Email of the day, what can we learn? 9/27/11




An email follows and there are many I receive that are most similar to this one.. perhaps the Author will be angry when he sees it here, but I have deleted some specifics and changed his name.


Hey George,

To add further to my plight in search of large flywheel type engines, I have also added a very old steam engine. I will be picking one up that ran a compressor. This will take some time to restore, as well as sourcing a boiler at some point. 

I have had some interesting scenarios play out where I  live and more to the point I don’t enjoy my monthly power bill, and certainly don’t enjoy the power failing every single time the wind blows.

My goal is to be completely off grid and  lower my monthly power expenses at any cost.
It appears to me to be a wise investment. I certainly can do better keeping the
lights on.


What’s of interest is the area that Mike lives… the fact that we currently have very favorable hydro rates where we enjoy one of the lower costs per KWH. Our Governor and other local politicians are doing all they can to raise our costs, installing wind farms, offering insane incentives and subsidies that we tax payers and rate payers MUST tender.

Here’s my point, at the moment, you are foolish to think you can ever compete with the power company and their huge economies of scale. It may be a while before the Politicians who use the Green Energy Scam to funnel money into the pockets of their supporters can siphon off enough to make your efforts worth while. If you look at the huge amount of money per gallon of gasoline that goes to the ethanol producers now, you might get an idea what will eventually happen with electrical power, it’s a source of money politicians want access to, and the flow of these revenues, subsidies, surtaxes, tax breaks will be so complicated, you’ll be hard pressed to follow the money back into the pockets of their supporters, yes in most cases, more corporate welfare,  and of course Democrats think their representatives have no part of it! Yes, it was just two days ago, the President landed here to attend a $35,000 a couple lunch. He represents the little guy you know 🙂

Think about that big wind farm in Ellensberg, is it making a profit? Do you understand the  subsidies, tax incentives, write-offs, depreciation schedules? You will understand the consequences when you can no longer afford to heat your castle on a cold winter day.

You’ve go to do the math before you invest, and some generator plants are so expensive that even free fuel will not allow them to compete with 8.5 cents a KWH commercial power, once you realistically add in the cost of maintenance, lube oil changes, repairs, etc.

Do the Math! It’s typical that a solar power plant will not pay for itself in 30 years here in Western Washington, so the dishonest, corrupt, and naive promise you a monthly check to buy an exceedingly poor investments like this. Let us pray that these payments are revocable, let us pray that those who buy into this crap suffer the consequences, not all of us who know better.

Of course, a Solar install where you do all of the install, build your own racks, and buy panels and equipment for the better price might cost half as much, and this changes everything.. it really is a DIYers game in areas where the sun doesn’t shine with intensity much of the year.

So we close on this statement:

“My goal is to be completely off grid and lower my monthly power expenses at any cost.”

What we all need realize is this  (at any cost) mention is the President’s goal as well. Matters not if it bankrupts the nation, destroys the economy and leaves all of us poor and destitute. The most unused utencil in America is the pencil! That’s why politicians get away with what they do.


Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, DIYer Generator, Fighting Propaganda, Off Grid Power, Slow Speed Engines, Survival Skills, The New Green Movement, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged | 4 Comments

The Future Of News, Subscribe to a topic!


 I’m not sure any of us are fully aware of our bias, but I do believe it comes down to what group of two major groups of people you fall into.  Those who think the entire world can be organized and controlled top down, and those who believe it’s better to have a number of groups operating with autonomy, so we might observe best practices, and perhaps adopt them before we go extinct. It seems all of nature has endorsed the Later. It’s likely our Founders fully understood that, and they feared the efforts of those who would Federalize our nation.

Regardless of what group you fall into, there are topics of interest and topics of no interest for you, and the rest of us. Consider the Department of Energy, what are they up to today? How is the Administration who presently runs the show manipulating the authority of the Department to benefit their political ambitions? How will they direct your Social Security payments into the hands of their supporters?

So, if you are interested in how these folks are spending your future, you can easily subscribe to a TOPIC like “Department of Energy”, with no need to wade through the other articles about Quilting and how to make a good Ham and Cheese Sandwich.

Here’s an example      

Remember: The more independent you are, the less you’ll worry about the Political crap the DOE pulls next.  OH yes! you didn’t miss the fact that many people believe unless >they< lead the world, it willl turn into a ball of fire, and we’ll all become extinct anyway, I didn’t miss that either, nor the fact that these same people are often the least technical.


Posted in The New Green Movement, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Remember failed Evergreen Solar?

I posted the reports of Evergreen Solar’s new production facility built with your Social Security Payments.

The math was easy, and the plant was doomed to failure competeing against the Standard panel of the day. Twenty percent larger than the comp, and too large to ship UPS or FEDEX! A huge handycap!

Consider this and them attempt to to rationalize the Solyndra failure. The message is clear, our government is MOST inept in business, the need to stay the hell out of business if we are to survive. Note the date.

Solar Panel Maker Moves Work to China


Posted in The New Green Movement, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Waste Not, Want Not

IPCC Summry for Policymakers

IPCC Summry for Policymakers

AS we’ve discussed a number of times, DIYers are generally ‘thrifty’ People, and we have a hard time throwing away stuff when we find them less that useful.

Consider all the books and reports you have stacking up? Here’s some examples I’m looking at, see above picture.

We guys need to stop and think before we toss stuff, consider this Classic “Martha Stewart’s Christmas Book”  Don’t just willy nilly toss it, it’s a Feminine Treasure for Goodness sake!  It’s likely something you can trade to a Woman for a Ham Sandwich, or maybe even a Bacon and Eggs Breakfast!

So you’re eyeballing the Hitchhiker’s Guide? My Friend Quinn Farnes bought that for me, and it’s an excellent reference book. It’s also as good as anything for predicting the future and Quinn has proven this many times.  Just note a current event you see going on and you can generally read a passage in this book that’ll give you some additional insight into what is about to happen!

As for the IPCC report, at first it seems hopeless to find to find a use… we note the following accredited Scholars who step out in the light of day and risk being black listed from any Grant Awards they might see for the rest of their lives! One can only conclude they feel strongly about what they say.  Thoughtful people know this is just the tip of the Ice Berg. If you get bored, keep scrolling down there’s pictures!

77 out of 10,000 Climate Scientists agree with the IPCC report. Here’s just a sample of 50 former IPCC experts, who made it clear they’ve been mis-represented!

