grow before that one dry year comes along? with the new pines out in the open, it’s a race. Can they sink a tap-root into the rocky hillside  deep enough to support their ever-growing need for more water BEFORE that dryer than average year comes along? It’s a roll of the dice sometimes I think.

On the tops of some ridges, you’ll  find a big lone pine, it may be two hundred years old or more, and you may even find the bones of one who stood before it.  These trees are often far different looking than any of their relatives close by in some protected ravine.  Looking high into the tree, you can often see the battle scars, missing tops, branches that volunteered to reach upwards to form a new top only to be hit by lightning or a 100 MPG wind gust and to be broken off again. It’s not just trees that carry these scars, it’s Nations too.

One year I noticed a fresh crack that ran 20 or more feet down the side of one of these huge lonely pines on a ridge top. This particular tree was massive, and may have been here before white men arrived for all I know. Over two dozen or more years I watched the tree die, and now it is a pile of bleached bones. Some lightning strikes injure a tree, others kill them, there’s so many variables and all to them come into play at times. I remember cutting  two cedar trees years ago. They were both the same species, but one was so wet inside, the water almost ran from the end cut, the other tree no more than 40 feet away  might have weighed 2/3 or less being far dryer.  I’m sure the water content, whether the sap is up or down, and so much more plays into a lightning strike and how it affects the tree, same goes for a Nation, what it can survive has so much to do with near countless variables.

For me it’s a lesson in understanding that Man lives a very short life, and in no way should he expect to live long enough to see the rhythm of a single hill-top yet alone the whole Forest. The best a man can do is read of careful observations made by others, and always make room for error. Perhaps you need a collection of reports, and sort the chaff best you can?

One evening Sharon turned in early, and I happened to flip thru the channels of the small TV we haul in with us to a PBS channel. It ended up to be an excellent story of Prohibition and how it became to be American History. As I watched, I was reminded of the rhythms on the mountain, the disease that sweeps through the squirrel population and the battles going on all around us…. Mountains rising from the sea, and right here from the table top , I can look at Mount Saint Hellens and see the entire Mountain top is gone! I witnessed that, it’s really hard to believe.

This Documentary on Prohibition running on PBS may be timely and key to understanding human behavior and our Nation’s future?  Many claim we humans are the smartest Animal to walk the Earth thus far, but I reflect on the Magpie, and think he may be our equal. He’s totally non-partisan, and what follows is too. The Prohibition years is an example of what Humans do regardless of their political affiliation, and it will likely help us predict what to expect in the days to come.

I was discussing AGW with Quinn F. one day and he said he shared a theory with his Son that this Global warming thing may be all about money, power and influence. His Son replied that he found it near unbelievable that the US Government could be in on the hoax. This will forever stick in my mind as a “Bell Weather”.


What is the US Government? Perhaps you’ll see it is an entity held together by the rule of law?

The Prohibition years beg other questions to be answered. But perhaps we note current events as well before we attempt to form an answer?  Just like my new and different experience on the mountain top this year, there may be new and different things going on in American politics, that will suggest what you need to do with your time and money starting today. I recall a person I know who was angry or frustrated with a certain talk show host who claimed things were getting bad, she said all he accomplishes is scaring  people.

We look at the groups who supported Prohibition and those who didn’t,  we learn that both the wettest and the dryest of our elected officials ‘caved in’ and voted in favor of prohibition or made sure they didn’t oppose it!  Some even naively believed that it wouldn’t deny US Citizens access to beer and wine.  Perhaps they were asked to vote on it before they read it?  It’s clear that the Prohibition movement had grown so large and powerful, few had the courage to even ask the questions for fear of being voted out of office, sound familiar, what could be worse than ‘voted out of office’?

As I mention elsewhere, we DIYers are naturally curious…. and thrifty too, so most of us have learned that man has been using fermentation for 6000 or more years to prepare beverages that literally allowed man to survive in many regions. Whether you choose to stay away from alcohol all together or not has no bearing on reality.  It is necessary that you note the food value of beer, and the fact that it can be stored for years when properly fermented and put up. It’s no accident that Beer became part of a Sailor’s diet hundreds of years ago, and easy to note how few food stuffs could be kept on a long voyage without spoilage. How many died from poor nutrition and likely became food for the fishes on long voyages when the Beer ran out?

As for the chemistry, we all know we can simply let some Apple Cider sit for a week and have a delicious alcoholic beverage. This is no secret, and I doubt you could keep it from the Magpie yet alone the Public. The Question becomes, how did a plan like prohibition which was so obviously flawed and impossible to enforce become the law of the land? How was it that the elected officials making up the US Government agreed to put an end to existing Federal Revenues and put US  Citizens under the yoke of Federal Income taxes in an effort to put an end to man’s 6000 Years (or longer) use of Alcohol? You need watch this documentary, and if you learn how to order it on DVD, post it here under comments. simply scroll all the way to the bottom.

