The Kshama Sutra

Some never realize they're fucking themselves till it starts to hurt.

Some never realize they’re fucking themselves till it starts to hurt.

Politics and Satire? Kshama seems perfect for Seattle. This page is only a monument. It’s your job to search for the rest of the story, and interpret it as you wish.

Added Note:

After posting this, I received the following email, I do enjoy Indian History, and very much enjoy the helpful advice and info I receive about India and her rich history.

“Good One! BTW did you know that the meaning of the Sanskrit word kshama is SCARCITY if it is pronounced as kshAAma and PATIENCE if pronounced as kshama? Since the English language gives no clue to how to pronounce it, I guess the pronunciation with the elongated “AA” is more appropriate!”

So I guess the KshamaSutra  (the name I give her plans) may just be an appropriate name for Seattle someday?

The KamaSutra is about far more than western people might think at first.  The KshamaSutra appears to be a rather unique name and it’s my hope that it will stick to her as well as stink does to dog poop.  Kshamasutra is really about ‘doing it to yourself’, and all who might be ignorant enough to follow..

As you might know, There are a number of reasons that search engines might store information, and content is one of them. If you are as offended as I am by Kshama Sawant, perhaps you’ll point to this page from elsewhere? If you decide to comment on this page, please use the name Kshamasutra or kshama Sutra, or both in that comment.

Scarcity?  I really do think Sawant is capable of leaving a stink, but we’ll see how much of a scar her stink makes.

Capitalisim is evil she says, and the Boeing Machinists should seize Boeing property and make things other than war machines? You need google up this socialist.





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6 Responses to The Kshama Sutra

  1. George B. says:

    My apologies for the language, it’s the only thing that seems to fit.

    • bob g says:

      sometimes vugarity is the only thing and most appropriate way of expressing ones point.

      sad it has to be that way, but..

      when you are dealing with morons one must have patience, when you have to deal with moron’s that are either making policy/laws or regulations that you must live under?

      there just isn’t any other way of expressing it.

      polite language is for reasonable and polite company, however when you are dealing with this sort of vile person… much like a street fight you just can’t adhere to “queensberry rules”.

      that’s the way i see it anyway.

      bob g

      ps. when you are dealing with the devil it is no sin to lie!

      • George B. says:

        Bob.. I did think long and hard before I used the word, but I’ve never heard more filth than what flows from her mouth.

        As I said.. for a Woman NOT to draw a correlation between her encouragement of Machinists to seize Boeing property and do what they wish with it, and Men using her body for what they might wish to do with it? Which of the two should be the larger violation, and why would one be more tolerated than the other?

  2. Bill Knighton says:

    Or might NOT wish to do with it (her body)
    Socialism is not attractive.

  3. Alan Becker says:


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    Best regards,

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