1. Dr Robert Balling: “The IPCC notes that “No significant acceleration in the rate of sea level rise during the 20th century has been detected.” (This did not appear in the IPCC Summary for Policymakers).

2. Dr. Lucka Bogataj: “Rising levels of airborne carbon dioxide don’t cause global temperatures to rise…. temperature changed first and some 700 years later a change in aerial content of carbon dioxide followed.”

3. Dr John Christy: “Little known to the public is the fact that most of the scientists involved with the IPCC do not agree that global warming is occurring. Its findings have been consistently misrepresented and/or politicized with each succeeding report.”

4. Dr Rosa Compagnucci:  “Humans have only contributed a few tenths of a degree to warming on Earth. Solar activity is a key driver of climate.”

5. Dr Richard Courtney: “The empirical evidence strongly indicates that the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis is wrong.”

6. Dr Judith Curry:  “I’m not going to just spout off and endorse the IPCC because I don’t have confidence in the process.”

7. Dr Robert Davis: “Global temperatures have not been changing as state of the art climate models predicted they would. Not a single mention of satellite temperature observations appears in the (IPCC) Summary for Policymakers.”

8. Dr Willem de Lange: “In 1996, the IPCC listed me as one of approximately 3,000 “scientists” who agreed that there was a discernible human influence on climate. I didn’t. There is no evidence to support the hypothesis that runaway catastrophic climate change is due to human activities.”

9. Dr Chris de Freitas: “Government decision-makers should have heard by now that the basis for the longstanding claim that carbon dioxide is a major driver of global climate is being questioned; along with it the hitherto assumed need for costly measures to restrict carbon dioxide emissions. If they have not heard, it is because of the din of global warming hysteria that relies on the logical fallacy of ‘argument from ignorance’ and predictions of computer models.”

10. Dr Oliver Frauenfeld:  “Much more progress is necessary regarding our current understanding of climate and our abilities to model it.”

11. Dr Peter Dietze: “Using a flawed eddy diffusion model, the IPCC has grossly underestimated the future oceanic carbon dioxide uptake.”

12. Dr John Everett: “It is time for a reality check. The oceans and coastal zones have been far warmer and colder than is projected in the present scenarios of climate change.  I have reviewed the IPCC and more recent scientific literature and believe that there is not a problem with increased acidification, even up to the unlikely levels in the most-used IPCC scenarios.”

13. Dr Eigil Friis-Christensen: “The IPCC refused to consider the sun’s effect on the Earth’s climate as a topic worthy of investigation. The IPCC conceived its task only as investigating potential human causes of climate change.”

14. Dr Lee Gerhard: “I never fully accepted or denied the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) concept until the furor started after [NASA’s James] Hansen’s wild claims in the late 1980’s. I went to the [scientific] literature to study the basis of the claim, starting at first principles. My studies then led me to believe that the claims were false.”

15. Dr Indur Goklany: “Climate change is unlikely to be the world’s most important environmental problem of the 21st century.  There is no signal in the mortality data to indicate increases in the overall frequencies or severities of extreme weather events, despite large increases in the population at risk.”

16. Dr Vincent Gray: “The (IPCC) climate change statement is an orchestrated litany of lies.”

17. Dr Kenneth Green: “We can expect the climate crisis industry to grow increasingly shrill, and increasingly hostile toward anyone who questions their authority.”

18. Dr Mike Hulme: “Claims such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on the climate’ are disingenuous … The actual number of scientists who backed that claim was “only a few dozen.”

19. Dr Kiminori Itoh: “There are many factors which cause climate change. Considering only greenhouse gases is nonsense and harmful. When people know what the truth is they will feel deceived by science and scientists.”

20. Dr Yuri Izrael: “There is no proven link between human activity and global warming. I think the panic over global warming is totally unjustified. There is no serious threat to the climate.”

21. Dr Steven Japar:  “Temperature measurements show that the climate model-predicted mid-troposphere hot zone is non-existent.  This is more than sufficient to invalidate global climate models and projections made with them.”

22. Dr Georg Kaser: “This number (of receding glaciers reported by the IPCC) is not just a little bit wrong, but far out of any order of magnitude … It is so wrong that it is not even worth discussing,”

23. Dr Aynsley Kellow: “I’m not holding my breath for criticism to be taken on board, which underscores a fault in the whole peer review process for the IPCC: there is no chance of a chapter [of the IPCC report] ever being rejected for publication, no matter how flawed it might be.”

24. Dr Madhav Khandekar: “I have carefully analysed adverse impacts of climate change as projected by the IPCC and have discounted these claims as exaggerated and lacking any supporting evidence.”

25. Dr Hans Labohm: “The alarmist passages in the (IPCC) Summary for Policymakers have been skewed through an elaborate and sophisticated process of spin-doctoring.”

26. Dr. Andrew Lacis: “There is no scientific merit to be found in the Executive Summary. The presentation sounds like something put together by Greenpeace activists and their legal department.”

27. Dr Chris Landsea: “I cannot in good faith continue to contribute to a process that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound.”

28. Dr Richard Lindzen: “The IPCC process is driven by politics rather than science. It uses summaries to misrepresent what scientists say and exploits public ignorance.”

29. Dr Harry Lins: “Surface temperature changes over the past century have been episodic and modest and there has been no net global warming for over a decade now. The case for alarm regarding climate change is grossly overstated.”

30. Dr Philip Lloyd:  “I am doing a detailed assessment of the IPCC reports and the Summaries for Policy Makers, identifying the way in which the Summaries have distorted the science. I have found examples of a summary saying precisely the opposite of what the scientists said.”

31. Dr Martin Manning: “Some government delegates influencing the IPCC Summary for Policymakers misrepresent or contradict the lead authors.”

32. Stephen McIntyre: “The many references in the popular media to a “consensus of thousands of scientists” are both a great exaggeration and also misleading.”

33. Dr Patrick Michaels: “The rates of warming, on multiple time scales have now invalidated the suite of IPCC climate models. No, the science is not settled.”

34. Dr Nils-Axel Morner: “If you go around the globe, you find no sea level rise anywhere.”

35. Dr Johannes Oerlemans:  “The IPCC has become too political. Many scientists have not been able to resist the siren call of fame, research funding and meetings in exotic places that awaits them if they are willing to compromise scientific principles and integrity in support of the man-made global-warming doctrine.”