I laughed when I learned that the Governor of Washington State during the times of Prohibition said that he wouldn’t spend so much as a postage stamp in the effort to enforce prohibition, it was clear to him it was something the FEDs wanted, and they could pay to enforce it, he didn’t help place that burden on Washington State Citizens, and perhaps this is a good example of why States should have far more say than the FEDS over how things are done.

So, can we at least take a stab at answering the question as to what “United States Government”  is?

I personally think it’s a lot like the Mountains I visit, it may be one thing today, and another tomorrow, and perhaps we need several answers. but aren’t we here today, and isn’t it appropriate that we deal with the here and now? Perhaps our survival depends on how we adapt to the very bad and corrupt decisions made in the past years?

Having framed the question, and considering current events, here’s my conclusion. The U.S. Government is >presently< no more than a collection of elected individuals attempting to hold onto their seats for another term. The majority of them put their office and their personal goals well ahead of the survival of the nation, just as those during the times of prohibition did.  We ( Our Nation) watched resources squandered on prohibition, and we note it went on long after we knew the battle was lost and hopeless. We watched as Supply and Demand took over (as it always does) and nearly immeasurable wealth left the coffers of the U.S. Government in the form of taxes, and fell directly into the hands of those who decided to meet the demand (Criminals some called them) but we note that those who decided to meet the demand became powerful, and some of their Children or was it Grandchildren were even elected to the office of President of the United States. Perhaps they were like the Magpie and knew enough to adapt to the situation?

All we need do is learn from the past. We have another powerful movement underway and this time it’s world wide. We need add in some important current events and understand the present markets are far different from the past. In a few minutes time, the markets can sell the future of our children for the period of their productive lives thanks to the Government’s present involvement in the market place!  At this very moment, I listen to the radio and hear President Obama talk to the American People about the Mission of the Department Of Energy “Betting on future winners” and answering questions about Solyndra and more.

Another facet of US Government has always been “Rule of Law” today we see that the Justice Department knew about an illegal gun running operation. I don’t place many bets, but I WOULD place the bet that the Justice Department is the entity that proposed the operation and ordered the ATF to conduct it. The mission itself makes no sense IF you apply their rationale for having the operation in the first place. I think the reason is far more sinister than the reasons given. To think the head man in the rule of law department is all for breaking the law.

We find ourselves amongst people who vote for the impossible, amongst people who have willingly handed over incredible power to a totally inept Government (elected officials) who would rather promise the impossible to the people who elect them than to take the steps required to save the nation. We knew how to do these things during WWII, but the thought of a young mother having to pluck a chicken for dinner would likely bring on years of need for psycho therapy!

I recall what an activist I once worked with told me here recently, he’s a union man, and he knows that all corporations are evil. He told me we all need to take it on the chin to get out of this mess… I think that’s exactly the attitude that put us in this situation, too  many believed it was Governments job to suckle them.  Is it now the Majority who feel that it is the duty of a totally inept government to bail us out, and they expect in done without any inconvenience to them?

All you need do is look at what Government has done, look at Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae. They (Government) couldn’t keep their hands off the Market, they had to take over, but of course they played withour money not their own.  In an attempt to hide the stink, they’ve placed the debt on the backs of all Americans instead of those who were willing to gamble on home loans made to people with no work history and  balloon payments only five years off.. Yes it was insanity, and people who vote still don’t get it!

Yes, America will return to being a great Nation one day, but how are you going to get thru the mess your Government created?

We DIYers now have the answer, we get it! President Obama has organized an Administration full of people just like himself, they know nothing of business, they’ve never left a concrete pathway. They’ve  never watched a Jay, or a Magpie, yet alone spent time in the deep piney woods.

According to our own President, it is our Government’s mission to gamble with our children’s future in an attempt to pick winners and losers, and it is for all the world to see how fatally flawed their picks have been. All one needed is a pencil and eight grade math to prove the products of Solyndra and Evergreen Solar had no chance in the market place.

Expect the underground economy to flourish, expect the dollar to inflate like never before, what can you trade that dollar for now that will make your life easier? How do you keep your stock pile when even your government is out to swindle you? Nothing new huh?

Well how about this.. Remember the Bloombox? Some of your friends gushed over this Hoax, remember?

So here’s the next comedy, we can watch together.. will the People of Delaware prove they’ve learned a thing, or will they buy into another obvious Hoax? Consider the proposal, doesn’t it reflect who the pitch is being made to? A group of desperate Activists who are looking for a miracle. Let’s hope the voices of thinking people is loud and clear, we need put a stop to the Government turning our meager savings into monopoly money  through insane investments in snake oil!

Oh.. yes you’ve been waiting to say “We are the Government”, well if that’s the case, we better do our part really fast before there’s nothign left but bleached bones..




Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Cowiche Cabin, Gravity, In The News, Insane Grants, Outings & Adventures, Survival Skills, Things I Hate!, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Xantrex 3000 Inverter Chargers

Republished from the UtterPower archives. Originally this article announced some used Xantrex 3000 Inverter/chargers that were for sale directly from Xantrex. You can always check with them to see what they have in stock.

Do not confuse the Xantrex 3000 inverter with lower efficiency units like one of the Coleman 3000 watt units, always look at the ‘no load’ current draw and ask yourself if you can live with it, or if that alone is going to drain your battery!

Of course this is reflected in the overall efficiency figure. My unit came with a remote switch (often another $20) and the 120VAC output of the inverter is brought out through a connector for connection to flexible plastic conduit you can find at Home Depot. (you could use metal if your app requires it)

Xantrex Inverter/ChargersThis inverter is ready for your cabin, RV, or Big Rig!  There are a lot of things you can do with this kind of power aboard your motor home, truck, and even for off grid living. I post this as a service to readers, I like the fact that the cut off is set higher, this gives you half a chance to start the rig IF your main start batteries power the inverter, and of course there are a lot of folks that don’t like to discharge a battery below this level for a number of reasons.

With an inverter aboard your pickup, you’ll find it real handy and inexpensive to carry a cheap electric chain saw and more, it’s hard to keep a gas saw ready to go, much easier to get one of those dirt cheap electric saws, and I’m amazed how much cutting I’ve already done with mine. Last week I set a ladder off the tail gate of my truck, climbed up a flowering cherry tree out front, and dropped two branches that the garbage man has tried to break off because it interferes with his route. Neighbor came out and followed the cord into the truck, “hey, that’s really cool” he said.

Another thing I love to do is plug in the shop VAC to clean up the carpets, and under the canopy.

Click to learn more > Xantrex Freedom SW 3000 Inverter/Charger

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China’s Two Wheel Tractor

Republished from the UtterPower Archives

When I look over these pictures of China trucks, I think how fortunate a small farmer in China might feel owning such a contraption and British DIyers who have seen these wonderfully simple trucks carrying loads that boggle the mind. They may not go fast, but they go everywhere and do it with great Economy and efficiency.

China TruckDavid Bradley Marketed a 2W tractor in North America in the 40s-50s?, but I find the Chinese unit to be far heavier. The transaxle is a serious piece of equipment with steering brakes, and more. The tractor assembled weights 800 pounds, the transaxle probably weighs 300 pounds plus all by itself!

China TruckAs you might guess, I have spent a good deal of time going over pictures of these work horses of China. Western Tourists, tell me they have seen tons of stuff in the attached trailers moving goods around villages and cities; often overloaded to some ridiculous point. We can see that the steering brakes might make all the difference with the tractor trailer combination and anyone who has driven a tractor will understand how easy it is to direct power to the wheel that can make use of it, or how to spin the tractor around with one wheel locked up.

As 2005 came to a close, I received a large crate, and inside I found the GN121Chinese 2W Tractor. Is it  the perfect gift for the man who thought he had everything? Thanks Joel!

As I look over this piece of equipment, I see KISS engineering all over the design. One of the many things I like is the location of the clutch, it is inside the 3V input Pulley mounted high on the transaxle case. It is out in the open, and fully adjustable and rebuild able. Power is transferred from this pulley to the transaxle via a heavy double row chain, all enclosed; and run in oil. The transaxle has a high and low range and a three speed and reverse gear box, this gives us six forward, and two speeds in reverse.

One of the more interesting/useful attachments available is a rototiller, of interest is the third wheel and operators seat that trails the unit, with the approximate 1300 pound bulk of  the combination, it looks like a Merry Tiller on Steroids!

The GN121 is normally powered by the 195 engine that makes 13.38 horsepower at 2200 RPMs, those that are familiar with this engine know it can make torque down low. This particular unit came with the luxury features, full sized battery, electric start, handle bar mounted start switch, headlights, alternator, and more. It would be easy enough to add a heater and AM radio for comfort and entertainment.

The instruction book written in a form of English talks about using the engine to drive pumps, threshers, and other loads with the engine, no doubt, this is commonly done by farmers and others who are fortunate enough to own such a workhorse, flip off the drive belt, flip on a drive shaft or belts, even dismount the VEE pulley, and mount a flat pulley for driving the old

I often think of the Farming family perched on top of the trailer loaded with fresh produce making their way into town. Unlike the animal that once pulled the cart, this unit has a head light, and allows the Farm family more time in town, as they can come back home on the headlight, and there’s even mention of a tail light and brake light for the trailer!

As I write, I think of the disabled Veteran who rode a consumer garden tractor across America, how many times did he have to replace those front wheels/bushings? I don’t recall if he had his reflective triangle outback, but the story I recall didn’t mention the Hi Way Patrol busting him for driving a unapproved unlicensed motor vehicle on the road or right of way.

