Muse of the Day: American Views.

Just another reminder of why you build your skills.

Did you know it’s a $30,000 penalty and jail time to do your own household electrical work in Australia? I’d imagine there’s people here that would sign on for the same thing, I mean after all, why should you be allowed to tinker less you’ve served the full apprenticeship and have a proper government document saying you can do such a thing? And why not give the enforcement to the FED, maybe the ATF? After all, they have all the required tools to break down your door and check it all out when a reliable informer makes a report.


Democrats are nearly as divided as Republicans, Conservatives upset that those in State Government seem so willing to give up their authority to the Federal Government as it undermines the cornerstones of our Country’s foundation. And many who vote don’t even think we need a foundation, we can make it up on the fly..

The question so many of us ask now…  will the promise of the easy road and the threat of the world coming to an end drive all the chickens into pens?

The big question: Will the Electorate vote to abolish every authority the States have in exchange for the promise of savings and more free gifts? “Think of all the fat you can cut out they’ll say”.

The promise of a pen for every chicken, how many now come to America to live in the safety of the Government pen?

Detroit is the model, every kind of free lunch served, and when it all collapsed, just blame someone else. And just today.. posts about being tired of the nuts in the Republican Party, as they dare to do what they were elected to do.

Is the party over? Nope, that comes when no one wants your dollar, and at this point, do you see any signs of slowing the printing press or to stop lying about inflation? The simple truth might be… they’ve played the free lunch game for so long, there’s no other game to play, all they know to do is delay the crash..

And that story of the US Government buying 30 billion rounds of Ammo for non Military purposes? Who in Washington shouldn’t think the shit is going to hit the fan?

It’s all my muse, some blame it all on corporations, some all on government, and all too many think it’s not their job to think.

And for us… want to sell something? Green is overplayed, I think the new buzz word is security. Security light bulbs, security tooth paste, security chicken noodle soup.  Count on the Marketeers to figure out how to ‘pitch’ it. If the woman in the house is the one that normally buys it, that word better be on the box.



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Muse of the day sept 27: The study of Agnotology

This page may disappear like a wisp of smoke, or be altered in some way, but if you catch it in time, I think it’s a great compare.




WE need ask.. is this an extended study of Agnotology? Does Willem  breech any of the barriers that Modern Politicians respect? Do they (some of them) have any Barriers? Was there ever a day in my past 65 plus years when I thought leading Politicians would call me an Anarchist? I do believe Willem could easily step into the tennis shoes of my Senator who now enjoys a senior position in her party, so much of what they do is powered by Fairy Dust, or at least that’s what I believe at the moment. But Willem be the better man, and he did not call anyone an Anarchist for not buying his plan..

Reality is always a good reference, whether it’s power production or Politics we study.



Posted in Critical Thinking, DIYer Skills, Engines, Free Energy, Slow Speed Engines | Tagged | 6 Comments

Muse of the Day: A new addition to things I hate?

Dymo Labeler

Dymo Labeler

 Alternate Title? “How to design products, find hands on users and consult them”.

It was on sale! I’ve wanted one for years and years, but figured it would be another gadget with dead batteries when wanted to use it. But for $19.99 on sale, I had to give it a try.

All was going fine.. , I thought I had the Male’s version of this product after making a good number of labels… many on wiring, and what a help! No need to read the directions (an important thing).

So I was labeling my collection of new plastic coffee cans.. “MISC Springs”, “PEX Fittings”… and then… I got to that can of 5/16-18 Bolts.

Where’s the slash? Better yet… Where’s the Dash? This is bad news. Perhaps I go through the trash and see if I can find the directions?

Nope,…. there’s no shift button, but there is an insert button that will allow you to scroll through a long menu and even pick a picture of a person putting something into a trash can, my Grandson Zach would think that’s a must, but he’s four.  

I do remember that first dymo labeler at work.. that rotary dial, and the must have slash! No guy can survive without a forward slash!

This unit likely made sense to those who designed it… Perhaps the labeler was made in a foreign country?, maybe a slash and a dash are marks of a bad omen there?

The first buttons… a>J are multi function they are marked 0-9 as well, and you need push a button marked 123 to select them, and then a button A-a to return to the alphabet.

