How many alarms do you hear in the background?
If you are Hands on, most of what I post might make sense. If your hands have no stains or lack a single callous, then you’re likely going to find nothing but contempt for what is shared here.
We see our President surround himself with CARBON copies of himself, no hands on experience, no business, no mechanicals, nothing outside the .EDU or twisted politics.
We see who was put in charge of building that obamacare website, you will need work hard to rationalize that it was any more than stuffing the pockets of political allies, and done by people who have no clue about the shear complexity of what needed to be done.
DIYers, this is your call to action, time to organize your own house. It is a clear sign that stealing the public’s purse and using it to assure a single party government remains in place is the top priority. You’ve watched the efforts to divide the public by race, religion, income, and more, Have you ever seen an effort made by top leadership in the last 5 years to unite us?
We have learned from experience how important it is to seek the advice and help of others who have the skills necessary to make realistic assessments in what we attempt to do. In the corner of my shop are projects that remind me of the skills I lack, it’s important for a man to know his limitations.
It’s been an Interesting few weeks, I’ve wanted to thank the Russians and the French for helping to preserve American freedoms. But now, I need thank the Poles too! As Pelosi waits for the Website to come up (so >she< can learn what’s in it), others play candy crush, and some citizens with real hands on experience wonder….
Would Atlas himself have tried to lift all of American Healthcare? It’s bigger and more complex than all American Government does now. But if your representatives don’t read what they vote for, how would they ever know?
Thank you Poles, you have history lessons fresh in your mind and know what a good screwing looks like.
We all wonder where the safety net is? When will we wake up? Some of the most hands on and informed say the net is reality, and when there is no money left to buy those free lunches, we can attempt to reclaim reality as so many in the past have.
If you are willing to give up your soul, you can turn the world upside down. I expect my Grand Children to read about it, and to ask… Just what the hell were our parents thinking? That’s exactly the questions children in Europe asked of their parents.
The only thing that does make sense is that the President and his friends think they are taking you on a journey from which you can not return.. and there’s a chance they’re right. The only question that remains, will those who have supported the transformation of America realize that they have nearly outlived their usefulness? Are they smart enough to grasp that they are in the process of surrendering any say they might have in what and how government governs?
As we watch government swing the hammer and hit our thumb in healthcare. The EPA is swinging a far larger hammer, and they are aiming at our head! What’s wrong with America? People like my Senator Patty Murray who believes in fairy dust. A woman who will watch the world be unraveled, and hold her tongue. One of many who have sold their souls for a position of power, and the story will be told in the history books.