As I think of this, I ponder morning coffee in Easton, Washington, it is typical that the older guys in town get together on Saturday morning and BS, most of the world’s  problems can be discussed here, and solutions are readily discovered. I have driven my Golf Cart to attend this important function on several occasions, This has caused me to ponder the Chinese 2W Tractor and trailer, I have the idea of being the first to show up at coffee driving same.

Maybe, I didn’t mention that this rototiller will hit 15KPH with stock gearing! Utterpower makes a new drive ring base with a 1.5 inch shaft that will accept an SK bushing, use this piece to mount a larger drive pulley, you might get a a speed of 25 miles an hour in top gear! Now this is darned fast for a rototiller..

Now all I need to do is figure out how the trailer is hooked up, if you have a good picture of the union, please think about sending it to me.

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Some of Utterpowers Contributors and Friends

Alternative Energy and home made power is of interest to a wide variety of people. Most of the folks found in the UtterPower pages are doing interesting things with Alternative energy. When I met Jeff Maier and discovered his projects, I had to add others to this contributor and friend page and will surely be adding many more. One quickly learns, you don’t have to be in the country to experiment with diesel power and AE.

David Edgington British Author, Motor Head, DIYer, and more! Presently writing a book about the legendary Lister CS.

Bill Rogers  DIYer, Motor Head, AE enthusiast, EE, Professional Engineer, a great place to start learning what you need to know.

Mike Brown Committed to an off grid life style in Southern Oregon, a first class fabricator! Mike and his Son Shane Build a Few Lotus 7 type Autos for demanding customers; when he’s not doing AE stuff. Mike has discovered the Lister Type 6/1, read what he has to say.

Jerry Bartlett, AE enthusiast, Diesel Head, and Bad Assed Biker (NOT!) To know Jerry is to love Jerry, Lots of Practical wisdom, and it’s a must to see hisYanmar Clone Bike!

Harry Anderson “My Dad taught me the value of a dollar, He’d always say, if you can live another three days without it, you probably don’t need it”.

Jack Belk,  He’s a Gun Smith by trade, and lives far off the beaten path in Idaho, Heats with water from a hot spring! the Listeroid was like a big ole magnet, and it’s sucked Jack in, he’s in the process of building a blue printed 6/1 ST5 gen. follow his progress.

Jeff Maier Experimenting in the Burbs, building a voltage regulator for the ST head.  How to run a diesel without annoying your neighbor. Why I like biodiesel

Phil Podkanowicz  A true DIYer and diesel engine enthusiast from the Chicago area.  Read about Phil and his quest to build a generator base with provisions to drive the head with belts and pulleys or the utterpower direct drive. Will this setup help Phil determine what he likes best? which set up will carry the largest KW load? follow along to the Podkanowicz pages. BTW, be warned… Phil likes green 🙂

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Q and A: PMG FAQs

Note: The following information was retrieved from UtterPower’s archived pages. All information is republished for educational purposes. Any mention of items for sale or prices are outdated and no longer applicable.

There’s no way I have time to post every email here, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve received emails about expensive parts failing after a very short run time.


Good Evening George,
I just spent a couple hours reading on utterpower.com trying to educate myself about generators.  What I am looking for is an economical replacement for the 7.8KW Power Tech brand generator head on my RV.  I just got the unit back after spending way too much money to be told that the Kubota diesel is fine but the rotor and stator are bad and I need a new generator head to the tune of $1800 to $2300 plus labor.  At that point, I decided to get smart and do it myself plus, I like the KISS principle.

Note:  I share the above email in order for you to understand the high cost of repair in these generator sets, there’s a possibility this owner could take the generator to a good rewind shop and find out that they could rewind it, the rotor is bad too they say?? $1800-2300 plus labor! and the owner ha already paid a good chunk to have it looked at. Does this give you incentive to build a kiss Generator? It should….

(2/9/10) (sent from a blackberry) Good Day Mr George first let me start off by saying that how impress I’m with your magnetic motor I never seen anything like your motor however I do have a couple question how loud is motor  do you recommend indoor or outdoor is it possible to run this equipment under the maximum load 24/7 do you design custom made motors if so is there a way that can contact via phone Thanks  best regards H.B.

George Note: HB assumes the PMG actually runs on the magnets! I get about one email a month like this. I am fascinated by the lack of  critical thinking skills people like HB display. What I usually find is these people believe in a free lunch in finance as well as in physics, and if you probe enough, you almost always find there is no doubt in their mind that AGW is a real major and immediate problem, “we are all going to die quite soon”.


Hello George!

Thanks in advance for responding to this inquiry!  I bought a 20KW Chinese diesel genset manufactured by Weifei Shandong (I have all the model info at home and will send if you can help me).  The diesel motor runs great but after 900 hours of run time the windings in the generator head have come apart and the generator is not working.  I paid 4K for this machine.  Not sure if I should junk the whole machine, try to repair the head or buy a new head. I don’t need 20KW of power. 12KW would be fine.  This generator runs at 60Hz and backs up my solar powered home.  I’m short on panels so I am running the generator a lot.
Can you sell me a head?  Any suggestions?  Thanks!
T. O.