Of course, the code warriors will push the K button after printing a  numeral just to see what happens, because they would have designed it to print something even if it were undocumented. they’d have added three seconds of timing BEFORE it happened, no need to tell the boss, she’d likely read the design criteria instructions and nix the idea, it’s likely why we learned not to read directions, it really does limit one’s imagination. 

What a waste! two buttons to select either A-Z or 0-9, and no shift button?  I can’t FOLLOW THE LOGIC!

If you’re labeling jams and jellies, you may be happy as a cow in clover, but then I thought of the power in one of those inexpensive WIFI boxes, a full blown unix kernel alive and ready to take on your tasks in a multi tasking fashion! like the Cat in the Hat juggling your Grandchildren, the family dog, and all your good dishes! This thing is no better than a hog. If only Commodore had made this… Jeri Ellsworth would have already hacked it.  I’d play music, games, and no doubt you’d find “pin ball wizard” by holding down a key  for a count of seven, at least you could download her fix..    

I paused for a moment… I looked at the DYMO name and the model.. “Letratag”… Hmmm, no doubt I could have given it a better name.. But here I am with the power in my hand (lame as it is) to rename ‘my labeler’…no one can stop me!

OK, I push the Aa button.. now PELO.. nope… it’s no qwerty  keyboard, they couldn’t have made it so easy! Ohhh there’s what I need!

And here I reflect,….. I can’t figure out Obamacare either.. Perhaps this  labeler was designed by a Politician? Looking for something to do in your retirement years, you’re likely a better engineer than anyone at Dymo..

But my cell phone just rang 281-386-2880 on the caller ID. I’ve just won a free trip to the Bahamas! A great way to start off my day, and time for a second cup of coffee.

Yes.. I could have missed something, I haven’t read all the directions yet.. but I’d have never voted for such junk.. I bought it in a hurry.. and now I pay the price..


Have a great weekend…
Posted in Critical Thinking, Recommended Gadgets & Tools, Things I Hate! | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Congratulations to my Cousins Down Under!

Crystal Ball

We don’t need a crystal ball, common sense will do!


It matters not that your winter is our summer, or that the English language separates us to such a degree. We DIYers have best writing paper a better understanding of fairy dust, and it’s a fact that we tolerate less of it than the average bloke.

But now, we see as fact, you can only blow so much fairy dust up the backsides of average people before they wake and take action!

I’d bet there will be money rushing into your economy, the sense of hopelessness soon displaced!

Congratulations Australia!

Now… if only we can get rid of those here who believe in fairy dust! Australia you do not follow, you now  lead the way!

I need mention just one Aussie Woman I admire, she’s a world treasure according to my measure, and if you don’t follow Jo Nova, you are missing so much.




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CPV (concentrated Photo Voltaic) September 5, Muse of the Day

Our Place of Worship


Sometimes it’s best to let the facts speak for themselves.

Today at 12:26 PST, I checked online to view the weather and the percentage of rated output (best hour thus far today) for both Amonix  Hatch and the Road Runner thin film single axis power plant. the weather looks near identical at both sites, but it is constant comparisons that I use to gain confidence that my observations are likely valid.

Road Runner in Santa Teresa.. best hour observed…92% of rated capacity, Amonix CPV at Hatch, just 60% of rated capacity best hour.

I have made many visits to the power meters online,  there have been  rather significant difference in  the percentage of their rated power output, and I do think using the percentage of rated output observing the best hour of the day is a good way to measure the ‘health’ of a solar power plant.

There are a lot of people who have jobs where it is difficult for them to even mention the truth about CPV, but I think These huge investments are a testament to what man can build when things go wrong.

If you see it different, If you would measure it all differently, please comment, you need not use your real name.

And for you folks who put up this WIKI page, why not add the production figures for the last six months? Leaving it as is causes some to think the degrade is exactly as any good auto mechanic would have predicted, a steady decline UNLESS you have an army of maintenance people in the field and money to burn.

I’m always the student, I’m trying hard to understand how so many of these HUGE monoliths ever got planted?