36. Dr Roger Pielke: “All of my comments were ignored without even a rebuttal.  At that point, I concluded that the IPCC Reports were actually intended to be advocacy documents designed to produce particular policy actions, but not as a true and honest assessment of the understanding of the climate system.”

37. Dr Jan Pretel: “It’s nonsense to drastically reduce emissions … predicting about the distant future-100 years can’t be predicted due to uncertainties.”

38. Dr Paul Reiter: “As far as the science being ‘settled,’ I think that is an obscenity. The fact is the science is being distorted by people who are not scientists.”

39. Dr Murray Salby:  “I have an involuntary gag reflex whenever someone says the “science is settled.  Anyone who thinks the science is settled on this topic is in fantasia.”

40. Dr Tom Segalstad: “The IPCC global warming model is not supported by the scientific data.”

41. Dr Fred Singer: “Isn’t it remarkable that the Policymakers Summary of the IPCC report avoids mentioning the satellite data altogether, or even the existence of satellites–probably because the data show a (slight) cooling over the last 18 years, in direct contradiction to the calculations from climate models?”

42. Dr Hajo Smit: “There is clear cut solar-climate coupling and a very strong natural variability of climate on all historical time scales. Currently I hardly believe anymore that there is any relevant relationship between human CO2 emissions and climate change.”

43. Dr Roy Spencer: “The IPCC is not a scientific organization and was formed to regulate carbon dioxide emissions. Claims of human-cause global warming are only a means to that goal.”

44. Dr Richard Tol: “The IPCC  attracted more people with political rather than academic motives. In AR4, green activists held key positions in the IPCC and they succeeded in excluding or neutralising opposite voices.”

45. Dr Tom Tripp: “There is so much of a natural variability in whether it makes it difficult to come to a scientifically valid conclusion that global warming is man made.”

46. Dr Robert Watson: “The (IPCC) mistakes all appear to have gone in the direction of making it seem like climate change is more serious by overstating the impact. That is worrying. The IPCC needs to look at this trend in the errors and ask why it happened.”

47. Dr Gerd-Rainer Weber: “Most of the extremist views about climate change have little or no scientific basis.”

48. Dr David Wojick: “The public is not well served by this constant drumbeat of alarms fed by computer models manipulated by advocates.”

49. Dr Miklos Zagoni: “I am positively convinced that the anthropogenic global warming theory is wrong.”

50. Dr. Eduardo Zorita: “Editors, reviewers and authors of alternative studies, analysis, interpretations, even based on the same data we have at our disposal, have been bullied and subtly blackmailed. By writing these lines… a few of my future studies will not see the light of publication.”

BUT! before you toss the IPCC Report in the wood stove on a cold winter day, consider other uses versus the immediate conversion to BTUs, there’s plenty of time for that later.


IPCC Report Uses
IPCC Report Uses






DIYers are indeed practical and creative,  perhaps using the Report as a ‘Wheel Chock, as seen above?  Or perhaps a better Bird House Roof?

If you read about Bird House Construction, one error often made is too thin of material in the roof, this can cook tiny and helpless baby birds on a hot day. I know, I’ve made the error and killed some Swallow Babies, it was a very sad day, but unrelated to AGW.

Notice in the above example the pages are split evenly to provide good insulation, and the white binder reflects the rays of the sun providing additional insulation and protection from over heating the dwelling.  Also note the generous overhang and the fact that binders often have quality plastic covers that make the bird house more waterproof. The higher grade Binders also resist UV damage and cracking, no doubt a Government supplied binder will be ‘top drawer’, after all it was purchased with your taxpayer money, and nothing is too good in exchange.

So next time a Friend scolds you, and tells you something is a flaming piece of Dog Shit, and he’s going to recommend you to be on one of those Hoarder shows, give him this example of what DIYer’s do, it’s a far more sane plan than anything you’ll see at the IPCC.

Visit here to read more of John Sullivan’s article. We love you John!

All the best,

George B.


Posted in Earth & Energy, In The News, Insane Grants, Inspirational People, UtterPower Articles | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Reinventing Collapse, by Dmitry Orlov


Reinventing Collapse

Reinventing Collapse

Utterpower’s Sunday Morning Book Review

The following is more ‘thinking out loud’.  Consider adding your thoughts, simply keep scrolling down to the comment box. 

As many of us watch our Government attempt to print it’s way out of a huge mess, we DIYers attempt to gather information on what the product of this activity looked like in the past? We know it has happened a number of times prior, what is the smart thing to do?  The book “Re-inventing Collapse” has received some attention by members of our community.

It’s worth the read, but if you have a similar back ground to mine, you’ll see a lot of bias in his opinions, and perhaps you will be wearing slightly different colored glasses when you recall the same events as he does.  One of his messages I received loud and clear is we seem to be adopting and practicing the same philosophies that were present in Soviet Union’s Government before their collapse, one is ‘Central Planning’ and a Government involved in every facet of Business. I remember commentary made by a wise man who said “the danger in making the Government loan to Chrysler (remember Iacocca)  was in the fact that it may work.” Of course he was worried it would become a habit, and  lead to making more loans from the public purse to other companies.

Orlov makes a number of comparisons between the Soviet Union and the USA, some he got wrong in my opinion, but it is more about how elastic the bungee cords are, and the dynamic loads created by supply and demand at any given moment in time that will determine when collapse arrives. Considering that our Sun will one day become a Red Dwarf, Collapse is a certainty, what’s not certain is where you’ll be when it arrives.

One area he did get wrong was energy, we have plenty of it right here on our shores, and these discoveries are massive. The question all along is will we allow our economy to be starved to death, or will we make use of the massive resources we have in Oil, Gas, Coal, Nuke, and all those materials, products we produce from them?  Gang Greenies¹ will insist the Oceans will rise 25 feet and kill most of us if we do.  Those on the other side suggest the masses will starve without the energy.

About now, you might be thinking the real answer is fewer people.  While you’re thinking about that; consider what your Government has been doing, the floodgates seem to be wide open and we are importing a lot more people to feed, and many will be our dependents, as they really have no skills that our present economy requires. Perhaps we’ll use them to replace diesel tractors? Maybe we’ll use 1000 of them roped together to pull a gang of plows in the spring?