Follow up note to the above from a Home Power DIYer “The Generac brand is famous for doing that – the field windings literally fly apart.”  Not true? Well then ask for a lifetime warranty against this defect..


It’s February already, 2/4/10.. I should add more to my pages, and decided to add this one. I need to explain. India >has< made a number of engines that I found exceptionally clean, the CD was written some years back, and the added to all along. The key to buying a Listeroid (Lister Type), is getting a promise form a reliable dealer that they will help you with parts and pieces after the sale IF you find something wrong, so know that the following report is not typical of Indian good, but it could be your experience if you buy a ‘pig in a poke’. Some are quite nicely balanced, and you need ask the seller, if I get a ‘jack rabbit’, do I get my money back? Now the story..

Hi George,

I have lived “off grid” a little over 8 years. Grid power passes on the property line ½ mile away from my cabin, but I prefer to generate my own.

Until now I have run (2) military surplus diesel 5kw gen sets (MEP-002), with a 4.2 kw gasoline Generac as a stand-by. These have done a fair job as long as I been able to find surplus parts and been willing to spend a large amount of my time as a generator mechanic.

The military sets vibrate apart, are LOUD, and are quite complex. There are gauges, switches, pumps, relays, diodes, batteries, safety features, and at least a mile of wiring. On their good side, once tuned, maintained, and clean fueled, they worked well and offered 50 or 60 cycle power at single or three phase. I have some periodic use equipment that is three phase, so I can’t see life without a couple of these around.

For fuel I have used diesel, gasoline, WVO, WMO, waste hydraulic fluid, and blends thereof.

A few years ago I found your UtterPower CD while searching for information on Lister diesel engines. I bought the CD and began searching for a Lister (or clone). I found an engine and true to your warning I found a motor full of casting sand, I was discouraged by the sand and general low quality craftsmanship of the engine. I tore the engine down and cleaned and painted the case and cylinder and just lost interest in the motor.

Last year I found another engine here Houston, bought it, and although it is from a different Indian manufacturer, it was equally full of sand.  This is when I realized you may not be correct about poor quality control being the reason for all of this sand. It is actually a plot by the Indian government to move their country here two cups of sand at a time inside of every engine sent this way…

With this new engine, I just pulled the case covers, head and cylinder and scraped away most of the sand, then rinsed with kerosene.

I now retrieved the 3KW PMG (Permanent Magnet Generator) head from storage that I had bought from you and mounted it with the Lister clone. What a contrast in craftsmanship! From absolutely the worst to near NASA quality. It is embarrassing to have your generator in the same room as that engine…

Ok, there’s more… True to your CD, once the engine is cleaned out, the fuel tank thrown away, piped to a barrel of water, and a few other “fix-ups” that you list in the UtterPower CD, the engine starts and runs at +/- 650 rpm with soothing “clickitee / tickitee. Also per your CD the motor is quite out of balance and would leave my property if not CHAINED TO A LARGE OAK TREE.

I have run the engine/generator for about six months now 24/7 for three days one week and 24/7 two days the next. The generator operates as perfectly as it looks. I have run it for long periods in excess of 3KW. At first I would check the shaft, body, and cord temperature often. This got old as there are never any excess temperatures.

We had several days of freezing weather a couple of weeks ago and I found the engine frozen solid. Can you say – “no anti-freeze”. Ice had swelled past the gaskets of the water ports and at the cylinder head. I tented the motor with a tarp and left a propane heater running full blast for a couple of hours. After thawing the motor, water lines and barrel, the motor fired off with the first compression stroke. Believe it or not all of the gaskets held their ground.

So, all in all, I can’t fault the information from your CD one bit and you know… the Lister clone is really not that ugly. Ok, well, it’s ALMOST loveable.


Earl B

From: kenny wilson
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 12:48 PM
To: gbrecke@vircom.net
Subject: PMG prices

Ok George

You definitely have my interest peaked. What is the Cost of your PMG ?

Having just changed the voltage regulator on a (8000W ) Coleman generator …

that only had about 80 to 100 hrs on at no more than 1/2 to 3/4 load at any

given time … (due to Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav, and Ike I live near the gulf coast)

I am ready for the real stuff..

I do not remember how I found your site … but the PMG looks like it is a must have!

I also do Amatuer Radio Emergency Service with my brother so this fits into

our emergency use scheme.  And I am presently investigating how to wean myself

off the GRID.

I also find the engines very very fascinating … I am going to have to look into them also …

I love to tinker … Electrican by trade  a DIYer also



MY Reply:

Hi Kenney,

PMGs are about the same money (as of this writing) after shipping and buying the drive pulley as the economy play (ST5 head)

There are some high end 4KW heads out there for $1500, I doubt they’re more reliable than the PMG.