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August 31, Today’s Muse:

As I have said before, we learn a lot via comments, sometimes more than we learn from the article we read.  I like Taylor Swift, the young woman has 46 million likes on FB, compare that number with the Queen’s.  I think she’s good for the world, she’s writing her own songs, and as I have said before,  the drug crowd doesn’t like her lyrics,  she’s not singing about her life of addiction, or the many nights spent in the house of the rising sun.

Epic Failure

Epic Failure

And now we have Miley who has decided to take the EASY road, and we’ll watch as some cheer her on. We get to watch her Isolate herself as she surrounds herself with those who will only say yes. Visit the Miley FB page, and watch her ignore the good advice.

But today.. we might ask,…. that comment… “like a monkey with a hand grenade”, doesn’t that follow another monkey deed?

Obamacare is: like “A Monkey Fu__ing a Foot Ball”, and when you compare the strategy deployed to bring Obamacare to being, and the policy in the middle east, they both look like they were developed for the day, no thought given for tomorrow.  I think there’s a reason… NON  MECHANICS see all things simple, the attitude is often “Any Monkey Can Do it”, we’ll figure it all out along the way.. maybe over a glass of wine?

We’ve watched our checker players on the chess board.. for  all the world to see.  What I hope the world remembers.. this is not America.. only the Monkeys we have in charge at the moment.  The larger question is.. can the Monkeys keep offering enough free stuff to stay in charge? It’s the easy road, the Miley Road, and Monkeys all along the way.


Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, In The News, Strange Stuff | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Solar PV Power Production, How do we measure and compare?

Monoliths in the Field, and who is allowed in to look at them?


Recently I wrote about Beth Buck Naked, her article about a motorcycle that ran on compressed air, and how the project had made a short list to receive some prestigious award.  Most of the comments that followed her article were made by two distinct groups, those who were awake in eight grade science class, and those who do believe in fairy dust.

At the heart of many of these articles like Beth wrote is the lack of any real measurement regarding  performance you can relate to.  And as you come to the end of the article, you have the feeling that you just read another bait article created to generate  traffic to a point of sale, or promote a product or service.

Is there room here for us to apply some critical thinking? Let’s say you were an operating company who choose to invest in the Hatch Power Plant, would you assume that the power plant had been assembled correctly in Nevada, and then installed correctly? Prior to some ‘hands on experience’ with the power plant, would you forge a durable contract with an entity like El Paso Electric and guarantee the delivery of a specific amount of KWHs through the meter? Would you sign a contract with significant penalties IF you were not able to deliver those Solar PV created KWHs to EPE?

I think we might all question how long any business would be in business assuming so much.  I would imagine the contract between the Power Plant Operator and EPE would have a rather low power production figure until the power plant had proven itself.

With that said, what do we do with the news that the KWH expectation is right on track? It does remind me of the Auto industry.. The salesmen on the Car Dealer’s lot says ” This model fully meets ‘our’ expectations, no doubt it’s the car for you”.

How do we ‘hands on’ DIY types measure performance? I’ll stick with  Amonix as an example, because I think it is prime. Following are twitter exchanges, I find value in Eric’s search for the truth, but I wonder if he has the same need for performance data that allows us to compare one technology against another and >know< the real value? Here’s an old twitter exchange, check the dates.




I looked on as Eric made an extreme effort to find out exactly how Hatch was performing.  I thought his Green website was one of the few that attempted to share more than the hype   entities trolling for investors and federal dollars released to bloggers hoping they would paste them and favorably comment.

Here’s my approach, and you may be far too busy, or far too lazy to make your own study.

Put a button on your desktop, visit the El Paso Website, and learn of it quirks, it’s not perfect, and some parts don’t work quite as you’d expect, maybe a browser issue?

Build yourself a little spreadsheet, and note the performance of the Road Runner power plant. I think using a best hour of power production through the meter, and then expressed as a percentage of the MW rating of the power plant IS a figure that carries weight with DIYers. No doubt, there are investors, and politicians who would accept figures based of grams of fairy dust.

I have made several posts about the rather significant difference between the Road Runner power plant, a very simple and cheap technology, and how it seems to ram a rather high percentage of it’s rated capacity though the power meter in comparison to the Hatch power plant. You can make the same comparisons..