Orlov mentions Microsoft indirectly, he suggests that a lot of America’s treasures are software and things like movies that are distributed freely in a lot of countries, and that copies of same are in distribution in many countries before Americans can >buy< them! Orlov has a head shaped by Unix, and I ‘d bet he was running Linux to support his open source word processor when he wrote the book. If you are a member of this Herd, it’s fairly important that you tolerate hate speech of Microsoft, no matter how many of your friends work there. But… this does not negate his argument!

One thing I expect to remain the same, our elected officials are more interested in staying in power than creating wealth for our nation, those who vote for them are often expecting to receive gifts from Government or expecting those they voted for to carry out the suicide mission they unwittingly endorse.  There are signs of change at the top. President Obama calling off Lisa Jackson (the Rabid Activist Dog heading the EPA) is a sign, Gang Greenies have been demanding the impossible, the adoption of unrealistic emission standards that will bring an end to any hope of our economy recovering. Of course they (past supporters of the President) still believe in magic, they likely believe they can grow all their food on the south facing window sill above their Kitchen sink. President Obama, your effort to steer the ship away from the rocks will not go unpunished!

Read Orlov’s book, expect that you will not agree with parts of it, but there are many thought provoking observations and hypothesis within. Consider reading book reviews at Amazon for additional insight if you decide to buy canned food, hand tools, or 22 long rifle ammo instead. Perhaps one of the more sought after commodities (for a period of time) will be a bow saw, replacement blades and a file. What’s your guess?


¹ ‘Gang Greenie’  George’s term for a group of people who would watch millions starve to death before they converted any more hydrocarbons into food, or those who would gamble precious resources on investments known to provide poor returns.


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An Important Study in Human Behavior and A Prediction of Things to Come

A link worth your effort to study, but first a short introduction.

Al Gores’s September 14th 2011 (24 hours of Reality) never made it onto the radar screen for average folks, and I think there’s a Prophecy to be made if we study the results.

We’ve watched Al Gore divide the Crowd for years, we’ve seen his anger, his accusations of others ‘playing on our fears”. We’ve seen his entire party (Democrats) do whatever necessary to avoid being photographed with Al Gore. Politically, he’s been poision for years, and most of us knew it was only a matter of time before he became poison in the movement he has lead (AGW).

As you read this article note this quote: Shanahan was blunt in his opinion of Gore: “Climate Change needs a Gandhi or a Martin Luther King or a Mandela, and Al Gore is none of those.”

Most of us have understood this from the very beginning, but perhaps our reasoning is different from Shanahan’s. The AGW agument is NOT supported by Scientific Evidence, and it is more like a religious conviction and needs a Charismatic leader who can bring people together.

Here’s the article you need consider making  time to read.

Now for the Prediction:

Many of Algores followers picked up his cause as a religious conviction, it certainly didn’t hurt that the goals of the AGW alarmists were totally aligned with their own thinking, and that was to transfer power and decision making from individuals and other entities to Government. Government.. the creators of wealth and prosperity, those who can create any amount of money just by rolling  the printing presses.

We might ask, what is the difference between Al Gore’s message and that of Barrack Obama’s?  “Pass this Bill Now!” We all know the bill is all about doing more of what has failed in the past, and furthermore, we understand that this is >exactly< the plan Russian Officials used to bring total ecomonic collapse to their country!

Barrack, it seems everytime you open your mouth, it’s an effort to divide us, what’s the difference between your plan and Al Gores. Barrack is next to jump the Shark.

See Al in Action:

Gore: Global warming skeptics are this generation’s racists

And, maybe you’ll ask, what’s the EPA up to? Why.. the answer is they are full speed ahead in their attempts to bring Al’s dream to reality, and fill his coffers to the brim.. with you money of course.


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Harry Anderson, he’s a Legend in my mind.

I don’t want to get too carried away and tell the same stories over and over  but I got to see Harry Anderson just yesterday at the Western Washington State Fair. He lived here in Kent, Washington for sixty plus years, but high property taxes and the fact that King County wouldn’t let Harry divide his acreage into 5 acre parcels after paying taxes for so many years drove him to leave the state.

It was perhaps the best thing that’s ever happened to him, and he found a perfect chunk of paradise just outside of Petersburg Alaska. It was like finding his real place on earth, and he pinches himself each morning to make sure it’s real. But our State fair is tradition, and no matter how stubborn a guy is, you don’t give in to tradition.

Harry returns each year to work a booth at the fair, and to visit friends down here. I take certain liberties with our Friendship, like the lie I told him about this little video clip, I guess it’s not a total lie, as I’ll certainly tell “Herk” a mutual friend he can see the video clip at the YouTube channel, or view it below.

Harry was several years ahead of me in school, and we didn’t meet up until I got out of the Navy. We met at a mutual friend’s house and have enjoyed each other’s company ever since. I remember talking to one of his classmates, she said Harry was always good at math, and always a nice guy. Good at math, and stubborn as hell.

The power company wanted a bit of money to string  power back to his piece of property. He told them it was a totally unreasonable amount of money, and he’d never buy power from them if that’s the way it was going to be. Forty years later, Harry was getting by just fine without Puget Power, and still bathing in a shower house below his spring.

As you might have already guessed, this way of life has seasoned Harry for Life in Alaska, and our mutual friends come back from visiting Harry complaining  that you can barely get Harry to turn up the heat when your boots are frozen fast to his floor! Harry is a walking encyclopedia of outdoor and survival skills, if you talk to him about chopping wood, you’d have never guessed there was as much science involved. Finding mushrooms, fishing, bee keeping, so many things he knows, and it’s all because he’s structured his life around the pursuit of knowledge and enjoying the things he likes to do versus collecting  junk and things none of us really need. While Harry was here in Washington, he taught a number of skills at Green River Community College including fishing, and he even took the kids on field trips to practice their new skills.

There’s lots of advantages to Harry’s style of living, but perhaps one of the more obvious is he doesn’t pay taxes on the knowledge he’s collected, and he’s shed a pretty good sized tax burden down here, in exchange for next to none in Alaska. It’s not that Harry is cheap, he’s really a very generous man, he just doesn’t believe others should tell him how his money is going to be spent.

Over the years, I’ve expressed interest in two things Harry had, and I found both of them delivered to my door as a gift. No way you’ll buy a thing from Harry, and you just need to wait 5, 10 or maybe even 20 years till he needs something… then you deliver it back to his door 🙂

Maybe a visit to Petersburg is in order where I’d likely eat smoked fish till I got tired of it.. is that possible ?