To your door with drive pulley, bushing, bolts.. $699.95

Shipping and insurance $59.95 in bomb proof box..

George B.

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Note: The following information was retrieved from UtterPower’s archived pages. All information is republished for educational purposes. Any mention of parts or prices are outdated and no longer applicable.

Why do you rate the smaller PMG at only 3.0KW continuous when you say you have ran it all day with a 4.2kw load on it? Aren’t you losing customers by under stating the capability of the alternator?
One of the first deployments for the PMG was part of a mission critical multifunctional APU (auxiliary power unit) that might see 150F temperatures in the compartment it lives in.  It was a concern as to how much load we could place on it and still assure it ran cool enough. In our tests, we find that running 4KW is no problem at all as long as the ambient temperature is reasonable, I think if you have the alternator out in an open space where air can flow around it, and the temperature is reasonable, then a 4kw continuous load could be reasonable. Some think they might need more generator to handle the peak current required to start an induction motor, following are two screen screen shots that show you just how good the voltage is even with 5.55 KW of load on the unit! Yes, that’s right, the unit is still supplying 224 volts (112 when wired parallel) at this load.

PMG 5.56 KW Load

PMG 5.56 KW Load

Shown above is 3KW unit on the Utterpower Test Bench.  Note the load is pure resistive (PF=1.0). Almost 50 honest Amps and still well above the voltage allowed by the ANSI standard. If I find a hydro site where fuel or cost of electricity is not a factor in conducting a two week or longer test at let’s say 4.2 KW, we might raise the continuous ratings, but for now, I think the people who frequent here know that there are generators sold that will flat burn up at their advertised ratings or the voltage will be so low that they’ll be afraid to run at those advertised loads. Bottom line… don’t compare this head to other heads rated at only 3KW unless it’s designed for the military

Does the PMG run and make power all by itself?
I get this question more that you think… Answer is NO, you need some source of power, like an engine, hydro wheel, wind turbine, etc.  This is not a magic device, there are no free lunches in physics.  Want the promise of a free lunch? Talk to a politician or find the many scams on the internet that discuss HHO generators and other things designed to remove money from your pocket and give you zero return on your investment.

How much horse power do I need to run the PMG?
This depends on what you expect to get out of it in the way of power, a rule of thumb is two horsepower in for every corrected (honest) 1000 watts out. Be careful what you read on the internet!  I have seen a number of claims where people put 3000 watts of lighting on a generator and claim they have a real 3K out and far less horsepower in than 2HP per KW. Always do the math and don’t be fooled by those who don’t know what they’re doing or attempt to deceive you in order to sell you stuff.

Why a PMG?  Aren’t there enough generator choices out there already?
For those of us who want assurance we can make back up power in emergencies; there are all too few generators that can survive being run weeks or months in service without problems. If you own the Utterpower PMG, it’s easy to replace the engine if necessary and keep on running.

What voltage does the PMG operate at?
North American Standards allow us to operate as high as 127/254 volts, or as low as 110/220 (at the end of the distribution point).

The PMG produces 127/254 at 60hz no load, and at a severe overload of  140% the PMG is still within the Spec for voltage droop.  This is all done without a failure prone voltage regulator. Of course voltage droop is far better than just meeting our standard when we observe the continuous rating of the PMG (3000 watts continuous), but the 4000 watt plus overload never seemed to get the unit very hot in our low ambient summer temps here in Western Washington. The very low (extremely conservative) rating assures that this unit can run in a very warm and harsh environment and still meet its rating.

What about high temps and low temps?  Can this damage the magnets used in the PMG?
The PMG has been run at rather extreme temps inside a box with heat added.  The temp that would cook out any properties of the magnet is significantly hotter than any temperature we will see in a machine room or in a natural environment. As per cold, this only increases the performance of the magnets AND the copper windings, it does not affect the magnets or their properties to cycle them thru bitter cold temps.

Are there any serviceable parts inside?
Not really.  The front bearing on the shaft end (the one that sees the load) could be ‘changed out’ in the field with a few minutes of training.  This can be done without pulling the rotor.  In countries where there is not yet a repair facility, we plan to work with DIYers to allow them to safely change the rear bearing (requires removing the fan first). We are assembling with high grade bearings, and we expect these to run for many years before a bearing change is necessary.

I received my unit with a pulley.  Where do I get a belt for it and why don’t you sell them?
We adopted the “K” Section Automotive belt because it can easily carry the max load and it’s very easy to source the belt at reasonable cost.  We recommend the 8 rib belts, but many use less expensive six rib belts without any problems.  Remember, using readily available parts is part of KISS engineering. To use an industrial belt because you think it is better just sets you up for a sourcing problem.