But we need add, even a moderately competent mechanic will recognize that the Road Runner is based on KISS technology, a SIMPLE single axis tracker, proven flat panels, no hydraulic pumps, far more power delivered under a significant number of days with high clouds that are not so good for CPV. Furthermore, I have seen the Road Runner deliver 100% of it’s rated output, but by the same measure, Hatch seems to have trouble making 3800KWHs during a best hour of the day. There was a time when Hatch made 4200KWH (best hours), but that was some time back, I can only guess that it’s difficult and or expensive to get hatch back to the power production levels once observed.

Is it dirt and dust on or in the CPV enclosures? Degraded PV cells? Broken trackers, Deformed superstructure bent under the strain of rather significant loads of hail on top ‘stowed’ trackers? CPV demands that we accurately aim ALL of the units on a tracker with some degree of accuracy, what happens when trackers are ‘wracked’ from wind damage, or extremely heavy loads of hail? And if these units can endure these stresses without damage, why do they stow them?

A few hours in the field with a laser and a few blocks, we’d know just how much variation is now built in, and what our ability is to accurately point and train all the modules might be.

At the end of the day, we might ask, what green web site cares about those of us who want just the basic facts? What did your plant do best hour today based as a percentage of the power plant’s rated power production?

Plenty of posts I’ve made, and even some about Martha at the NREL, she is fixated on the efficiency of a solar cell used in CPV, and a lot of mechanics would agree, that’s the easy part, how long the cell lives, and how hard and expensive it is to replace is equally important, and the facts are, you can say it all day long, but the truth is revealed in the field. It’s it curious how few are allowed into the field? I would trust Eric Wesoff to accurately report what he found, but I’m not convinced he’d ask the same questions as those who have grease under their fingernails and hands familiar with the nuts and bolts.

As  per my visits to the El Paso website, I see best hour figures for the Road Runner in the high nineties, and the Hatch power plant performs in the mid seventies.

If you see it  differently, please… please let me know where I’ve gone wrong.  As for your visit to EPE website, the graphs do not always populate for me, it could be my browser.. the hourly power production data is normally available. As part of your study, do consider visiting the underground weather site, and not what happens during the wind gusts I note quite often, when you see the significant holes in the day’s power production at Hatch, you might find an observed wind gust that ‘stowed’ the trackers.

My casual observations cause me to suspect that the weather station nearest to Hatch can see wind gusts as low as 10MPH, WHEN the trackers at Hatch stow, suggesting that the Hatch site sees slightly higher wind speed there.

Of course, it’s all what I think, using my best effort to know the real data.  I am the Student, and like most all who would have read this far, I refuse to bend over and take my lessons in suppository form.

I do reflect on one girl in my grade school class. She was nicer than nice, she had exceptional manners, compassion for every living thing. A good enough student, and I bet she received the highest possible grade in being a good citizen.

She never stared out the window, always paid attention to the teacher, and I never remember her asking a question. Today.. with advanced degrees in the Social Sciences, she makes assessments of the value of green ideas, but I’d wager a paycheck she doesn’t know where the dipstick is in her car, or exactly what a BTU is..






Posted in Alternative Energy Sources, Critical Thinking, DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy | Tagged | 8 Comments

Stop the Insanity! Auto Safety Standards are Killing the Planet.

DIYer Commuter Vehicle

Notice the headlight, safety first!


If you are watching Auto related politics closely, you may have noticed that Americans have lost another Freedom, and that is our right to own one of the real super cars of the century, the Lotus Elise, a high mileage supercar!  A car company can only afford to spend so much in order to meet forever changing standards and slightly different world standards, all of which cause manufacturers to create countless tons of carbon emissions to produce cars having parts that might vary as much as 20% from one market to the next.  And of course those who set the standards in those different markets suggest their standards are the best.

We can all watch the Gang Greenies yell and scream about AGW, and how we must address the problem, and yet, where there are obvious places to make a huge difference, the opportunities are ignored.

A Wiki page here shows some of the entities that rule over the Auto Industry, but don’t forget the EPA, the DOE, and California’s wacky CARB. Which one of these entities doesn’t have empire building as their Primary Goal? Which entity would sacrifice ANY of their influence in order to build a safer, more efficient car that would produce lower emissions? The answer is likely none of them!