Below is old utterpower content of  Harry’s way of living.

All the best,

George B.

The Harry Anderson Pages – Making Your Own Power

I met him in the early 70s, He wore his hair close cropped and didn’t pay much attention to what was in style. He was always clean and close shaven, but he didn’t have electricity or running water. We’d visit at a mutual friend’s house and Harry would talk about breaking ice down at the spring house where he took his morning shower.

Through the years I’ve come to know Harry pretty well, He’s mentioned more than once the story about the local power company wanting to charge him an arm and a leg to bring the power into the OLE homestead where he hangs his hat.

Approaching Harry Anderson's Place It’s probably not more than 1000 feet off a paved road, but the cost of bringing in power was more than Harry was willing to pay. Visiting his place is always fun, when you turn up his drive, you travel through a marsh area that provides privacy and a buffer from the road, you turn left and side hill up about 75 feet above the stream.

Harry Anderson's DrivewayTall Douglas firs, and big Cedar trees grow here, there’s a thick carpet of moss in places, and well worn animal trails leading down to the stream. Harry Anderson's Mossy Driveway

Harry has several acres cleared where fruit trees grow, and a garden is planted, the sunlight finds it’s way through the clearing performing its magic. Harry Anderson's Place The old cabin looks no different than the first time I saw it thirty years ago.

To the right of the cabin is a shed made of hand split cedar boards. The frame is made of poles peeled long ago. The doors of the shed haven’t been fully closed for some years, Harry’s old Piper Cub doesn’t quite fit, the cowling and wheels hang out the front looking totally out of place. . Harry is going to get around to fixing it some day…. but I think he’s just as likely to pay an electric bill as finish putting the Piper together, Harry is full of surprises, so I’m not placing any bets. Harry Anderson's Old Mercury

Behind the cabin is an old Merc, with a 63 plate, Harry’s Brother “John” parked it here when he went into the Service, I think he always planned on getting back to pick it up, but you know how things go, a guy gets busy and just never gets around to it.

To the right of the clearing is a Ford pickup, although its covered with moss, it only has 77,000 miles on the odometer, Harry parked it during a gas crunch, and bought a foreign car. I don’t think it’s moved since. Homestead Spring House

Dropping over the side of the hill towards the marsh, you find a short trail lined with stepping stones, at the end of the path, you find what’s left of the homestead spring house and a shower house.

Harry had a boat wench that raised a drum full of water into the air providing water pressure to the shower head, don’t know exactly how he’s got it set up now, but it doesn’t use electricity, that’s for sure.

A few weeks back, Harry dropped over to my place, I was putting a fresh coat of wax on the Chinese Diesel I bought from Joel Koch. I could tell just by looking at Harry that it was love at first sight. Harry ran his hand across the flywheel and moved it slowly till it hit the compression stroke. I didn’t wait for him to ask, I handed him the start handle and pointed out the compression release. “Ok Harry, set that governor control down another quarter inch and lock her down, then wind her up as fast as you can and let go of the compression release”.

Harry wasted no time, as he turned it over I pointed out the “click, click, click” was the fuel injector firing. Harry let go of the compression release and the engine blew two big smoke rings and came to life with a steady idle. Harry stroked the gas tank and fondled the fuel line going down to the fuel filter, he finally looked up and said ” I’ve got to have one of these”.

As of this date, Harry has purchased both the Diesel and a Generator head for his own DIY extended run Generator. Since Harry’s approach to living and problem solving is a little different, you might enjoy following his progress. Maybe he’ll have power in time to celebrate his 60th birthday? Harry Anderson's Generators

Harry’s new machine still has the Evap cooling in place, but it’s ready for running at low speed for it’s break in. The cooling system will provide hot water for the shower house.

Another Trip to Harry’s on May 10th 2002

Harry Anderson's Place Powerhouse Location After giving considerable thought to the placement of the generator set, Harry decided to remove an old homestead structure and use the poured concrete floor that was under all the rubble. There’s some concern about fuel oil and lube oil getting into the spring so he decided to place a pan under the generator and to build the power house out of block and seal the floor and the bottom row of blocks.

Harry thinks the block house will hold the noise and be a trouble free fire retardant structure. It is also central to the cabin and the spring house where the majority of the electric power will be used.

Here’s the location of the power house, look at the earlier picture and you can see that an old log structure has been cleared away so the concrete floor could be reused.

Harry Anderson DIYer LocationNote the spring house to the right of the new powerhouse location. Here’s what’s below the spring house, water runs at more than 20 gallons a minute year around from this spring, I don’t know how much drop there is, but I would think this might spin a micro water turbine. Here’s a better view of the powerhouse floor.

December 7, 2002

Harry showed up at my place this week with a progress report on his generator house. He’s planning to be ready any week now; I figure I need to go out and take a picture of what he’s got done.

April 23, 2003

Harry's ProgressI dropped by Harry’s place to see how he was doing on his generator shed. As a person might expect, if you have waited more than thirty years to install a power source, you can probably wait another year or so to do it the way you want, and the effort should never conflict with fishing, or any other thing you like to do.

As I was driving up; Harry was just about to lift the canoe onto the car rack to go fishing. We talked about his progress, and the design of his generator shed. He shared his concern about rushing into things, and how he thought it was good that he had been proceeding slowly giving himself plenty of time to work out the design and details.

Of greatest concern is the fuel oil and the need to protect his pristine water source that is down hill from the power shed. Harry has decided to place a pan under the engine and fuel system to catch anything that might drip. As a back up to that, he is planning to lay down some saw dust on the down hill side of the shed that would hold any diesel that might run off the slab.

Harry said he knew he was behind schedule, but thought he’d be ready to place the engine and gen set by June… we’ll see.. Picture above showing Harry’s progress. He warns that the six inch block hes decided to work with are not working out the way he wanted, but it’ll make a shed.


Some regular readers may have come back to see how things have progressed on Harry’s installation. One thing for sure, a Man who has lived without electricity for 30 or more years is probably not in a rush to get it. Harry is just about ready for the roof, I didn’t check for moss growing on the blocks, but it’s not far off.


Progress is made! Harry stopped by my shop and asked if I like wild mushrooms? “Sure do I replied”, Harry mentioned that the Trilliums are in bloom, and this is the sign it’s time to look for Morels. I grabbed my coat, and we headed for Harry’s place, we worked the lower end of his property pushing three deer a few hundred feet ahead of us; “I don’t think they like to get too far from Harry’s garden”.