Can I spin the alternator either direction?

Why do you use a tapered bushing pulley? What’s the advantage?
Taper Locks are popular in commercial applications because they make it VERY easy to place a pulley and to remove it, even with gloves on in sub zero temps. There are several ways to install these pulleys, but I recommend that you place the pulley on the shaft, and then put the Bushing (taper lock) on the outside. Use the Metric bolts AND the metric threaded holes in the pulley to secure the pulley to the shaft. Tighten evenly, each bolt a little bit at a time in a circular pattern, and don’t use two hands on the wrench!  There is no need to get them really tight, as they lock up pretty solid ‘snugged up’.  The jacking holes (threaded holes) are normally used to remove the pulley. Once you learn the advantages of taper locks, you’ll find it hard to use anything else. One trick in installing the taper bushing:  Insert a screw driver in the slot, tap it in with a hammer to spread it a little, and it will slide on the shaft easily.

How do I check the Stator wiring? I want to be sure it’s right before I run it.
See the charts that show open circuit voltage output at rated output and verify that your stator puts out the same voltage. Also check out the PMG Testing Page.

How do I check stator wire designations?  I want to be sure they’re right.
This is a good idea, although I don’t expect you to find trouble with the PMGs, I have found several ST generator heads with the wrong designations on the leads from the factory.  Here’s how I quickly test and wire PMGs.

Use a 12 volt light bulb, an incandescent tail light bulb or similar is all you need to make the basic checks and then wire correctly. Start with all leads separated, if any are strapped together, then remove the straps. You can find the ends of the windings by putting the light bulb across them, a simple twist of the shaft, (do it fast), and the bulb will light bright. Find both Stator windings one at a time. Note, if you short the ends of one winding together, it’s hard to turn the shaft!

1-////////////-2  should be the first winding.

3-////////////-4  should be the second winding

After you’ve proven the above combinations light your 12 volt incandescent bulb connect up the following

1-////////////-23-////////////-4  (make sure 2 and 3 are strapped together

With the above configuration, place your 12 volt bulb across one and four, give the shaft the same quick twist, the 12 volt light bulb should get a lot brighter! If this is not the case, swap 1 and 2 and try again.

Notice that the setup above is what you’ll use for 120/240 service, 2 and 3 strapped together become your neutral. You will also note that only half the load (approximately 1500 watts can be carried between neutral and either terminal 1 or 2 in this configuration, this is typical of all generators wired for 120/240 single phase operation.

If you will be using your PMG for 120 volt only, arrange the windings in the following configuration

|                 |
|                 |
|                 |

In the above configuration, the two stator windings are in parallel, and the full 3000 watts can be supported, this is necessary when you have one LARGE single 120 VAC load.

Put your light bulb across these pairs and give it a twist, if you had the two windings opposing each other, the shaft should be hard to turn. If this were the case, you’d swap 3 and 4 and try again. It should now be obvious a person could lose all the designations, and quickly sort out the leads.  Also check out the PMG testing Page.

How do I wire in a fuse box or breaker panel?
See the ST pages.  How you wire it should be the same, except for breaker sizing and lead designations.

What’s going on with the new 6KW unit?
Not many have been sold up to the date of this writing because it has taken about three years longer to get this design out of the lab where it was fully flogged. We were planning on rating the generator higher than 6KW, but we decided to take the same approach as we did with the 3K unit, and stay on the conservative side. After we got though with the torture testing in the lab, I arranged to send our first production unit to Moe M. in Canada. Moe has a PhD in physics and a background in Electrical and Mechanical with hands-on experience. Moe is plenty happy with the performance and finds it a good match for his 12/2 off grid power plant. The new unit meets all of his expectations.

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Zach’s Remote Start Generator

Keep it simple

As you’ve heard before, I believe in Kiss Engineering, it’s always a challenge to draw a line somewhere…. to make something functional and reliable, and not enter into the complex. The temptation to install a micro controller is great because it’s fun, but KISS is always easier years later when you look at the equipment and ask.. did I really build this? Is this really my work? It’s amazing how foreign it can look even 5 years later without good documentation and of course knowing where it is.

Remote Start Panel

Remote Start Panel

Here’s a small hobby box from Radio Shack. The first switch is a single throw single pole switch. This Radio Shack part has an extra lead and a lighted green handle that is 12 volt powered. The switch must be turned on for the fuel to flow, when it’s on, it glows green for GO!  The second switch is a momentary push button, this is the decompressor and was added to increase the life of the starter and assure we can start the generator set with a weaker battery. The operator holds this button down, and then pushes the starter button down, once the starter has turned over for a second, the decompressor button is released.  The operator then looks to see if the red indicator in the upper right is glowing, or hears the generator make a clean start if it’s easy to hear. This red light indicates the generator is making AC power. It’s very bright at 120VAC, and since this is a PMG generator, we see it glowing lightly from just above idle and brighter with more RPM, it’s a fair gauge of what the gen shaft is doing as we monitor the start-up.