Automobile Manufacturing is as much about politics as anything else, the talk of gray market cars that are non-conforming and not meeting safety standards, but that same car is considered superior just across the border?

How many months would it take to save more carbon emissions than all of the solar PV investments in Spain, if we could just allow the public to buy a car that meets an International standard? Consider all the energy used to make all those different parts, all the shipping, and hauling tons of supplies place to place.. all for what?

Consider the Japanese ‘K’ cars. Here’s where I see ‘LOGIC’ applied. The K class of car there has some rather strict design rules, they can only be so wide, and their engines are limited to 660cc in size. This class of Auto has a yellow license plate, and enjoys some privileges, and most automotive engineers would agree, this auto provides better safety protection than a motorcycle, and it is the alternative to a motorcycle for many in Japan who don’t have the income to afford a less efficient vehicle, OR just don’t want to spend their money on a more elegant, higher emissions, less efficient form of transportation. Yes, as you can imagine, K cars get great mileage, and they are considered by many, the ultimate inner city cars that have been refined over many years to perform with great efficiency.

If we compare the Safety standards in the USA, the thought of offering an alternative to the motorcycle or scooter riders is lacking.  Those who would like to spend their money on something other than fuel or the more fancy ride have few or no choices depending on your view. But here in the USA, if you remove a wheel from a car, it becomes a class of vehicle that need not meet Auto Safety standards at all. Yes, those three wheelers are exempt from safety standards last I looked.

But I do think it’s interesting that our Government entities find the little K cars so appealing, and so right for their operations that they import them, and even use them on public roads, both state and country roads! Yes, the K cars appear to be plenty safe enough for them and their employees, but not for  you 🙂 It reminds me of the new healthcare, it’s going to be plenty good enough for you, but not good enough for them, but of course the Gang Greenies follow the rhetoric, and pay no attention to the deeds of those who tell us what we can own, and what we can’t.

At the end of the day you need watch what they do, pay no attention to what they say..  it’s all about Empire building, money, power an influence. Saving tons of carbon? That’s really the last thing on their minds.


Posted in Critical Thinking, Earth & Energy, The New Green Movement, Things I Hate!, UtterPower Articles, Vehicle Design, Your Wasted Tax Dollars | Tagged , | 17 Comments

How Much Work Does Our Electrical Grid Need?

Many of us here have heard of wild lines, and people like me were certain that theses were only found in places like the outback in Australia, or the most remote places.. not true! Gang Greenies have a special gift, they are able to make simple complex problems, they know the grid is ready to charge every EV, and of course, if it’s done at night  when the gird is sleeping, there’s no problem at all.

Wild lines appear to work for the power company when the current draw is VERY low, as the demand on the wild line goes up, the considerable losses in the earth’s return path start to cause problems. You can see an example of Ohms law at work on a long cheap extension cord. Put a volt meter on the far end, all looks reasonably OK  with a 60 watt bulb on the end of that 100 foot 16 gauge extension cord.  But let’s put a little load on the end and watch the voltage plummet! Put a skill saw on end of this cord, or a small air compressor, and watch the show. Wild lines are similar, as the load increases, so do the problems.

As for Dairy, there are no stupid Dairy Farmers, they’ve all gone out of business. The Dairy Farmer that is able to survive has a good nose for trouble, and we best not discount what they say.. I do remember some battles dairy farmers had over ground water, their herds refused to drink the water, the cows knew of the danger, and the humans consuming the same water had no clue.  The same land is now considered contaminated and the water unfit for any animal to drink, the cows knew it first.

As I leave you with this story, I was thinking of alternate titles, “Cows are smarter than my Senator” was a contender.  My Senator has never seen a free lunch she didn’t like, or a problem that couldn’t be fixed via the printing press. Even cows know better.

And thank you Tod for sharing this story.. the tip of an ice berg..

Do remember, I saved 80% of my time in not proofing this post 🙂 If you do proof it and find a blooper, let me know 🙂






Posted in DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy, Fighting Propaganda, Free Energy, Strange Stuff, Survival Skills, The New Green Movement, Uncategorized, UtterPower Articles | Tagged , | 12 Comments