Harry Anderson's ProgressAbout 45 minutes later; we walked from the woods with pounds of fresh mushrooms, what a great way to spend a lazy warm spring day. It’s just possible that Harry will have his generator set up before the end of summer. In between fishing trips, hunting mushrooms, and his busy social calendar; Harry has laid up a few blocks, and has the roof underway.

Consider how different things are when you don’t spend three quarters of you waking hours working to pay bills. Harry’s worries are more about the deer eating his garden, people discovering his favorite fishing holes, and trying to find out who wrote the unsigned note stuck on his cabin door. Yes…. it’s a different life, and Harry lives it.

So.. what happened to Harry? did he ever get his generator set up? The answer is no, Harry became so disgusted by the rise in his property taxes in King County, Washington, he decided to move to Alaska, his new home is off grid, no power unless you make it..

Harry will likely be right at home in Petersburg Alaska. Want to meet him? Go to the Library, there’s a good chance he’s there reading, and if they allow coffee in there, he’ll have a cup in hand.

Posted in Utterpower's Friends | 1 Comment

Green Jobs News, Solyndra headed for Bankruptcy!

Yet another boon doggle made with your money!

Solyndra Employee: “Everyone Knew The Plant Wouldn’t Work”

Perspective is a wonderful study:

The Politician might ask, will this Company bring jobs to my district? Will it support the views of my Party?  The Scientist or Professor might ask, will this get our company or department a big fat government grant?

Perhaps the better question is:  Will this idea or product have a chance of surviving in the market place? At least the same chance as a snowball surviving a week in hell?

It wasn’t that long ago, that the US Government decided to give a big chunk of our money to a solar panel company who was setting up shop in Boston. The average DIYer would have quickly accessed the Product and the cost and condemned it to failure, BUT this idea was considered a hot political treasure, Green as it gets, and full of the promise of Green Economy jobs.

Meanwhile, those who make real world assessment of products got out their favorite tool for making real world assessments, more powerful than a crystal ball!  Yes, you guessed it, a pencil!

Solar Panel Distributors were quick to discover that the new technology used to build the panel in Boston Mass was 20% larger for the same energy output as competing panels, and they were just large enough where UPS and FEDEX won’t handle them! What this means is the panel can NOT compete at all in the small installations, as the cost of truck shipping the panels negates any savings one could realize….ever.

If we study the larger installations where the far more expensive truck shipping must be considered for all the other pieces, the Engineer notes the additional square footage for the same output, and realizes the added cost of installing 20% more support, the extra labor costs, and more. He also finds that in some potential installs, there’s a shortage of south facing exposure to accomodate the panels required to meet the anticipated energy production goal.

Most Business People who study this project would agree, it was ill conceived, and short sighted.  For those politicians who endorsed the idea of squandering the public treasury on the idea, it may have been a little like pulling the trigger on a loaded shot gun without noting the gun was pointed at their head! I hope the public is smart enough to understand that politicians seldom if ever make a good business decisions. Nor is their reality likely to be confused with real world reality.

Those who care to read.. will learn the same game continues. There’s plenty of ink left to print more Federal Reserve notes, and they can be handed out in return for political favors. No one in their right mind would suggest that there was any kind of acessment done to determine if these projects were viable, as the effort would be considered so shameful that those involved would likely never work again outside of fast food service jobs. We’ll skip over the question as to whether the Government should be willy nilly investing your future.. those who can follow cause and effect will have little trouble reaching an opinion that reflects reality.

Study this company, and the Politicians who took your Social Security payments out of the general fund and handed it to this company! This is a non partisan issue, where were your representatives and why weren’t they giving a warning?

Solyndra Filing for Bankruptcy

Krauthammer: Solyndra Most Expensive Photo Op In American History

Please note: It’s september 14th, Al Gore has promised to swarm the media with his message today!… “Go green” it’s all good.. “good for him” and if you take a moment to see what kind of grant money his companies have received from the public treasury you’ll be pissed.

Added note: For those who are not blinded by a thin coat of green paint. If you are taking a Journalisim class, in high school or college, you have an ideal story to cover in interviewing the 1100 workers who were given jobs at the Solyndra plant. How many financed moving their entire famlies to this location? Who bought a new car, signed a two year lease for an apartment? Bought other stuff they can no longer pay for?



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Q and A: Flywheels and the Cost of a KWH

Flywheel Movie CoverQuestion for George: Hi George, I’m also a big believer in big (or heavy) flywheels. It appears that a weighty rotating mass will smooth the output of a genset. Listeroid engines have such flywheels and are blessed in this regard. However, smaller diesel (and gas) engines have much smaller and lighter flywheels in spite of the fact that they may well produce more hp. While I have no formal training in physics, it seems to me that there is a direct relationship between a large rotating mass and and a slower engine speed. At least where a smoother transition in generator loads is desirable.

I know that all the preceeding may seem obvious. So here’s my question(s):

With your offering of pulleys of varying sizes, why not attach a ring on the pulley that will add weight and increase the rotating mass?

My plan is to duplicate your efforts with a Yanmar clone driving a PMG. I can’t lift as much as I could when I was younger. A listeroid is out. Way too heavy. Listeroid imports are a dicey proposition. But low speed is very attractive.

Changfa type engines elude me. That’s the way I’d prefer to go. Water cooling makes cogen a real consideration. Back to the Yanmar clones. If you look at the power curves, you’ll note that those engines produce their best torque numbers in the mid-range. As do many gas engines. Using a 7? pulley on the engine, and a 5? on the PMG, one could drive the PMG at 3600rpm while running ~2570rpm on the engine. Engine life would be greatly extended at that speed.

My concern is for the output side crank bearing if a heavier rotating mass is added. I’ve read about your efforts with the same engine and PMG using a 5/4.1 pulley set. That means the engine is running at ~83% of PMG speed. Won’t that engine run comfortably at a lower speed and still produce rated output on the PMG? Would more rotating mass make it possible if not? Perhaps a 10? on the engine and a 7? on the PMG?

That means a 70% engine rpm/PMG rpm. While that would reduce the engine speed only 50 rpm from the 7/5 setup, the pulley combination would allow for the addition of more weight. If only in the physical ;”what’s gonna fit?”; sense. I may be overthinkin’ this scenario. But I hope that deliberation and asking questions will better prepare me.

Many thanks, Mike H.