The smaller green indicator is always on, (unless the start battery is dead) this indicator is powered by the 12 volt start battery inside the generator enclosure outside up against the fence and away from the garage wall in this install. If you want to get fancy in your own designs, you can create a ‘ready to run’ list of items, and use and ‘AND’ function to lite your ‘ready to run’ light that you can check for as you get out of the car and go into the house.

The decompressor is a Honda automotive  speed controller part.. DIYer hacked to pull the cable attached to the decompressor lever in when 12 volts of battery is applied to a lead.. of course removing same drops the decompressor against spring tension.

There’s three 10 gauge leads between the generator and the circuit breaker panel, HOT, Neutral, and Ground. In addition, there’s a ground rod driven at the generator for good measure, and it’s bonded to the gen frame, panels, etc. The buttons and switches operate Auto type relays over 22 gauge telco wire a distance of 30 feet or so. The relays in turn operate fuel solenoid, decompressor and starter.

There’s also a trickle charger installed that keeps the AGM style battery charged up. and this unit has it’s own indicator that allows you to monitor it’s function.

Here’s an added drawing:



As we discussed earlier, diesel fuel is a far safer fuel than gasoline, and just a few months back a house suffered serious damage just 200 feet from Zach’s house due to a gasoline can catching fire near the garbage can outside. The diesel fuel will also store for years without gunking stuff up..

Once the gen set is running the operator can transfer up to six circuits onto the generator and he can watch two amp gauges to see how he is loading the generator. When the power returns, you simply transfer the loads back to commercial power and turn off the fuel. Teh Yanan clone does a great job restarting once the fuel is returned to the low pressure side of the injection pump.

With a remote start generator, it’s always smart to set a flag right at the remote panel to indicate the unit is ready for use. It’s often a learning experience what can go wrong and Murphy always finds something that can be wrong!  Example: Some operators might purposely close the vent for the fuel tank to keep moisture out and forget.

Murphy takes full advantage of this situation and the power outage arrives right in the middle of family night. You’re all watching a rented movie, eating popcorn, and out goes the lights! You jump to your feet, it’s your first opportunity to be the family Hero, and you strut into the garage, make a flawless transfer to generator power, and return to the family room with a big applause.

The wife hugs you, the kids hug you, the dog even drops by to give you a lick on the face, the kids have the movie back up, and there’s more pop corn going in the microwave and…. and…..the generator dies! You’re back in the dark, you left the flash light somewhere, you were just too excited, and don’t remember. It’s as dark as a Coal Bin at Midnight!  Yes, it was that closed air vent and a no fuel condition, but you hesitate to mention that possibility or you haven’t even thought of it yet.

I know people who have taken the injection pump out of the engine only to find the vent closed on the fuel pump later.

When you have equipment you need in an emergency, check lists are mandatory, one reason.. you don’t think best in the dark with others asking you how long it will be before they have power again. The check list might be.

Fuel in the tank?, Fuel Vent open? Lube Oil level OK?, Exhaust water trap valve closed? Etc..

Of course your mind will produce all kinds of possibilities, you are after all a DIYer! Interlocks, go and no go indicators, the addition of a vapor canister on the fuel tank, so you don’t worry about moisture condensing into the fuel, or perhaps your routine is to have a full tank at all times when the generator is in standby, and that’s part of your monthly check list. You have that oil pressure indicator installed, and of course it provides a shut down if it’s ever low..

Daddy spent all that time making or installing this contraption, not to mention all the money he spent and this is all the coverage we get?  Ten minutes? You’ll never erase a memory like this from a Woman’s mind. If it were a guy, he’d know to never use the event to score points in a future argument less he were to be accused of taking female hormones. Best you attempt to avoid the situation  with a good check list!

One example of problems is purposely shutting down the generator before you transfer back to commercial power or take the AC loads off. Depending on the type of equipment you are running, this can lead to problems, some loads may not be so happy. One of the more serious situations I’ve seen is a neutral coming loose in a commercial AC circuit breaker box WHEN a high amperage low resistance load was across one hot side and the neutral buss bar. This effectively put other appliances in the house in series with this low resistance load and effectively powering them across nearly 200 volts!

In Zach’s house, we have a great situation, the kitchen stove is natural gas, same with the water heater and even the furnace. This means we don’t have the typical 240 VAC loads to run, and we’ve chosen to wire the generator for 120VAC only and not worry about balancing loads across the windings.

I didn’t mention the Kill-A-Watt product here, but this device is as cheap as $19.95 and is a must for the generator owner, you simply plug it into the kitchen or family room to monitor voltage and Frequency of your power plant, for the price, I’d call it a must own monitoring device.

Here’s the rest of the story, This remote start box mounts on top of the generator transfer switch box. I plan to post the finished install soon.


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