 George’s Answer: Hi Mike, our pulleys have quite a bit of mass. This is a complex topic you ask about, and gets into things we may not understand right away. When we have a big flywheel and the governor calls the fuel rack for more power, that energy needs to power the flywheel to higher RPM along with the load. If we visualize a wide open fuel rack and a lot of opposition to the combustion gases as they push against the piston, we can see more time for gases to try and find away around ring lands and through ring gaps. Maybe a large issue is the increased time the combustion chamber and liner walls have to quench these gases and convert a larger portion of the energy potential into waste heat? What wear and tear do we cause with too much mass and where is the line of diminishing returns? Fortunately, we have the guiding rule… the cost of a KWH, and we can look for that increase or decrease in fuel/kwh production in our specific application.

I’m no Physicist either, but flywheels fascinate me. It allows us to run a smaller power plant, generate superior fuel/kwh figures and >start< loads like induction motors with the stored energy in the flywheel. Yes, we can generate a lot more Power for that short period we need cover for a clean motor start.

But everything is a trade off, When we slow the engine, we have less power output from the engine, and less energy stored in the flywheel. We best define out objective ahead of time and then strike the best compromise. A typical off grid consideration is starting a deep well submersible pump cleanly, and running it. This often dictates what we need to be able to produce out of our generator. (the high mark). From here we can optimize for best fuel/kwh figures, and there are all kinds of things we might try.

As for the flywheel on the generator side, we would of course design this flywheel based on RPM it will run at. The Old Start-O-Matics may be an interesting study if you haven’t looked at them. One owner said his Start-O-Matic had a 50 pound flywheel hanging off the front of it.

An interesting note: We have a lot of really technical people in our DIYer ranks, there are at least four readers, contributors, or customers who are ‘Rocket Scientists’, or retired Rocket Scientists. I remember one who was telling me everything he did at NASA involved complex systems, and he like KISS in hi personal life, he was driving an old ford Pickup with a transplanted German Diesel and manual transmission. Not much of a surprise is his Listeroid powered back up generator for hurricane coverage.

But onto the point, there is more to flywheels than meets the eye, and we have a retired engineer and former Rocket Scientist who is working on a flywheel article to be published here. Most of our articles will be released at 0900 hours, just in time for a cup of coffee. John L’s article may be timely. (Note: enter “John L” into the search box)

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Isolation and Noise Reduction

Made new to look old

Isolation and Noise Reduction:

I’ve written many pages on noise and vibration reduction,  and I’m hoping to bring all that material together and publish a more comprehensive article someday, but for now, here’s an overview, and a favorite email from one of the TOP DIYer States.. Texas.

DIYers are naturally interested in this topic, and some study  it with intensity.  Vibration is not just a source of noise, it can also be the root cause of silence, and of course that silence always arrives when you need your Generator most. One memorable email arrived here telling  me of a piece of metal inside of an air cleaner breaking off and being sucked into the intake exhaust seat. The Piston top did not survive the resulting collision, and that old classic comes to mind…Simon and Garfunkel.. “Hello darkness my old Friend

Dr. David Delapp (an accomplished DIYer) who studied at Vanderbilt,
and also taught classes there may have been the first to share some wisdom
about the topic of ‘soils’ and their ability to communicate.  DIYers have a natural understanding that dry sandy  soils are less likely to communicate than let’s say a layer of sandstone, but  there’s entire books on the topic, and of course there are Professional Engineers that do nothing  but the evaluation of soils at construction sites.

At our Easton off grid site, there are two Lister generator  plants, one is under a covered end of the pump house, another in a power shed.  In both of these installs, I’ve applied
lessons I’ve learned from personal observation and through DIYers around the world.

But as you might have discovered in your life, there is  always more lessons to learn, or even re-learn.  It’s not good enough to understand the concepts, you must make an application of that knowledge in your work.

The first basic rule is:  Anything you can mount off the generator frame will be mounted off the generator frame.  Vibration is a killer, electrical panels, exhaust systems, intake systems, when it comes  to well designed stationary power, you need make the room to allow this,  and you need make room to service every part of the generator.  Use  a  rubber hose between intake and air cleaner, use a flexible isolator as close to  the exhaust port or manifold as reasonable, and always build a condensate trap to assure that water doesn’t collect at the exhaust valve.

When you ponder how a loud speaker works, consider that your prime mover is the source of sound power and your shed, concrete slab, generator base, and all things connected  could provide the same function as a  loud speaker cone.

In the case of the pump house, I have fairly ideal soils.  Maybe six inches of top soil with an underlying layer of gravel, it’s in a narrow valley, and likely part of a river bed at some point geological time.  This soil is porous enough allow water to travel through it, and a poor communicator.  I used two full length Rail Road Ties to mount the engine and generator, and I did not couple them in any way to the  concrete pour of the pump house.  This helps
to keep the pump house from functioning as a speaker or transmitter of sound.

At the other  location, the generator is inside the building, and since I built this shed starting with a clean sheet of paper I applied knowledge of local soils and isolation.

The first step was to pour a rather generous concrete pad  with rebar, and having pieces of six inch eye beam with the tops set  at a height that would be about an inch below floor joists with a generous amount of the beam locked into the concrete pour.

The floor of the power shed was constructed with a hole in the floor, and a rubber apron around the perimeter of this opening to assure a clean decoupling between generator base and frame  and power shed.  In conjunction with the effort, your design can include a rubber isolator on top of each pier block that the power shed sits on.

Don’t forget to decouple the exhaust, and intake, and consider using all that fiberglass insulation in the wall between studs as part  of your air filter.  A connection into
the wall at the bottom, and on the outside, use a hole saw to place a series of
intake holes, and place store-bought breathers, or make your own from screen to
keep bugs and vermin out. Very effective filter, and unless you’re in a bad spot, you’ll likely never need to change the filter.

Remember, motorcycles are a great source of ideas, vibration,  metal fatigue, noise are things engineers have had to  address  in a number of ways for years.  Go back to the two strokes and note the use  of springs to hold the exhaust pipe into the exhaust flange, look at the different  methods used since the 1930s, and then note how poorly it has been done in recent times. I was totally disgusted  to by the lack of engineering I found in the Artic Cat 2003 Quad in the exhaust system.  Engineers did an impressive job
on suspension, and built what I’d call a first class work horse in other
respects.  The Engineer that designed the exhaust system gets an F minus grade, and it’s unfortunate that the exhaust system goes into resonance at slow trail speeds…. right where I like to ride. The exhaust  header is hard mounted to the engine, and the exhaust hard mounted to the frame!  In 2004, they did it right, they applied the same common sense approach used in motorcycles and  ATVs for years and years.

He’s an email I received some years ago and put on my CD…food for thought.  I’ve said it about 100 times or more.  DIYers are from all walks of life, Professors, Medical Doctors, Engineers, Programmers, Farmers and Ranchers.  All of us need remember….NEVER underestimate a FARM Boy and what you can learn from him. Do pay special attention…  the Farmer provides Roark an engineering  solution, and also provides some insight into
marriage and what you might expect from Women folk as it pertains to  generators.  They generally appreciate  the power during an outage, but don’t expect them to admire your hardware and the thought you put into it. Email from Roark follows…



I’ve been enjoying your webpage(s) for several months now,
and you’ve almost convinced me to play with a Listeroid or Changfa.  FWIW, I’m an engineer by training (20 years
of billing myself as “User-Friendly LiveWare” doing embedded code on
Intel and Motorola uP’s) and have some direct exposure to EMP effects, so I’m
looking at the KISS diesels with a very lecherous eye.

Of late I find myself working in the field of law, in a tiny
little town of 1611 folks known as XXXXX, TX.
Power here is so bad I finally bought a monster Baldor genset with a
John Deere 4045TF250 pushing a Stamford 80KW head.  It holds 175 gallons of diesel in the
belly-tank and sounds like an F14 Tomcat on nitrous. 🙂  Loud mutha, but it’ll get ‘er done when the
chips are down.  I found out the hard way
that federal Judges don’t give a flying flip if aliens abduct your entire
town… they still want you on-time / over-target with maximum ordnance load
and won’t take excuses like “the power was out for 2 days and we all had
to take cold showers”.  Mr. Baldor
cured that.  Mostly. 🙂

Weird things happen in a country setting, ie, people will
stop and talk to you without trying to sell you something.  You meet folks with zero education but a ton
of genuine smarts, too.  When I first
installed this creature on a dedicated 26,000 lb concrete slab, it rocked the
china out of the neighbors cabinets.  To
fix it, I tossed the “commercial” grade silencer for a
“critical” grade unit ($500) and the acoustics got much better… but
the danged thing still rocked the boat nearly a block away.  When it was running, I could FEEL it from my
home two blocks away.  Transmitted
vibration was nothing short of intense.

Any 4-year wonder calling himself an “engineer” will tell you that a 26,000 lb concrete slab is absolutely OVERKILL for a 5000 lb live load.  And I’m here to tell you
that 16×13 foot slab did nothing more than provide a firm coupling to terra
firma.  It had me puzzled, but I figured since I only run a couple of times a week (!!!) it wouldn’t be a huge issue.

Then one day this grizzled old farmer was admiring it, and I  fired it up for him.  The ground moved  (predictable, that), but this guy just looks at it and says “I’ve got this
old Lister that had the same problem.  I  just put a trailer mat under it.  Fixed
it so the wife doesn’t complain near so much.  At least about my generator….”.

FWIW, a “Horse Mat” or “Trailer Mat” is  just black, textured (pebbled) rubber mat that folks use on the floor of their horse trailers.  It gives the horses a  good footing and prevents trailer rash when you mash on the brakes because some  yuppie in a Beemer couldn’t see you over his latte.  This mat is some HEAVY stuff too.  A 3 foot by 7 foot sheet that is 1 inch thick must weigh something like 60 lbs.  It’s  UV stable, waterproof, and isn’t bothered by diesel.  Locally “Tractor Supply” has it in  stock year-round and will help you load it.

So the next weekend I borrowed a friends trackhoe (15,000 lb
boom capacity… 5000 lb generator weight, you do the math… heheheh) and
pulled the big generator up a few inches while I slid a 1 inch thick rubber mat
under the belly tank.  I dropped the genny back down on it, screwed it back down, connected the load bank (homebrew,  16 ea 4500 watt water heater elements connected to a 2 hp pump fed from the koi pond) and fired it up. No more rattling dishes.
In fact, a Dixie cup full of water set on the ground beside the concrete slab doesn’t even ripple.  The neighbors loved it.  With this critter at full song driving the entire practice on a wartime footing, you can’t even tell it’s running if you’re inside the building.

That mat has sat under my Baldor 80KW for something like 3 years now and it still looks and performs like new.  Total cost for the sheet was about $25.  I got liked them so much I got a few more and threw them in my horse trailer for their “intended” use.  (I suppose the horses tow a bit quieter, but  you’d never prove it by me. hehehe)

Oh yeah:  The Baldor, with the switchgear, my homebrew loadbank, that 400 amp transfer switch and all the web-based interface stuff cost me around $27,000. I did the install myself and am proud of it.  Yet I’m giving serious thought to replacing it with a 2-cylinder Listeroid or similar.  Why? You were dead right about the reliability of an AVR embedded in the **ROTOR**.  Would you believe the feedback connection between the AVR and the stator output is via optical fiber? Not kidding.  It shines a beam of IR light right down the middle of the shaft!. Looks great on paper but doesn’t pass the KISS test.  So far I’ve replaced it once (thank God for warranties!).  Currently I’ve got a total of 380 hours on the meter, with meticulous care, and bi-weekly 20 minute exercise periods.  But I’m still scared to death we’re gonna get a lightning strike (very common) and it’ll be out of
commish when I need it most.  As you said, you can’t repair these things.  Or at least… I can’t.  Or you.  Or the guy next door.

Yeah.  I think you talked me into a Fugly Listeroid (or similar) with an ST-type head.  I can run the whole shootin’ match very comfortably on 12-13 KW peak… or about 8KW sustained.  I just ditched my last power-hog copier for something much leaner, and as we mature we’re learning how to monotask both to save energy and to live longer.

I really think you need to tell your readers about the
trailer mat trick.  I wouldn’t have  believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.  (Pictures available if you’re interested).

Roark .


In closing.. Roark, I hope you are doing well, and I still laugh when I read your wonderful account of reality.. too bad it’s not typically part of life in DC…

This rubber matt sold at farm supplies is cheap! buy a similar product elsewhere, and it’ll likely be a lot of money!



Posted in DIYer Generator, DIYer Skills, Generator Realities | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment